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Minors Protection Law of China (2020)


Type of laws Law

Issuing body Standing Committee of the National People's Congress

Promulgating date Oct 17, 2020

Effective date Jun 01, 2021

Validity status Valid

Scope of application Nationwide

Topic(s) Human Rights Law Protection of Minors

Editor(s) C. J. Observer

Law of China on Protection of Minors 未成年人保護法
(Adopted at the 21st Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Seventh National People’s Congress on September 4, 1991; revised by the Standing Committee of the Tenth National People’s Congress at the 25th Meeting on December 29, 2006; amended in accordance with the Decision on Revising the Law of the People's Republic of China on Protection of Minors made by the Standing Committee of the Eleventh National People’s Congress at the 29th Meeting on October 26, 2012;revised by the Standing Committee of the Thirteenth National People’s Congress at the 22nd Meeting on October 17, 2020) (1991年9月4日第七屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第二十一次會議通過 2006年12月29日第十屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第二十五次會議第一次修訂 根據2012年10月26日第十一屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第二十九次會議《關于修改〈中華人民共和國未成年人保護法〉的決定》修正 2020年10月17日第十三屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第二十二次會議第二次修訂)
Chapter I General Provisions 第一章 總  則
Article 1?This Law is enacted in accordance with the Constitution for the purpose of protecting the physical and mental health of minors, safeguarding their lawful rights and interests, promoting their all-around development -- moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic and hard-working spirit development, training them to be builders of and successors to the socialist cause with lofty ideals, sound morality, better education and a good sense of discipline, and fostering them to be a new generation to undertake the task of national rejuvenation. 第一條 為了保護未成年人身心健康,保障未成年人合法權益,促進未成年人德智體美勞全面發展,培養有理想、有道德、有文化、有紀律的社會主義建設者和接班人,培養擔當民族復興大任的時代新人,根據憲法,制定本法。
Article 2?For the purposes of this Law, minors mean citizens under the age of 18. 第二條 本法所稱未成年人是指未滿十八周歲的公民。
Article 3?The State shall guarantee minors’ right to life, the right to development, the right to being protected and the right to participation. 第三條 國家保障未成年人的生存權、發展權、受保護權、參與權等權利。
Minors shall enjoy all the lawful rights equally according to law, and shall not be discriminated due to the ethnic status, race, gender, census register, profession, religious belief, education, family background, and physical and mental condition of themselves, their parents or other guardians. 未成年人依法平等地享有各項權利,不因本人及其父母或者其他監護人的民族、種族、性別、戶籍、職業、宗教信仰、教育程度、家庭狀況、身心健康狀況等受到歧視。
Article 4?The protection of minors shall adhere to the principle of the best interests of minors. In handling the matters related to minors, the following requirements shall be fulfilled: 第四條 保護未成年人,應當堅持最有利于未成年人的原則。處理涉及未成年人事項,應當符合下列要求:
(1)?Giving special and preferential protection to minors; (一)給予未成年人特殊、優先保護;
(2)?Respecting the personal dignity of minors; (二)尊重未成年人人格尊嚴;
(3)?Protecting privacy and personal information of minors; (三)保護未成年人隱私權和個人信息;
(4)?Following the law and characteristics of minors’ physical and mental development; (四)適應未成年人身心健康發展的規律和特點;
(5)?Considering the opinion of minors; and (五)聽取未成年人的意見;
(6)?Combining protection with education. (六)保護與教育相結合。
Article 5?The State, society, schools and families shall conduct education to minors in ideals, morality, science, culture, rule of law, national security, health, hard-working spirit, as well as in patriotism, collectivism and socialism with Chinese characteristic, foster among them the social ethics of loving the motherland, the people, the work, science and socialism to withstand the corrosive influence of capitalism, feudalism and other decadent ideologies, and guide minors to cultivate and practice the core values of Chinese socialism. 第五條 國家、社會、學校和家庭應當對未成年人進行理想教育、道德教育、科學教育、文化教育、法治教育、國家安全教育、健康教育、勞動教育,加強愛國主義、集體主義和中國特色社會主義的教育,培養愛祖國、愛人民、愛勞動、愛科學、愛社會主義的公德,抵制資本主義、封建主義和其他腐朽思想的侵蝕,引導未成年人樹立和踐行社會主義核心價值觀。
Article 6?To protect minors is the common responsibility of State organs, armed forces, political parties, people’s organizations, enterprises and institutions, social organizations, self-governing mass organizations at grass-root level in urban and rural areas, guardians of minors and other adult citizens. 第六條 保護未成年人,是國家機關、武裝力量、政黨、人民團體、企業事業單位、社會組織、城鄉基層群眾性自治組織、未成年人的監護人以及其他成年人的共同責任。
The State, society, schools and families shall educate and assist minors to safeguard their lawful rights and interests, enhance their awareness and ability of self-protection. 國家、社會、學校和家庭應當教育和幫助未成年人維護自身合法權益,增強自我保護的意識和能力。
Article 7?The parents or other guardians of minors shall undertake the guardian’s responsibility to minors according to law. 第七條 未成年人的父母或者其他監護人依法對未成年人承擔監護職責。
The State shall adopt measures to guide, support, assist and supervise the parents or other guardians of minors to execute their guardian’s responsibilities. 國家采取措施指導、支持、幫助和監督未成年人的父母或者其他監護人履行監護職責。
Article 8?People’s governments above the county level shall include the work of protection of minors in their national economic and social development plans and include the funds needed for the work into their budgets. 第八條 縣級以上人民政府應當將未成年人保護工作納入國民經濟和社會發展規劃,相關經費納入本級政府預算。
Article 9?People’s governments above the county level shall establish a coordination mechanism of protection of minors, planning overall, coordinating, promoting and guiding the protection work of the relevant departments within the scope of their respective responsibilities. The specific work of the coordination mechanism shall be undertaken by the civil affairs department of the people's government above the county level, and the people’s government at the provincial level may also decide the specific work to be undertaken by other relevant departments according to the actual situation. 第九條 縣級以上人民政府應當建立未成年人保護工作協調機制,統籌、協調、督促和指導有關部門在各自職責范圍內做好未成年人保護工作。協調機制具體工作由縣級以上人民政府民政部門承擔,省級人民政府也可以根據本地實際情況確定由其他有關部門承擔。
Article 10?The Communist Youth League, the women's federation, trade union, the disabled person’s federation, the working committee for caring the next generation, the Youth Federation, the students' federation, the young pioneers and other people's organizations and relevant social organizations shall assist people's governments at all levels and their relevant departments, the people's procuratorates and the people's courts in the protection of minors, safeguarding their lawful rights and interests. 第十條 共產主義青年團、婦女聯合會、工會、殘疾人聯合會、關心下一代工作委員會、青年聯合會、學生聯合會、少年先鋒隊以及其他人民團體、有關社會組織,應當協助各級人民政府及其有關部門、人民檢察院、人民法院做好未成年人保護工作,維護未成年人合法權益。
Article 11?Any organization or individual has the right to discourage, prevent, or report or make an accusation against an act to the public security, civil affairs, education and other relevant departments, which is not conducive to the physical or mental health of minors or infringes upon the lawful rights and interests of minors. 第十一條 任何組織或者個人發現不利于未成年人身心健康或者侵犯未成年人合法權益的情形,都有權勸阻、制止或者向公安、民政、教育等有關部門提出檢舉、控告。
When a State organ, residents' committee, villagers' committee, or unit that has close contact with minors and its staff discover that the physical or mental health of minors has been infringed, is suspected to have been infringed, or facing other dangerous situations in their work, they shall make an instant report to the public security, civil affairs, education or other relevant departments. 國家機關、居民委員會、村民委員會、密切接觸未成年人的單位及其工作人員,在工作中發現未成年人身心健康受到侵害、疑似受到侵害或者面臨其他危險情形的,應當立即向公安、民政、教育等有關部門報告。
When receiving a report of an offense, accusation or report involving minors, the relevant departments shall accept and handle it in a timely manner in accordance with the law, and inform the relevant units or personnel of the handling results in an appropriate way. 有關部門接到涉及未成年人的檢舉、控告或者報告,應當依法及時受理、處置,并以適當方式將處理結果告知相關單位和人員。
Article 12?The State shall encourage and support scientific research on the protection of minors, establish relevant disciplines and specialties, and strengthen personnel training. 第十二條 國家鼓勵和支持未成年人保護方面的科學研究,建設相關學科、設置相關專業,加強人才培養。
Article 13?The State shall establish and improve the statistics and investigation system for minors, to carry out statistics, investigation and analysis of minors' health and education, and publish relevant information on the protection of minors. 第十三條 國家建立健全未成年人統計調查制度,開展未成年人健康、受教育等狀況的統計、調查和分析,發布未成年人保護的有關信息。
Article 14?The State shall commend and reward organizations and individuals that have made remarkable achievements in the protection of minors. 第十四條 國家對保護未成年人有顯著成績的組織和個人給予表彰和獎勵。
Chapter II Protection by the Family 第二章 家庭保護
Article 15?The parents or other guardians of minors shall learn family education, accept guidance on family education, and create a good, harmonious and civilized family environment. 第十五條 未成年人的父母或者其他監護人應當學習家庭教育知識,接受家庭教育指導,創造良好、和睦、文明的家庭環境。
Other adult family members living together with minors shall assist their parents or other guardians in raising, educating and protecting the minors. 共同生活的其他成年家庭成員應當協助未成年人的父母或者其他監護人撫養、教育和保護未成年人。
Article 16?The parents or other guardians of minors shall perform the following duties under guardianship: 第十六條 未成年人的父母或者其他監護人應當履行下列監護職責:
(1)?To provide minors with life, health, safety and other aspects of protection; (一)為未成年人提供生活、健康、安全等方面的保障;
(2)?To care for the physical, psychological and emotional needs of minors; (二)關注未成年人的生理、心理狀況和情感需求;
(3)?To educate and guide minors to abide by the law, to be diligent and thrifty, and to develop a good moral character and behavior habits; (三)教育和引導未成年人遵紀守法、勤儉節約,養成良好的思想品德和行為習慣;
(4)?To conduct safety education for minors to improve their self-protection awareness and ability; (四)對未成年人進行安全教育,提高未成年人的自我保護意識和能力;
(5)?To respect minors' right to receive education and ensure that school-age minors receive and complete compulsory education in accordance with the law; (五)尊重未成年人受教育的權利,保障適齡未成年人依法接受并完成義務教育;
(6)?To ensure the time of rest, entertainment and physical exercise for minors, and guide them to carry out activities beneficial to their physical and mental health; (六)保障未成年人休息、娛樂和體育鍛煉的時間,引導未成年人進行有益身心健康的活動;
(7)?To properly manage and protect the property of minors; (七)妥善管理和保護未成年人的財產;
(8)?To act for minors to carry out civil legal acts in accordance with law; (八)依法代理未成年人實施民事法律行為;
(9)?To prevent and stop the bad behaviors and illegal and criminal behaviors of minors and conduct reasonable discipline; and (九)預防和制止未成年人的不良行為和違法犯罪行為,并進行合理管教;
(10)?Other duties under guardianship that should be performed. (十)其他應當履行的監護職責。
Article 17?The parents or other guardians of minors shall not perform any of the following acts: 第十七條 未成年人的父母或者其他監護人不得實施下列行為:
(1)?To maltreat, abandon, illegally place out minors for adoption or conduct domestic violence against minors; (一)虐待、遺棄、非法送養未成年人或者對未成年人實施家庭暴力;
(2)?To allow, abet or use minors to commit crimes; (二)放任、教唆或者利用未成年人實施違法犯罪行為;
(3)?To allow or abet minors to participate in religious cults or superstitious activities, or to accept terrorism, separatism, extremism and other violations; (三)放任、唆使未成年人參與邪教、迷信活動或者接受恐怖主義、分裂主義、極端主義等侵害;
(4)?To allow or abet minors to smoke (including e-cigarettes, the same below), drink, gamble, wander and beg or bully others; (四)放任、唆使未成年人吸煙(含電子煙,下同)、飲酒、賭博、流浪乞討或者欺凌他人;
(5)?To allow or force the minors who should receive compulsory education to drop out of school; (五)放任或者迫使應當接受義務教育的未成年人失學、輟學;
(6)?To allow minors to indulge in the internet and contact with books, newspapers, films, radio and television programs, audio-visual products, electronic publications or internet information that endangers or may affect their physical or mental health; (六)放任未成年人沉迷網絡,接觸危害或者可能影響其身心健康的圖書、報刊、電影、廣播電視節目、音像制品、電子出版物和網絡信息等;
(7) To allow minors to enter commercial entertainment places, bars, internet service places and other places not appropriate for minors; (七)放任未成年人進入營業性娛樂場所、酒吧、互聯網上網服務營業場所等不適宜未成年人活動的場所;
(8) To allow or force minors to engage in labor other than those prescribed by the State; (八)允許或者迫使未成年人從事國家規定以外的勞動;
(9) To allow or force minors into marriage or engagement; (九)允許、迫使未成年人結婚或者為未成年人訂立婚約;
(10) To illegally dispose of or misappropriate the property of minors or make use of minors to seek unlawful interests; or (十)違法處分、侵吞未成年人的財產或者利用未成年人牟取不正當利益;
(11) Other acts that infringe upon minors' physical or mental health, property rights and interests, or fail to perform duties of protecting minors according to the law. (十一)其他侵犯未成年人身心健康、財產權益或者不依法履行未成年人保護義務的行為。
Article 18?The parents or other guardians of minors shall provide a safe family living environment for them, and timely eliminate the potential safety hazards that may cause electric shock, scald, fall and other injuries; measures should be taken to prevent minors from being injured by traffic accidents by equipping cars with child safety seats and educating them to abide by traffic rules; parents or other guardians shall improve minors’ awareness of outdoors safety to avoid drowning, animal injury and other accidents. 第十八條 未成年人的父母或者其他監護人應當為未成年人提供安全的家庭生活環境,及時排除引發觸電、燙傷、跌落等傷害的安全隱患;采取配備兒童安全座椅、教育未成年人遵守交通規則等措施,防止未成年人受到交通事故的傷害;提高戶外安全保護意識,避免未成年人發生溺水、動物傷害等事故。
Article 19?When making decisions concerning the rights and interests of minors, their parents or other guardians shall, on the basis of minors’ age and intellectual development, hear their opinions and consider their true will. 第十九條 未成年人的父母或者其他監護人應當根據未成年人的年齡和智力發展狀況,在作出與未成年人權益有關的決定前,聽取未成年人的意見,充分考慮其真實意愿。
Article 20?When the parents or other guardians of a minor find that the physical or mental health of the minor has been infringed, or is suspected to have been infringed, or other lawful rights and interests have been infringed, they shall timely learn about the situation and take protective measures; when the situation is critical, it shall be reported to the public security, civil affairs, education or other departments immediately. 第二十條 未成年人的父母或者其他監護人發現未成年人身心健康受到侵害、疑似受到侵害或者其他合法權益受到侵犯的,應當及時了解情況并采取保護措施;情況嚴重的,應當立即向公安、民政、教育等部門報告。
Article 21?The parents or other guardians of minors shall not leave unattended the minors under the age of eight or in need of special care due to physical or psychological reasons, or leave them to temporary care by persons without or with limited capacity for performing civil juristic acts, or suffering from serious infectious diseases, or by other inappropriate persons. 第二十一條 未成年人的父母或者其他監護人不得使未滿八周歲或者由于身體、心理原因需要特別照顧的未成年人處于無人看護狀態,或者將其交由無民事行為能力、限制民事行為能力、患有嚴重傳染性疾病或者其他不適宜的人員臨時照護。
The parents or other guardians of minors shall not cause the minors under the age of 16 to live alone without guardianship. 未成年人的父母或者其他監護人不得使未滿十六周歲的未成年人脫離監護單獨生活。
Article 22?When the parents or other guardians of minors are unable to fully perform their duties under guardianship within a certain period of time due to reasons as going out to work, they shall entrust a person with full capacity for performing civil juristic acts to attend minors; in case of no proper reasons, the minors shall not be entrusted to be cared by others. 第二十二條 未成年人的父母或者其他監護人因外出務工等原因在一定期限內不能完全履行監護職責的,應當委托具有照護能力的完全民事行為能力人代為照護;無正當理由的,不得委托他人代為照護。
The parents or other guardians of minors shall, when determining the entrusted persons, take into account their moral character, family background, physical and mental health, and emotional connection with minors, and listen to the opinions of minors who have the ability to express their will. 未成年人的父母或者其他監護人在確定被委托人時,應當綜合考慮其道德品質、家庭狀況、身心健康狀況、與未成年人生活情感上的聯系等情況,并聽取有表達意愿能力未成年人的意見。
Any person, under any of the following circumstances, shall not be designated as the entrusted party: 具有下列情形之一的,不得作為被委托人:
(1)The person who has committed illegal acts or crimes including sexual assault, maltreatment, abandonment, abduction, or violent injury; (一)曾實施性侵害、虐待、遺棄、拐賣、暴力傷害等違法犯罪行為;
(2) The person with drug abuse, alcohol abuse, gambling or other bad habits; (二)有吸毒、酗酒、賭博等惡習;
(3)The person who has refused to perform or has been negligent in performing the duty of a guardian or care duty for a long time; (三)曾拒不履行或者長期怠于履行監護、照護職責;
(4) Other circumstances not appropriate for acting as the entrusted person. (四)其他不適宜擔任被委托人的情形。
Article 23?The parents or other guardians of minors shall promptly inform in writing the minors’ schools, kindergartens, and the residents' committee or villagers' committee where they actually live, of the entrusted care, and strengthen communication with their schools or kindergartens; contact and communicate with minors and the entrusted person at least once a week to learn about minors’ life, study, psychology, etc., and give them family caring and love. 第二十三條 未成年人的父母或者其他監護人應當及時將委托照護情況書面告知未成年人所在學校、幼兒園和實際居住地的居民委員會、村民委員會,加強和未成年人所在學校、幼兒園的溝通;與未成年人、被委托人至少每周聯系和交流一次,了解未成年人的生活、學習、心理等情況,并給予未成年人親情關愛。
The parents or other guardians of minors shall, upon receiving notices from the entrusted person, residents' committee, villagers' committee, schools, and kindergartens, about the psychological and behavioral abnormalities of minors, take timely intervention measures. 未成年人的父母或者其他監護人接到被委托人、居民委員會、村民委員會、學校、幼兒園等關于未成年人心理、行為異常的通知后,應當及時采取干預措施。
Article 24?When a minor's parents decide upon divorce, they shall properly handle matters of the upbringing, education, visitation, property of a minor child, and hear the opinions of the minor who has the ability to express his will. The parents shall not be allowed to struggle for custody by seizing or hiding the minor child. 第二十四條 未成年人的父母離婚時,應當妥善處理未成年子女的撫養、教育、探望、財產等事宜,聽取有表達意愿能力未成年人的意見。不得以搶奪、藏匿未成年子女等方式爭奪撫養權。
After the divorce of a minor's parents, the party who does not directly support the child shall visit the minor without affecting his study and life according to the time and procedure determined by an agreement, the people's court's judgment or mediation,. The party who directly supports the minor shall cooperate, except that the right of visitation is suspended by the people's court in accordance with law. 未成年人的父母離婚后,不直接撫養未成年子女的一方應當依照協議、人民法院判決或者調解確定的時間和方式,在不影響未成年人學習、生活的情況下探望未成年子女,直接撫養的一方應當配合,但被人民法院依法中止探望權的除外。
Chapter III Protection by the School 第三章 學校保護
Article 25?Schools shall comprehensively implement the State policy on education, foster virtue through education, conduct education aimed at all-round development, enhance education quality, stress the cultivation of the students’ ability of cognition, cooperation, innovation and practice, to promote their all-over development. 第二十五條 學校應當全面貫徹國家教育方針,堅持立德樹人,實施素質教育,提高教育質量,注重培養未成年學生認知能力、合作能力、創新能力和實踐能力,促進未成年學生全面發展。
Schools shall establish a working system for protection of the students, improve students' code of conduct, and cultivate good habits of abiding by the law and discipline. 學校應當建立未成年學生保護工作制度,健全學生行為規范,培養未成年學生遵紀守法的良好行為習慣。
Article 26?Kindergartens shall undertake the responsibilities in care and education, follow the law of children's physical and mental development, implement enlightenment education, and promote the harmonious development of children's physique, intelligence, and moral character. 第二十六條 幼兒園應當做好保育、教育工作,遵循幼兒身心發展規律,實施啟蒙教育,促進幼兒在體質、智力、品德等方面和諧發展。
Article 27?Teaching and administrative staff in schools and kindergartens shall respect the personal dignity of minors, and shall not subject them to corporal punishment or corporal punishment in disguised form, or commit any other act that humiliates the personal dignity of minors. 第二十七條 學校、幼兒園的教職員工應當尊重未成年人人格尊嚴,不得對未成年人實施體罰、變相體罰或者其他侮辱人格尊嚴的行為。
Article 28?Schools shall guarantee the right of minors to education, and shall not, in violation of State regulations, expel them from school or expel them in disguised form. 第二十八條 學校應當保障未成年學生受教育的權利,不得違反國家規定開除、變相開除未成年學生。
Schools should have minors who have not completed compulsory education registered and persuade them to return to school. When the persuasion is invalid, a written report shall be made to the educational administration department in time. 學校應當對尚未完成義務教育的輟學未成年學生進行登記并勸返復學;勸返無效的,應當及時向教育行政部門書面報告。
Article 29?Schools shall care for and protect the underage students and shall not discriminate against them on the basis of family, physical conditions, psychology and learning abilities. Special care should be given to students with family difficulties or physical or mental disabilities. Students with abnormal behaviors or learning difficulties should be helped patiently. 第二十九條 學校應當關心、愛護未成年學生,不得因家庭、身體、心理、學習能力等情況歧視學生。對家庭困難、身心有障礙的學生,應當提供關愛;對行為異常、學習有困難的學生,應當耐心幫助。
Schools shall cooperate with relevant government departments to establish files of left-behind minors and minors in difficult circumstances, and carry out care and assistance work. 學校應當配合政府有關部門建立留守未成年學生、困境未成年學生的信息檔案,開展關愛幫扶工作。
Article 30?Schools shall, according to the characteristics of the physical and mental development of minor students, provide guidance for social life, guidance for mental health, education of adolescence and life education. 第三十條 學校應當根據未成年學生身心發展特點,進行社會生活指導、心理健康輔導、青春期教育和生命教育。
Article 31?Schools shall organize students to participate in daily life labor, production activities and provide services appropriate to their age, so as to help them master necessary work knowledge and skills and cultivate good working habits. 第三十一條 學校應當組織未成年學生參加與其年齡相適應的日常生活勞動、生產勞動和服務性勞動,幫助未成年學生掌握必要的勞動知識和技能,養成良好的勞動習慣。
Article 32?Schools and kindergartens shall carry out publicity and education activities of diligence and thrift, combating waste, cherishing food and civilized diet, to help minors cultivate the sense of shame in waste and pride in saving, and develop civilized, healthy and green living habits. 第三十二條 學校、幼兒園應當開展勤儉節約、反對浪費、珍惜糧食、文明飲食等宣傳教育活動,幫助未成年人樹立浪費可恥、節約為榮的意識,養成文明健康、綠色環保的生活習慣。
Article 33?Schools shall cooperate with parents or other guardians of minor students to arrange reasonably their study time and ensure their time for rest, entertainment and physical exercise. 第三十三條 學校應當與未成年學生的父母或者其他監護人互相配合,合理安排未成年學生的學習時間,保障其休息、娛樂和體育鍛煉的時間。
Schools shall not take up national statutory holidays, rest days and winter or summer holidays, to organize students in the stage of compulsory education to attend extra lessons collectively which will increase their learning burden. 學校不得占用國家法定節假日、休息日及寒暑假期,組織義務教育階段的未成年學生集體補課,加重其學習負擔。
Kindergartens and off-campus training institutions shall not provide primary school curriculum courses to preschool minors. 幼兒園、校外培訓機構不得對學齡前未成年人進行小學課程教育。
Article 34?Schools and kindergartens shall provide necessary conditions for health care and assist the health departments in the work of health care for minors in schools and kindergartens. 第三十四條 學校、幼兒園應當提供必要的衛生保健條件,協助衛生健康部門做好在校、在園未成年人的衛生保健工作。
Article 35?Schools and kindergartens shall establish a safety management system, carry out safety education for minors, improve security facilities and provide security personnel, so as to ensure the personal and property safety of minors in school and in kindergartens. 第三十五條 學校、幼兒園應當建立安全管理制度,對未成年人進行安全教育,完善安保設施、配備安保人員,保障未成年人在校、在園期間的人身和財產安全。
Schools and kindergartens shall not carry out educational and teaching activities in school buildings or other facilities and places that endanger the personal safety and physical and mental health of minors. 學校、幼兒園不得在危及未成年人人身安全、身心健康的校舍和其他設施、場所中進行教育教學活動。
Schools and kindergartens should protect the physical and mental health of minors and prevent personal injury accidents when arranging them to participate in cultural entertainment, social practice and other collective activities. 學校、幼兒園安排未成年人參加文化娛樂、社會實踐等集體活動,應當保護未成年人的身心健康,防止發生人身傷害事故。
Article 36?Schools and kindergartens that use school buses shall establish and improve the school bus safety management system, hire safety management personnel, conduct regular safety inspection on school buses, provide safety education to school bus drivers, and instruct minors in school bus safety to cultivate their emergency handling skills for school bus safety accidents. 第三十六條 使用校車的學校、幼兒園應當建立健全校車安全管理制度,配備安全管理人員,定期對校車進行安全檢查,對校車駕駛人進行安全教育,并向未成年人講解校車安全乘坐知識,培養未成年人校車安全事故應急處理技能。
Article 37?Schools and kindergartens shall, according to their needs, formulate plans for dealing with natural disasters, accidental disasters, public health incidents and other emergencies and accidental injuries, equip them with corresponding facilities and conduct necessary drills on a regular basis. 第三十七條 學校、幼兒園應當根據需要,制定應對自然災害、事故災難、公共衛生事件等突發事件和意外傷害的預案,配備相應設施并定期進行必要的演練。
When a minor suffers a personal injury accident at school or kindergarten, or in the activities outside the school or kindergarten organized by the school or kindergarten, the school or kindergarten shall immediately give first aid and properly handle the injury, promptly notify the parents or other guardians of the minor, and report to the relevant departments. 未成年人在校內、園內或者本校、本園組織的校外、園外活動中發生人身傷害事故的,學校、幼兒園應當立即救護,妥善處理,及時通知未成年人的父母或者其他監護人,并向有關部門報告。
Article 38?Schools and kindergartens shall not arrange for minors to participate in commercial activities, and shall not sell or require minors and their parents or other guardians to buy designated commodities or services. 第三十八條 學校、幼兒園不得安排未成年人參加商業性活動,不得向未成年人及其父母或者其他監護人推銷或者要求其購買指定的商品和服務。
Schools and kindergartens shall not cooperate with off-campus training institutions to provide paid tutoring courses for minors. 學校、幼兒園不得與校外培訓機構合作為未成年人提供有償課程輔導。
Article 39?Schools shall establish a working system for the prevention and control of student bullying, and carry out education and training on the prevention and control of student bullying among teaching staff and students. 第三十九條 學校應當建立學生欺凌防控工作制度,對教職員工、學生等開展防治學生欺凌的教育和培訓。
Schools shall immediately stop the bullying behaviors and inform the parents or other guardians of the bullying and the bullied underage students to participate in the identification and handling of the bullying; provide psychological counseling, education and guidance to relevant minor students in time; and the parents or other guardians of relevant minors shall be given necessary family education guidance. 學校對學生欺凌行為應當立即制止,通知實施欺凌和被欺凌未成年學生的父母或者其他監護人參與欺凌行為的認定和處理;對相關未成年學生及時給予心理輔導、教育和引導;對相關未成年學生的父母或者其他監護人給予必要的家庭教育指導。
As for the underage students who are bullies, schools shall strengthen the discipline according to the nature and degree of the bullying in accordance with law. Schools shall not conceal the serious bullying behavior, and shall report it to the public security organ and the educational administration department in time, and cooperate with the relevant departments to deal with it in accordance with law. 對實施欺凌的未成年學生,學校應當根據欺凌行為的性質和程度,依法加強管教。對嚴重的欺凌行為,學校不得隱瞞,應當及時向公安機關、教育行政部門報告,并配合相關部門依法處理。
Article 40?Schools and kindergartens shall establish a working system for the prevention of sexual assault or harassment to minors. Schools and kindergartens shall not conceal such illegal and criminal acts of sexual assault and harassment to minors. They shall report to the public security organ and the educational administration department in time, and cooperate with relevant departments to deal with such illegal and criminal acts in accordance with the law. 第四十條 學校、幼兒園應當建立預防性侵害、性騷擾未成年人工作制度。對性侵害、性騷擾未成年人等違法犯罪行為,學校、幼兒園不得隱瞞,應當及時向公安機關、教育行政部門報告,并配合相關部門依法處理。
Schools and kindergartens shall carry out sex education for minors appropriate for their age, and improve their awareness and ability of self-protection against sexual assault or harassment. Schools and kindergartens shall take timely protective measures for minors who suffer from sexual assault or harassment. 學校、幼兒園應當對未成年人開展適合其年齡的性教育,提高未成年人防范性侵害、性騷擾的自我保護意識和能力。對遭受性侵害、性騷擾的未成年人,學校、幼兒園應當及時采取相關的保護措施。
Article 41?Infant care service institutions, early education service institutions, off-campus training institutions and off-campus care institutions shall, with reference to the relevant provisions of this chapter, protect minors according to the characteristics and laws of minors’ growth at different ages. 第四十一條 嬰幼兒照護服務機構、早期教育服務機構、校外培訓機構、校外托管機構等應當參照本章有關規定,根據不同年齡階段未成年人的成長特點和規律,做好未成年人保護工作。
Chapter IV Protection by Society 第四章 社會保護
Article 42?Sound values shall be fostered in society, whereby minors are well cared and protected. 第四十二條 全社會應當樹立關心、愛護未成年人的良好風尚。
The State encourages, supports and guides the people’s groups, enterprises and institutions, social organizations and individuals to carry out various forms of social activities that are conducive to the healthy growth of minors. 國家鼓勵、支持和引導人民團體、企業事業單位、社會組織以及其他組織和個人,開展有利于未成年人健康成長的社會活動和服務。
Article 43?The residents' committee and the villagers' committee shall set up a special agency and designate special personnel to take charge of the protection of minors, assist the relevant government departments in publicizing the laws and regulations on the protection of the minors, guide, assist and supervise the parents or other guardians of minors to perform their duties under guardianship in accordance with law, and set up files of the left-behind minors and minors in difficult circumstances and provide them with care and assistance. 第四十三條 居民委員會、村民委員會應當設置專人專崗負責未成年人保護工作,協助政府有關部門宣傳未成年人保護方面的法律法規,指導、幫助和監督未成年人的父母或者其他監護人依法履行監護職責,建立留守未成年人、困境未成年人的信息檔案并給予關愛幫扶。
The residents' committee and the villagers' committee shall assist the relevant government departments in supervising the entrusted care of minors, and report in time to the relevant government departments when they find that the entrusted person lacks the care ability or is negligent in performing the care duties, and inform the parents or other guardians of the minors, so as to help and urge the entrusted person to perform the care duties. 居民委員會、村民委員會應當協助政府有關部門監督未成年人委托照護情況,發現被委托人缺乏照護能力、怠于履行照護職責等情況,應當及時向政府有關部門報告,并告知未成年人的父母或者其他監護人,幫助、督促被委托人履行照護職責。
Article 44?Patriotism education bases, libraries, youths’ and children’s palaces, children’s activity centers and homes for children shall be open to minors free of charge; museums, memorial halls, science and technology centers, exhibition halls, art galleries, cultural centers, internet service places for public welfare of a community, cinemas and theatres, stadiums and gymnasiums, zoos, botanical gardens, parks, etc. shall be open to minors free of charge or on a preferential basis in accordance with relevant regulations. 第四十四條 愛國主義教育基地、圖書館、青少年宮、兒童活動中心、兒童之家應當對未成年人免費開放;博物館、紀念館、科技館、展覽館、美術館、文化館、社區公益性互聯網上網服務場所以及影劇院、體育場館、動物園、植物園、公園等場所,應當按照有關規定對未成年人免費或者優惠開放。
The State encourages patriotism education bases, museums, science and technology centers, art galleries and other public venues to set up special venues for minors to provide targeted services for them. 國家鼓勵愛國主義教育基地、博物館、科技館、美術館等公共場館開設未成年人專場,為未成年人提供有針對性的服務。
The State encourages state organs, enterprises, institutions and troops to develop their own educational resources and set up open days for minors to support theme education, social practice and professional experience for minors. 國家鼓勵國家機關、企業事業單位、部隊等開發自身教育資源,設立未成年人開放日,為未成年人主題教育、社會實踐、職業體驗等提供支持。
The State encourages scientific research institutions and scientific and technological social organizations to carry out scientific popularization activities for minors. 國家鼓勵科研機構和科技類社會組織對未成年人開展科學普及活動。
Article 45?Urban public transport, highway, railway, waterway, air passenger transport, shall implement free or preferential fares for minors in accordance with relevant regulations. 第四十五條 城市公共交通以及公路、鐵路、水路、航空客運等應當按照有關規定對未成年人實施免費或者優惠票價。
Article 46?The State encourages large-scale public places, public transport vehicles, scenic spots, to set up maternal and infant rooms, baby changing tables, and sanitary facilities such as toilets and wash basins for young children, which are convenient for minors. 第四十六條 國家鼓勵大型公共場所、公共交通工具、旅游景區景點等設置母嬰室、嬰兒護理臺以及方便幼兒使用的坐便器、洗手臺等衛生設施,為未成年人提供便利。
Article 47?No organization or individual shall, in violation of the relevant provisions, restrict the care or preferential treatment that minors should enjoy. 第四十七條 任何組織或者個人不得違反有關規定,限制未成年人應當享有的照顧或者優惠。
Article 48?The State encourages the creation, publication, production and dissemination of books, newspapers and periodicals, films, radio and television programs, stage art works, audio-visual products, electronic publications and network information that are conducive to the healthy growth of minors. 第四十八條 國家鼓勵創作、出版、制作和傳播有利于未成年人健康成長的圖書、報刊、電影、廣播電視節目、舞臺藝術作品、音像制品、電子出版物和網絡信息等。
Article 49?The news media shall strengthen publicizing the protection of minors and exercise supervision of public opinion over acts infringing upon the lawful rights and interests of minors. Interviews and reports of news media involving minors shall be objective, and be conducted prudently and moderately, and shall not infringe upon minors' reputation, privacy and other lawful rights and interests. 第四十九條 新聞媒體應當加強未成年人保護方面的宣傳,對侵犯未成年人合法權益的行為進行輿論監督。新聞媒體采訪報道涉及未成年人事件應當客觀、審慎和適度,不得侵犯未成年人的名譽、隱私和其他合法權益。
Article 50?It is prohibited to make, copy, publish, release or disseminate books, newspapers, periodicals, films, radio and television programs, stage art works, audio-visual products, electronic publications and network information that contain harmful contents to the physical and mental health of minors, such as obscenity, pornography, violence, cult, superstition, gambling, suicide inducement, terrorism, separatism and extremism. 第五十條 禁止制作、復制、出版、發布、傳播含有宣揚淫穢、色情、暴力、邪教、迷信、賭博、引誘自殺、恐怖主義、分裂主義、極端主義等危害未成年人身心健康內容的圖書、報刊、電影、廣播電視節目、舞臺藝術作品、音像制品、電子出版物和網絡信息等。
Article 51?Any organization or individual that publishes, releases or disseminates books, newspapers and periodicals, movies, radio and television programs, stage art works, audio-visual products, electronic publications or network information that may affect the physical and mental health of minors shall give a conspicuous warning. 第五十一條 任何組織或者個人出版、發布、傳播的圖書、報刊、電影、廣播電視節目、舞臺藝術作品、音像制品、電子出版物或者網絡信息,包含可能影響未成年人身心健康內容的,應當以顯著方式作出提示。
Article 52?It is prohibited to make, copy, publish, disseminate or possess pornographic articles and network information about minors. 第五十二條 禁止制作、復制、發布、傳播或者持有有關未成年人的淫穢色情物品和網絡信息。
Article 53?No organization or individual shall publish, broadcast, post or distribute advertisements containing contents harmful to the physical and mental health of minors. It is forbidden to broadcast, post or distribute commercial advertisements in schools or kindergartens, or to use school uniforms, teaching materials, etc. to publish or distribute commercial advertisements in disguised form. 第五十三條 任何組織或者個人不得刊登、播放、張貼或者散發含有危害未成年人身心健康內容的廣告;不得在學校、幼兒園播放、張貼或者散發商業廣告;不得利用校服、教材等發布或者變相發布商業廣告。
Article 54?It is forbidden to abduct, sell, kidnap, maltreat, illegally adopt minors, or incur sexual assault or harassment to minors. 第五十四條 禁止拐賣、綁架、虐待、非法收養未成年人,禁止對未成年人實施性侵害、性騷擾。
It is forbidden to coerce, induce or abet a minor to participate in the organizations of the nature of criminal gangs or engage in illegal or criminal activities. 禁止脅迫、引誘、教唆未成年人參加黑社會性質組織或者從事違法犯罪活動。
It is forbidden to coerce, cajole or use minors to beg. 禁止脅迫、誘騙、利用未成年人乞討。
Article 55?The production and sale of food, drugs, toys, utensils, games and recreational equipment and facilities for minors shall conform to the national or industrial standards, and shall not endanger the personal safety and physical and mental health of minors. The producers of the above-mentioned products shall indicate matters needing attention in a prominent position, and those without matters needing attention shall not be sold. 第五十五條 生產、銷售用于未成年人的食品、藥品、玩具、用具和游戲游藝設備、游樂設施等,應當符合國家或者行業標準,不得危害未成年人的人身安全和身心健康。上述產品的生產者應當在顯著位置標明注意事項,未標明注意事項的不得銷售。
Article 56?Public places where minors gather shall meet the national or industrial safety standards, and appropriate safety protection measures shall be taken. The facilities that may have safety risks shall be regularly maintained and safety warnings shall be set at prominent positions, indicating the age range and precautions; when necessary, special personnel shall be arranged to take care. 第五十六條 未成年人集中活動的公共場所應當符合國家或者行業安全標準,并采取相應安全保護措施。對可能存在安全風險的設施,應當定期進行維護,在顯著位置設置安全警示標志并標明適齡范圍和注意事項;必要時應當安排專門人員看管。
The operation units of large shopping malls, supermarkets, hospitals, libraries, museums, science and technology museums, amusement parks, stations, ports, airports, scenic spots and other places shall set up a security alarm system for searching for lost minors. After receiving a request for help, the operation unit shall immediately start the security alarm system, organize personnel to search and report to the public security organ. 大型的商場、超市、醫院、圖書館、博物館、科技館、游樂場、車站、碼頭、機場、旅游景區景點等場所運營單位應當設置搜尋走失未成年人的安全警報系統。場所運營單位接到求助后,應當立即啟動安全警報系統,組織人員進行搜尋并向公安機關報告。
When an emergency occurs in a public place, priority shall be given to rescuing minors. 公共場所發生突發事件時,應當優先救護未成年人。
Article 57?When hotels, guesthouses, restaurants and other accommodation operators receive minors to stay in, or when they receive minors and adults to stay together, they shall inquire about the contact information of minors’ parents or other guardians, the relationship of the persons who stay in, and other relevant information; in case of finding people who stay in suspicious of breaking the law or committing a crime, the operator shall immediately report to the public security organ and contact the minor’s parents or other guardians in time. 第五十七條 旅館、賓館、酒店等住宿經營者接待未成年人入住,或者接待未成年人和成年人共同入住時,應當詢問父母或者其他監護人的聯系方式、入住人員的身份關系等有關情況;發現有違法犯罪嫌疑的,應當立即向公安機關報告,并及時聯系未成年人的父母或者其他監護人。
Article 58?It is forbidden to set up commercial entertainment venues, bars, internet service places and other places that are not appropriate for minors on the periphery of schools and kindergartens. Business operators of singing and dancing entertainment venues, bars and internet service places that are not appropriate for minors shall not allow minors to enter; electronic game equipment in entertainment places shall not be open to minors except for national statutory holidays. Business operators shall set up signs of no entry or restricted entry for minors in prominent positions; in case it is difficult to determine the age of a buyer, he shall be required to show his identification document. 第五十八條 學校、幼兒園周邊不得設置營業性娛樂場所、酒吧、互聯網上網服務營業場所等不適宜未成年人活動的場所。營業性歌舞娛樂場所、酒吧、互聯網上網服務營業場所等不適宜未成年人活動場所的經營者,不得允許未成年人進入;游藝娛樂場所設置的電子游戲設備,除國家法定節假日外,不得向未成年人提供。經營者應當在顯著位置設置未成年人禁入、限入標志;對難以判明是否是未成年人的,應當要求其出示身份證件。
Article 59?No tobacco, alcohol or lottery sales outlets shall be set up on the periphery of schools or kindergartens. It is forbidden to sell cigarettes, alcohol, lottery tickets or cash lottery prizes to minors. The operators of tobacco, alcohol and lottery tickets shall set up signs of not to sell tobacco, alcohol or lottery tickets to minors in prominent positions; in case it is difficult to determine the age of a person, he shall be required to show his identity document. 第五十九條 學校、幼兒園周邊不得設置煙、酒、彩票銷售網點。禁止向未成年人銷售煙、酒、彩票或者兌付彩票獎金。煙、酒和彩票經營者應當在顯著位置設置不向未成年人銷售煙、酒或者彩票的標志;對難以判明是否是未成年人的,應當要求其出示身份證件。
No person is allowed to smoke or drink alcohol in schools, kindergartens or other public places with gatherings of minors. 任何人不得在學校、幼兒園和其他未成年人集中活動的公共場所吸煙、飲酒。
Article 60?It is forbidden to provide or sell controlled knives or other instruments that may cause serious injury to minors. In case it is difficult for the business operator to ascertain the age of a buyer, he shall be required to show his identity document. 第六十條 禁止向未成年人提供、銷售管制刀具或者其他可能致人嚴重傷害的器具等物品。經營者難以判明購買者是否是未成年人的,應當要求其出示身份證件。
Article 61?No organization or individual may recruit any minor under the age of 16, except where otherwise prescribed by the State. 第六十一條 任何組織或者個人不得招用未滿十六周歲未成年人,國家另有規定的除外。
Commercial entertainment places, bars, internet service places and other places where the activities held are not appropriate for minors shall not recruit minors over the age of 16. 營業性娛樂場所、酒吧、互聯網上網服務營業場所等不適宜未成年人活動的場所不得招用已滿十六周歲的未成年人。
Units and individuals that recruit minors over the age of 16 shall implement the regulations of the State on types of work, working hours, labor intensity and protective measures, and shall not arrange them to engage in excessively heavy, toxic, harmful and other labor or dangerous operations that endanger the physical and mental health of minors. 招用已滿十六周歲未成年人的單位和個人應當執行國家在工種、勞動時間、勞動強度和保護措施等方面的規定,不得安排其從事過重、有毒、有害等危害未成年人身心健康的勞動或者危險作業。
No organization or individual may organize minors to participate in performances or other activities that endanger their physical and mental health. Where minors participate in performances, program production and other activities with the consent of the parents or other guardians of minors, the organizers of the activities shall, in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State, protect the lawful rights and interests of minors. 任何組織或者個人不得組織未成年人進行危害其身心健康的表演等活動。經未成年人的父母或者其他監護人同意,未成年人參與演出、節目制作等活動,活動組織方應當根據國家有關規定,保障未成年人合法權益。
Article 62?When recruiting staff, units that have close contact with minors shall inquire the public security organs and the people's procuratorates whether the candidates have records of illegal or criminal acts including sexual assault, maltreatment, abduction and trafficking, and violence; if it is found that a candidate has the record of the above-mentioned behaviors, he shall not be employed. 第六十二條 密切接觸未成年人的單位招聘工作人員時,應當向公安機關、人民檢察院查詢應聘者是否具有性侵害、虐待、拐賣、暴力傷害等違法犯罪記錄;發現其具有前述行為記錄的,不得錄用。
Units that have close contact with minors shall regularly conduct annual check of their staff members’ records of the above-mentioned illegal and criminal acts. If the employee is found to have the above-mentioned behaviors through inquiry or other means, he shall be dismissed in time. 密切接觸未成年人的單位應當每年定期對工作人員是否具有上述違法犯罪記錄進行查詢。通過查詢或者其他方式發現其工作人員具有上述行為的,應當及時解聘。
Article 63?No organization or individual shall conceal, destroy or illegally delete the letters, diaries, e-mails or other online communications of minors. 第六十三條 任何組織或者個人不得隱匿、毀棄、非法刪除未成年人的信件、日記、電子郵件或者其他網絡通訊內容。
Except for the following circumstances, no organization or individual shall open or consult the letters, diaries, e-mails or other online communications of minors: 除下列情形外,任何組織或者個人不得開拆、查閱未成年人的信件、日記、電子郵件或者其他網絡通訊內容:
(1) The parents or other guardians of a minor with no capacity for performing civil juristic acts may open and check the documents on behalf of the minor; (一)無民事行為能力未成年人的父母或者其他監護人代未成年人開拆、查閱;
(2) To conduct inspection in accordance with the law for the purpose of national security or the investigation of criminal offences; (二)因國家安全或者追查刑事犯罪依法進行檢查;
(3) In emergency and in order to protect the personal safety of minors. (三)緊急情況下為了保護未成年人本人的人身安全。
Chapter V? Internet Protection 第五章 網絡保護
Article 64?The State, society, school and family shall cultivate and enhance minors’ internet literacy by enhancing relevant publicity and education, enhance their awareness and ability of scientific, civilized, safe and rational use of the Internet, and protect their lawful rights and interests in cyberspace. 第六十四條 國家、社會、學校和家庭應當加強未成年人網絡素養宣傳教育,培養和提高未成年人的網絡素養,增強未成年人科學、文明、安全、合理使用網絡的意識和能力,保障未成年人在網絡空間的合法權益。
Article 65?The State encourages and supports the creation and dissemination of online content conducive to the healthy growth of minors, and encourages and supports the research, development, production and use of internet technologies, products and services that specifically serve minors and are appropriate for their physical and mental health. 第六十五條 國家鼓勵和支持有利于未成年人健康成長的網絡內容的創作與傳播,鼓勵和支持專門以未成年人為服務對象、適合未成年人身心健康特點的網絡技術、產品、服務的研發、生產和使用。
Article 66?The cyberspace affairs department and other relevant departments shall strengthen the supervision and inspection of the internet protection of minors, punish the use of the internet to engage in activities endangering the physical and mental health of minors, and provide a safe and healthy network environment for minors. 第六十六條 網信部門及其他有關部門應當加強對未成年人網絡保護工作的監督檢查,依法懲處利用網絡從事危害未成年人身心健康的活動,為未成年人提供安全、健康的網絡環境。
Article 67?The cyberspace affairs department shall, in conjunction with the departments of public security, culture and tourism, press and publication, film, radio and television, determine the types, scope and standards of online information that may affect the physical and mental health of minors according to the needs of protecting minors at different ages. 第六十七條 網信部門會同公安、文化和旅游、新聞出版、電影、廣播電視等部門根據保護不同年齡階段未成年人的需要,確定可能影響未成年人身心健康網絡信息的種類、范圍和判斷標準。
Article 68?The departments of press and publication, education, health, culture and tourism, and cyberspace affairs shall regularly carry out publicity and education on the prevention of minors' addiction to the internet, supervise the online products and service providers to fulfill their obligations of preventing minors' addiction to the internet, and guide families, schools, and social organizations to cooperate with each other and take scientific and reasonable measures to prevent and intervene the internet addiction of minors. 第六十八條 新聞出版、教育、衛生健康、文化和旅游、網信等部門應當定期開展預防未成年人沉迷網絡的宣傳教育,監督網絡產品和服務提供者履行預防未成年人沉迷網絡的義務,指導家庭、學校、社會組織互相配合,采取科學、合理的方式對未成年人沉迷網絡進行預防和干預。
No organization or individual shall be allowed to intervene the internet addiction of minors in the way of infringing their physical and mental health. 任何組織或者個人不得以侵害未成年人身心健康的方式對未成年人沉迷網絡進行干預。
Article 69?The internet service facilities provided by schools, communities, libraries, cultural centers, youth palaces and other places for minors shall be installed with network protection software for minors, or adopt other technical measures for security protection. 第六十九條 學校、社區、圖書館、文化館、青少年宮等場所為未成年人提供的互聯網上網服務設施,應當安裝未成年人網絡保護軟件或者采取其他安全保護技術措施。
Manufacturers and sellers of intelligent terminal products shall install juvenile internet protection software on the products, or inform users of the installation channels and methods of juvenile network protection software in a prominent way. 智能終端產品的制造者、銷售者應當在產品上安裝未成年人網絡保護軟件,或者以顯著方式告知用戶未成年人網絡保護軟件的安裝渠道和方法。
Article 70?Schools shall reasonably use the internet to carry out teaching activities. Without the permission of the school, students are not allowed to bring mobile phones and other intelligent terminal products into the classroom, and those brought into the school should be managed in a unified way. 第七十條 學校應當合理使用網絡開展教學活動。未經學校允許,未成年學生不得將手機等智能終端產品帶入課堂,帶入學校的應當統一管理。
In case a school discovers that a student is addicted to the internet, the school shall inform his parents or other guardians in time, and educate and guide the minor student jointly with his parents or other guardians to help him resume his normal study and life. 學校發現未成年學生沉迷網絡的,應當及時告知其父母或者其他監護人,共同對未成年學生進行教育和引導,幫助其恢復正常的學習生活。
Article 71?Parents or other guardians of minors shall improve their internet literacy, regulate their own internet use, and strengthen their guidance and supervision of minors' internet use. 第七十一條 未成年人的父母或者其他監護人應當提高網絡素養,規范自身使用網絡的行為,加強對未成年人使用網絡行為的引導和監督。
Parents or other guardians of minors shall, by installing network protection software for minors on intelligent terminal products, selecting service modes and management functions appropriate for minors, prevent minors from harmful online information or information which may affect their physical and mental health, and reasonably arrange the time for minors to use the network, and effectively prevent minors from addiction to the internet. 未成年人的父母或者其他監護人應當通過在智能終端產品上安裝未成年人網絡保護軟件、選擇適合未成年人的服務模式和管理功能等方式,避免未成年人接觸危害或者可能影響其身心健康的網絡信息,合理安排未成年人使用網絡的時間,有效預防未成年人沉迷網絡。
Article 72?An information processor shall, in processing personal information of minors through the internet, follow the principle of lawfulness, justification and within a necessary limit. In handling personal information of minors under the age of 14, the consent of the parents or other guardians of the minors shall be obtained, except as otherwise prescribed by laws and administrative regulations. 第七十二條 信息處理者通過網絡處理未成年人個人信息的,應當遵循合法、正當和必要的原則。處理不滿十四周歲未成年人個人信息的,應當征得未成年人的父母或者其他監護人同意,但法律、行政法規另有規定的除外。
If the minors, their parents or other guardians require the information processor to correct or delete the personal information of the minors, the information processor shall take timely measures to correct or delete the personal information of the minors, except as otherwise prescribed by laws and administrative regulations. 未成年人、父母或者其他監護人要求信息處理者更正、刪除未成年人個人信息的,信息處理者應當及時采取措施予以更正、刪除,但法律、行政法規另有規定的除外。
Article 73?The network service provider shall, upon discovering that a minor publishes private information through the network, prompt him in time and take necessary protective measures. 第七十三條 網絡服務提供者發現未成年人通過網絡發布私密信息的,應當及時提示,并采取必要的保護措施。
Article 74?Internet products and service providers shall not provide minors with products or services that induce them to indulge in the internet. 第七十四條 網絡產品和服務提供者不得向未成年人提供誘導其沉迷的產品和服務。
Internet service providers of online games, online live broadcasting, online audio and video, and online social networking should set up appropriate time management, authority management, spending management and other functions for minors who use the services. 網絡游戲、網絡直播、網絡音視頻、網絡社交等網絡服務提供者應當針對未成年人使用其服務設置相應的時間管理、權限管理、消費管理等功能。
Online education network products and services for minors shall not insert online game links, push advertisements and other information irrelevant to teaching. 以未成年人為服務對象的在線教育網絡產品和服務,不得插入網絡游戲鏈接,不得推送廣告等與教學無關的信息。
Article 75?Online games shall be operated only after being approved in accordance with law. 第七十五條 網絡游戲經依法審批后方可運營。
The State shall establish a unified electronic identity authentication system of online games for minors. Online game service providers shall require minors to register and log in online games with their real identity information. 國家建立統一的未成年人網絡游戲電子身份認證系統。網絡游戲服務提供者應當要求未成年人以真實身份信息注冊并登錄網絡游戲。
Online game service providers shall, in accordance with the relevant regulations and standards of the State, classify game products, provide age-appropriate tips, and take technical measures to prevent minors from having access to inappropriate games or game functions. 網絡游戲服務提供者應當按照國家有關規定和標準,對游戲產品進行分類,作出適齡提示,并采取技術措施,不得讓未成年人接觸不適宜的游戲或者游戲功能。
Online game service providers shall not provide services to minors from 22:00 to 8:00 the next morning every day. 網絡游戲服務提供者不得在每日二十二時至次日八時向未成年人提供網絡游戲服務。
Article 76?The online broadcast service provider shall not provide the account registration service of the online broadcast publisher for minors under the age of 16; when providing the service for minors who have reached the age of 16, the provider shall authenticate the minor’s identity information and obtain the consent from his parents or other guardians. 第七十六條 網絡直播服務提供者不得為未滿十六周歲的未成年人提供網絡直播發布者賬號注冊服務;為年滿十六周歲的未成年人提供網絡直播發布者賬號注冊服務時,應當對其身份信息進行認證,并征得其父母或者其他監護人同意。
Article 77?No organization or individual shall abuse, slander, threaten or maliciously damage through the internet the image of minors by words, pictures, audio or video or other forms. 第七十七條 任何組織或者個人不得通過網絡以文字、圖片、音視頻等形式,對未成年人實施侮辱、誹謗、威脅或者惡意損害形象等網絡欺凌行為。
Minors who are subject to internet bullying and their parents or other guardians have the right to inform the network service provider to take measures including deleting, blocking and disconnecting links. After receiving the notice, the network service provider shall take necessary measures to stop the internet bullying and prevent the information from spreading. 遭受網絡欺凌的未成年人及其父母或者其他監護人有權通知網絡服務提供者采取刪除、屏蔽、斷開鏈接等措施。網絡服務提供者接到通知后,應當及時采取必要的措施制止網絡欺凌行為,防止信息擴散。
Article 78?The providers of network products and services shall establish convenient, reasonable and effective channels for complaints and reports, disclose methods about complaints and reports and other information, and timely accept and handle complaints and reports involving minors. 第七十八條 網絡產品和服務提供者應當建立便捷、合理、有效的投訴和舉報渠道,公開投訴、舉報方式等信息,及時受理并處理涉及未成年人的投訴、舉報。
Article 79?Any organization or individual who discovers that online products or services contain information harmful to the physical and mental health of minors has the right to complain or report to the online products or service providers or the departments of cyberspace affairs, public security and other departments. 第七十九條 任何組織或者個人發現網絡產品、服務含有危害未成年人身心健康的信息,有權向網絡產品和服務提供者或者網信、公安等部門投訴、舉報。
Article 80?If a network service provider discovers that a user publishes or disseminates information that may affect the physical and mental health of minors and fails to give a prominent prompt, the service provider shall give a prompt or notify the user to give a prompt; if no prompt is given, no relevant information shall be transmitted. 第八十條 網絡服務提供者發現用戶發布、傳播可能影響未成年人身心健康的信息且未作顯著提示的,應當作出提示或者通知用戶予以提示;未作出提示的,不得傳輸相關信息。
If a network service provider discovers that a user publishes or disseminates information that is harmful to the physical and mental health of minors, it shall immediately stop transmitting the relevant information, take measures such as deleting, blocking or disconnecting the link, keep the relevant records, and report to the departments of cyberspace affairs, public security and other departments. 網絡服務提供者發現用戶發布、傳播含有危害未成年人身心健康內容的信息的,應當立即停止傳輸相關信息,采取刪除、屏蔽、斷開鏈接等處置措施,保存有關記錄,并向網信、公安等部門報告。
If a network service provider discovers that a user has committed an illegal or criminal act against a minor by using its network service, it shall immediately stop providing network service to the user, keep relevant records, and report to the public security organ. 網絡服務提供者發現用戶利用其網絡服務對未成年人實施違法犯罪行為的,應當立即停止向該用戶提供網絡服務,保存有關記錄,并向公安機關報告。
Chapter VI? Protection by the Government 第六章 政府保護
Article 81?The departments of the people's governments above the county level responsible for the specific work of the coordination mechanism for the protection of minors shall specify the relevant internal organs or specialized personnel to be responsible for the protection of minors. 第八十一條 縣級以上人民政府承擔未成年人保護協調機制具體工作的職能部門應當明確相關內設機構或者專門人員,負責承擔未成年人保護工作。
Town and township people's governments and subdistrict offices shall set up work stations for the protection of minors or appoint special personnel to handle relevant affairs of minors in a timely manner, and shall support and guide the residents' committees or villagers' committees to set up special posts and appoint special personnel to protect minors. 鄉鎮人民政府和街道辦事處應當設立未成年人保護工作站或者指定專門人員,及時辦理未成年人相關事務;支持、指導居民委員會、村民委員會設立專人專崗,做好未成年人保護工作。
Article 82?People's governments at all levels shall incorporate family education guidance services into urban and rural public service systems, carry out publicity of family education knowledge, and encourage and support relevant people's organizations, enterprises, institutions and social organizations to provide family education guidance services. 第八十二條 各級人民政府應當將家庭教育指導服務納入城鄉公共服務體系,開展家庭教育知識宣傳,鼓勵和支持有關人民團體、企業事業單位、社會組織開展家庭教育指導服務。
Article 83?People's governments at all levels shall guarantee the right of minors to education, and take measures to ensure that the left-behind minors, those in difficulties and those with disabilities receive compulsory education. 第八十三條 各級人民政府應當保障未成年人受教育的權利,并采取措施保障留守未成年人、困境未成年人、殘疾未成年人接受義務教育。
The administrative department of education shall order the parents or other guardians of minors not completing compulsory education to send them to schools for compulsory education. 對尚未完成義務教育的輟學未成年學生,教育行政部門應當責令父母或者其他監護人將其送入學校接受義務教育。
Article 84?People's governments at all levels shall promote nurseries and pre-school education, do a good job in running infant care service institutions and kindergartens, and support social forces to set up maternal and infant rooms, infant care service institutions and kindergartens in accordance with law. 第八十四條 各級人民政府應當發展托育、學前教育事業,辦好嬰幼兒照護服務機構、幼兒園,支持社會力量依法興辦母嬰室、嬰幼兒照護服務機構、幼兒園。
Local people's governments above the county level and relevant departments shall cultivate and train the care and teaching personnel of infant care service institutions and kindergartens to improve their professional ethics and capability. 縣級以上地方人民政府及其有關部門應當培養和培訓嬰幼兒照護服務機構、幼兒園的保教人員,提高其職業道德素質和業務能力。
Article 85?People's governments at all levels shall promote vocational education, ensure that minors can receive vocational education or vocational skills training, and encourage and support people's organizations, enterprises, institutions and social organizations to provide vocational skills training services for minors. 第八十五條 各級人民政府應當發展職業教育,保障未成年人接受職業教育或者職業技能培訓,鼓勵和支持人民團體、企業事業單位、社會組織為未成年人提供職業技能培訓服務。
Article 86?People's governments at all levels shall ensure that disabled minors who are capable of receiving general education and can adapt to campus life receive education in general schools and kindergartens nearby; disabled minors who do not have the ability to receive general education are guaranteed to receive preschool education, compulsory education and vocational education in special education schools and kindergartens. 第八十六條 各級人民政府應當保障具有接受普通教育能力、能適應校園生活的殘疾未成年人就近在普通學校、幼兒園接受教育;保障不具有接受普通教育能力的殘疾未成年人在特殊教育學校、幼兒園接受學前教育、義務教育和職業教育。
People's governments at all levels shall guarantee the conditions for running schools and kindergartens for special education, and encourage and support social forces to run such education. 各級人民政府應當保障特殊教育學校、幼兒園的辦學、辦園條件,鼓勵和支持社會力量舉辦特殊教育學校、幼兒園。
Article 87?The local people's government and relevant departments shall guarantee the campus security, supervise and guide the schools, kindergartens and other units to fulfill their responsibilities for the security of the campus, and establish a mechanism for reporting, handling and coordinating emergencies. 第八十七條 地方人民政府及其有關部門應當保障校園安全,監督、指導學校、幼兒園等單位落實校園安全責任,建立突發事件的報告、處置和協調機制。
Article 88?Public security organs and other relevant departments shall, in accordance with law, maintain public security and traffic order around the campus, and set up surveillance equipment and traffic safety facilities to prevent and stop illegal and criminal acts against minors. 第八十八條 公安機關和其他有關部門應當依法維護校園周邊的治安和交通秩序,設置監控設備和交通安全設施,預防和制止侵害未成年人的違法犯罪行為。
Article 89?Local people's governments shall establish and improve venues and facilities suitable for minors, support the construction and operation of public welfare venues and facilities for minors, encourage social forces to set up venues and facilities suitable for minors, and strengthen their management. 第八十九條 地方人民政府應當建立和改善適合未成年人的活動場所和設施,支持公益性未成年人活動場所和設施的建設和運行,鼓勵社會力量興辦適合未成年人的活動場所和設施,并加強管理。
Local people's governments shall take measures to encourage and support schools to open cultural and sports facilities to minors free of charge or with preferential treatment on national statutory holidays, off-work days and winter and summer holidays. 地方人民政府應當采取措施,鼓勵和支持學校在國家法定節假日、休息日及寒暑假期將文化體育設施對未成年人免費或者優惠開放。
Local people's governments shall take measures to prevent any organization or individual from occupying or damaging the venues, buildings and facilities of schools, kindergartens, infant care service institutions and other places for minors' activities. 地方人民政府應當采取措施,防止任何組織或者個人侵占、破壞學校、幼兒園、嬰幼兒照護服務機構等未成年人活動場所的場地、房屋和設施。
Article 90?The people's governments at various levels and relevant departments shall give guidance on health care and nutrition to minors and provide health care services to minors. 第九十條 各級人民政府及其有關部門應當對未成年人進行衛生保健和營養指導,提供衛生保健服務。
The health department shall regulate the vaccination of minors in accordance with law, prevent and treat the common and frequently occurring diseases of minors, strengthen supervision and management of the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases, conduct injury prevention and intervention, and guide and supervise the health care work of schools, kindergartens and infant care service institutions. 衛生健康部門應當依法對未成年人的疫苗預防接種進行規范,防治未成年人常見病、多發病,加強傳染病防治和監督管理,做好傷害預防和干預,指導和監督學校、幼兒園、嬰幼兒照護服務機構開展衛生保健工作。
The administrative department of education should enhance the mental health education of minors, and establish the early detection and timely intervention mechanism of mental problems of minors. The health department should conduct psychological treatment, psychological crisis intervention, early identification, diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders. 教育行政部門應當加強未成年人的心理健康教育,建立未成年人心理問題的早期發現和及時干預機制。衛生健康部門應當做好未成年人心理治療、心理危機干預以及精神障礙早期識別和診斷治療等工作。
Article 91?People's governments at all levels and relevant departments shall provide classified security for minors in difficulties, and take measures to meet their basic needs in life, education, safety, medical rehabilitation, housing and other aspects. 第九十一條 各級人民政府及其有關部門對困境未成年人實施分類保障,采取措施滿足其生活、教育、安全、醫療康復、住房等方面的基本需要。
Article 92?Under any of the following circumstances, the civil affairs department shall, in accordance with law, exercise temporary guardianship over a minor: 第九十二條 具有下列情形之一的,民政部門應當依法對未成年人進行臨時監護:
(1) A?minor wandering or begging, or with his identity unknown, whose parents or other guardians cannot be found temporarily; (一)未成年人流浪乞討或者身份不明,暫時查找不到父母或者其他監護人;
(2) The guardians' whereabouts are unknown, and no other person can act as the guardian; (二)監護人下落不明且無其他人可以擔任監護人;
(3) The guardians are unable to perform the duty under guardianship due to objective reasons or natural disasters, accidents, public health incidents and other emergencies, resulting in the lack of guardianship of a minor; (三)監護人因自身客觀原因或者因發生自然災害、事故災難、公共衛生事件等突發事件不能履行監護職責,導致未成年人監護缺失;
(4) The guardians refuse or are indolent to perform the duty under guardianship, which leads to a minor being left unattended; (四)監護人拒絕或者怠于履行監護職責,導致未成年人處于無人照料的狀態;
(5) The guardians instigate and use a minor to commit crimes, and the minor needs to be taken away from the guardians and placed; (五)監護人教唆、利用未成年人實施違法犯罪行為,未成年人需要被帶離安置;
(6) Minors who are seriously injured by their guardians or face threats to their personal safety need to be placed in emergency; (六)未成年人遭受監護人嚴重傷害或者面臨人身安全威脅,需要被緊急安置;
(7)?Other circumstances provided by law. (七)法律規定的其他情形。
Article 93?With respect to minors under temporary guardianship, the civil affairs department may arrange them by means of entrusting relatives to foster them or by means of family fostering care, or may hand them over to the relief and protection institutions for minors or the welfare institutions for children to take them in and foster them. 第九十三條 對臨時監護的未成年人,民政部門可以采取委托親屬撫養、家庭寄養等方式進行安置,也可以交由未成年人救助保護機構或者兒童福利機構進行收留、撫養。
During temporary guardianship, the civil affairs department may return the minor to the guardian to raise if the guardian is qualified to perform the duty under guardianship again after evaluation by the civil affairs department. 臨時監護期間,經民政部門評估,監護人重新具備履行監護職責條件的,民政部門可以將未成年人送回監護人撫養。
Article 94?Under any of the following circumstances, the civil affairs department shall provide long-term guardianship of minors in accordance with law: 第九十四條 具有下列情形之一的,民政部門應當依法對未成年人進行長期監護:
(1) Parents or other guardians of minors cannot be found; (一)查找不到未成年人的父母或者其他監護人;
(2) The guardian dies or is declared dead and no other person can act as the guardian; (二)監護人死亡或者被宣告死亡且無其他人可以擔任監護人;
(3) The guardian is incapacitated and no other person can act as a guardian; (三)監護人喪失監護能力且無其他人可以擔任監護人;
(4) The people's court decided to revoke the guardian's qualification and designated the civil affairs department as the guardian; (四)人民法院判決撤銷監護人資格并指定由民政部門擔任監護人;
(5)Other circumstances provided by law. (五)法律規定的其他情形。
Article 95?After the adoption assessment, the civil affairs department may, in accordance with law, hand over the minors under long-term guardianship to the qualified applicants for adoption. After the adoption relationship is established, the guardianship between the civil affairs department and the minor is terminated. 第九十五條 民政部門進行收養評估后,可以依法將其長期監護的未成年人交由符合條件的申請人收養。收養關系成立后,民政部門與未成年人的監護關系終止。
Article 96?In case the civil affairs department undertakes the duty of temporary guardianship or long-term guardianship, the departments of finance, education, health and public security shall cooperate according to their respective duties. 第九十六條 民政部門承擔臨時監護或者長期監護職責的,財政、教育、衛生健康、公安等部門應當根據各自職責予以配合。
People's governments above the county level and their civil affairs departments shall, according to their needs, set up relief and protection institutions for minors and children welfare institutions, responsible for taking in and raising minors under the guardianship of civil affairs departments. 縣級以上人民政府及其民政部門應當根據需要設立未成年人救助保護機構、兒童福利機構,負責收留、撫養由民政部門監護的未成年人。
Article 97?The people's governments above the county level shall open a unified national hotline for the protection of minors, and promptly accept and refer complaints and reports about the infringement upon the lawful rights and interests of minors; and shall encourage and support people's organizations, enterprises, institutions and social organizations to participate in the development of service platforms, service hotlines and service stations for the protection of minors to provide consultation and help on the protection of minors. 第九十七條 縣級以上人民政府應當開通全國統一的未成年人保護熱線,及時受理、轉介侵犯未成年人合法權益的投訴、舉報;鼓勵和支持人民團體、企業事業單位、社會組織參與建設未成年人保護服務平臺、服務熱線、服務站點,提供未成年人保護方面的咨詢、幫助。
Article 98?The State shall establish an information inquiry system of law-breakers and criminal offenders who commit crimes such as sexual assault, maltreatment, abduction and trafficking, and violent injury, so as to provide free inquiry services to units that have close contact with minors. 第九十八條 國家建立性侵害、虐待、拐賣、暴力傷害等違法犯罪人員信息查詢系統,向密切接觸未成年人的單位提供免費查詢服務。
Article 99?Local people's governments shall cultivate, guide and regulate the participation of relevant social organizations and social workers in the protection of minors, provide family education and guidance services, and provide professional services for psychological counseling, rehabilitation assistance, guardianship and adoption evaluation of minors. 第九十九條 地方人民政府應當培育、引導和規范有關社會組織、社會工作者參與未成年人保護工作,開展家庭教育指導服務,為未成年人的心理輔導、康復救助、監護及收養評估等提供專業服務。
Chapter VII?Judicial Protection 第七章 司法保護
Article 100?The public security organs, people's procuratorates, people's courts and judicial administrative departments shall perform their duties in accordance with law and protect the lawful rights and interests of minors. 第一百條 公安機關、人民檢察院、人民法院和司法行政部門應當依法履行職責,保障未成年人合法權益。
Article 101?The public security organs, people's procuratorates, people's courts and judicial administrative departments shall set up specialized agencies or appoint specialized personnel to handle cases involving minors. Personnel handling cases involving minors shall receive special training and be familiar with the physical and mental characteristics of minors. Among the specialized agencies or personnel, there shall be female staff. 第一百零一條 公安機關、人民檢察院、人民法院和司法行政部門應當確定專門機構或者指定專門人員,負責辦理涉及未成年人案件。辦理涉及未成年人案件的人員應當經過專門培訓,熟悉未成年人身心特點。專門機構或者專門人員中,應當有女性工作人員。
The public security organs, people's procuratorates, people’s courts and judicial administrative departments shall implement the evaluation and assessment standards appropriate to the protection of minors for the above-mentioned institutions and personnel. 公安機關、人民檢察院、人民法院和司法行政部門應當對上述機構和人員實行與未成年人保護工作相適應的評價考核標準。
Article 102?When handling cases involving minors, public security organs, people's procuratorates, people's courts and judicial administrative departments shall take into account the physical and mental characteristics of minors and the needs of their healthy growth, use languages and expressions that minors can understand, and hear their opinions. 第一百零二條 公安機關、人民檢察院、人民法院和司法行政部門辦理涉及未成年人案件,應當考慮未成年人身心特點和健康成長的需要,使用未成年人能夠理解的語言和表達方式,聽取未成年人的意見。
Article 103?The public security organs, people's procuratorates, people's courts, judicial administrative departments and other organizations and individuals shall not disclose the names, images, residences, schools of study and other information that may identify minors in relevant cases, except for the circumstances of searching for missing or abducted minors. 第一百零三條 公安機關、人民檢察院、人民法院、司法行政部門以及其他組織和個人不得披露有關案件中未成年人的姓名、影像、住所、就讀學校以及其他可能識別出其身份的信息,但查找失蹤、被拐賣未成年人等情形除外。
Article 104?With respect to minors who need legal aid or judicial assistance, legal aid institutions or public security organs, people's procuratorates, people's courts and judicial administrative departments shall help and provide them with legal aid or judicial assistance in accordance with law. 第一百零四條 對需要法律援助或者司法救助的未成年人,法律援助機構或者公安機關、人民檢察院、人民法院和司法行政部門應當給予幫助,依法為其提供法律援助或者司法救助。
Legal aid institutions shall appoint lawyers who are familiar with the physical and mental characteristics of minors to provide legal aid services for minors. 法律援助機構應當指派熟悉未成年人身心特點的律師為未成年人提供法律援助服務。
Legal aid institutions and lawyers' associations shall provide guidance and training for lawyers handling legal aid cases for minors. 法律援助機構和律師協會應當對辦理未成年人法律援助案件的律師進行指導和培訓。
Article 105?The people's procuratorates, by exercising procuratorial power, exercise supervision over litigation activities involving minors in accordance with law. 第一百零五條 人民檢察院通過行使檢察權,對涉及未成年人的訴訟活動等依法進行監督。
Article 106?When the lawful rights and interests of minors are infringed upon and relevant organizations or individuals fail to bring a lawsuit on their behalf, the people's procuratorates may urge and support them to bring a lawsuit; where public interests are involved, the people's procuratorates have the right to file a public interest lawsuit. 第一百零六條 未成年人合法權益受到侵犯,相關組織和個人未代為提起訴訟的,人民檢察院可以督促、支持其提起訴訟;涉及公共利益的,人民檢察院有權提起公益訴訟。
Article 107?When trying inheritance cases, the people's courts shall protect the minors' right of inheritance and legacy in accordance with law. 第一百零七條 人民法院審理繼承案件,應當依法保護未成年人的繼承權和受遺贈權。
In trying a divorce case involving the issue of raising a minor child, the people's court shall respect the true will of the minor who has reached the age of eight, and handle it according to the specific circumstances of both parties, and the principle that is in the best interests of the minor in accordance with law. 人民法院審理離婚案件,涉及未成年子女撫養問題的,應當尊重已滿八周歲未成年子女的真實意愿,根據雙方具體情況,按照最有利于未成年子女的原則依法處理。
Article 108?If the parents or other guardians of a minor fail to perform their duty under guardianship in accordance with law, or seriously infringe upon the lawful rights and interests of the minor under guardianship, the people's court may, upon the application of the relevant person or unit, order a writ of habeas corpus or revoke the guardianship in accordance with law. 第一百零八條 未成年人的父母或者其他監護人不依法履行監護職責或者嚴重侵犯被監護的未成年人合法權益的,人民法院可以根據有關人員或者單位的申請,依法作出人身安全保護令或者撤銷監護人資格。
The parents or other guardians whose guardianship has been revoked shall continue to bear the expenses for upbringing in accordance with law. 被撤銷監護人資格的父母或者其他監護人應當依法繼續負擔撫養費用。
Article 109?If a people's court tries a case involving a minor such as divorce, upbringing, adoption, guardianship or visit, it may, on its own or by entrusting a social organization, conduct a social investigation on the relevant situation of the minor. 第一百零九條 人民法院審理離婚、撫養、收養、監護、探望等案件涉及未成年人的,可以自行或者委托社會組織對未成年人的相關情況進行社會調查。
Article 110?The public security organs, people's procuratorates and people's courts shall, in interrogating minor suspects and defendants and inquiring about minor victims and witnesses, notify their legal representatives or their adult relatives, representatives of their schools, and other appropriate adults to come to present in accordance with law, and conduct the interrogation and inquiry in appropriate measures and places, to protect minors' right of reputation, privacy and other lawful rights and interests. 第一百一十條 公安機關、人民檢察院、人民法院訊問未成年犯罪嫌疑人、被告人,詢問未成年被害人、證人,應當依法通知其法定代理人或者其成年親屬、所在學校的代表等合適成年人到場,并采取適當方式,在適當場所進行,保障未成年人的名譽權、隱私權和其他合法權益。
When the people's court is in session to hear cases involving minors, the minor victims or witnesses generally do not appear in court to testify; if they have to appear in court, such protective measures shall be taken as technical means to protect their privacy and psychological intervention. 人民法院開庭審理涉及未成年人案件,未成年被害人、證人一般不出庭作證;必須出庭的,應當采取保護其隱私的技術手段和心理干預等保護措施。
Article 111?The public security organs, people's procuratorates and people's courts shall, with respect to the minor victims of sexual assault or violence and their families, cooperate with other relevant government departments, people's organizations and social organizations to take necessary psychological intervention, economic assistance, legal aid, transfer to other schools or other protective measures. 第一百一十一條 公安機關、人民檢察院、人民法院應當與其他有關政府部門、人民團體、社會組織互相配合,對遭受性侵害或者暴力傷害的未成年被害人及其家庭實施必要的心理干預、經濟救助、法律援助、轉學安置等保護措施。
Article 112?The public security organs, people's procuratorates and people's courts, when handling cases of sexual assault or violent injury to minors, shall take such measures as synchronous audio and video recording when interrogating minors' victims and witnesses, trying to complete the procedures at one time; if the minor victim or witness is female, the procedures shall be done by female staff. 第一百一十二條 公安機關、人民檢察院、人民法院辦理未成年人遭受性侵害或者暴力傷害案件,在詢問未成年被害人、證人時,應當采取同步錄音錄像等措施,盡量一次完成;未成年被害人、證人是女性的,應當由女性工作人員進行。
Article 113?The principles of education, rehabilitation and redemption shall be applied to minors who break the law or commit crimes, and the principle of education first and punishment second shall be followed. 第一百一十三條 對違法犯罪的未成年人,實行教育、感化、挽救的方針,堅持教育為主、懲罰為輔的原則。
After the minors who break the law or commit crimes being punished in accordance with law, they shall not be discriminated against in terms of further education and employment. 對違法犯罪的未成年人依法處罰后,在升學、就業等方面不得歧視。
Article 114?If the public security organ, people's procuratorate, people's court or judicial administrative department finds that a relevant unit has not fulfilled its duty of protecting minors in educating, managing, rescuing or caring for minors, it shall make suggestions to that unit. The unit receiving the suggestions shall give a written reply within one month. 第一百一十四條 公安機關、人民檢察院、人民法院和司法行政部門發現有關單位未盡到未成年人教育、管理、救助、看護等保護職責的,應當向該單位提出建議。被建議單位應當在一個月內作出書面回復。
Article 115?The public security organs, people's procuratorates, people's courts and judicial administrative departments shall, in the light of the actual situation and the characteristics of cases involving minors, carry out publicity and education on the rule of law for minors. 第一百一十五條 公安機關、人民檢察院、人民法院和司法行政部門應當結合實際,根據涉及未成年人案件的特點,開展未成年人法治宣傳教育工作。
Article 116?The State encourages and supports, in cases involving minors, social organizations and social workers to participate in psychological intervention, legal aid, social investigation, social probation and protection, education and correction, and community correction of minors. 第一百一十六條 國家鼓勵和支持社會組織、社會工作者參與涉及未成年人案件中未成年人的心理干預、法律援助、社會調查、社會觀護、教育矯治、社區矯正等工作。
Chapter VIII Legal Responsibility 第八章 法律責任
Article 117?With respect to the violation of the second paragraph of Article 11 of this Law, where an organization or individual fails to perform reporting obligation resulting in serious consequences, the competent department at a higher level or the charging unit shall, in accordance with law, impose sanctions on the person in charge and other persons who are directly responsible. 第一百一十七條 違反本法第十一條第二款規定,未履行報告義務造成嚴重后果的,由上級主管部門或者所在單位對直接負責的主管人員和其他直接責任人員依法給予處分。
Article 118?If failing to perform their duties under guardianship in accordance with law, or infringing upon the lawful rights and interests of minors, the parents or other guardians of minors shall be admonished or dissuaded by the residents' or villagers' committees where they live; if the consequences are serious, the residents’ committee or villagers’ committee shall report to the public security organ in time. 第一百一十八條 未成年人的父母或者其他監護人不依法履行監護職責或者侵犯未成年人合法權益的,由其居住地的居民委員會、村民委員會予以勸誡、制止;情節嚴重的,居民委員會、村民委員會應當及時向公安機關報告。
When a public security organ receives a report, or when a public security organ, people's procuratorate or people's court finds that the parents or other guardians of a minor have the above circumstances in handling a case, it shall admonish them and may order them to receive guidance of family education. 公安機關接到報告或者公安機關、人民檢察院、人民法院在辦理案件過程中發現未成年人的父母或者其他監護人存在上述情形的,應當予以訓誡,并可以責令其接受家庭教育指導。
Article 119?If schools, kindergartens, infant care institutions and their teaching staff violate the provisions of Articles 27, 28 and 39 of this Law, they shall be ordered to make corrections by the public security, education, health and market supervision and administration departments and other departments in accordance with their respective responsibilities; if they refuse to make corrections or if the consequences are serious, the person in charge who is directly responsible and other persons who are directly responsible shall be given sanctions in accordance with law. 第一百一十九條 學校、幼兒園、嬰幼兒照護服務等機構及其教職員工違反本法第二十七條、第二十八條、第三十九條規定的,由公安、教育、衛生健康、市場監督管理等部門按照職責分工責令改正;拒不改正或者情節嚴重的,對直接負責的主管人員和其他直接責任人員依法給予處分。
Article 120?With respect to the violation of the provisions of Articles 44, 45 and 47 of this Law, when a minor is not given free or preferential treatment, the market supervision and administration, culture and tourism, transportation and other departments shall, in accordance with the division of responsibilities, order the relevant party to make corrections within a time limit and give it a warning; those who refuse to make corrections shall be fined not less than 10,000 yuan but not more than 100,000 yuan. 第一百二十條 違反本法第四十四條、第四十五條、第四十七條規定,未給予未成年人免費或者優惠待遇的,由市場監督管理、文化和旅游、交通運輸等部門按照職責分工責令限期改正,給予警告;拒不改正的,處一萬元以上十萬元以下罰款。
Article 121?With respect to violation of Articles 50 and 51 of this Law, the departments of press and publication, radio and television, film, cyberspace affairs and other departments, shall, in accordance with the division of responsibilities, order the relevant party to make corrections within a time limit, give it a warning, or confiscate the illegal income, and may also make a fine of no more than 100,000 yuan; those who refuse to make corrections or cause serious consequences, shall be ordered to suspend relevant business, suspend production or business, or have its business license or relevant permits revoked. If the illegal income is more than one million yuan, it shall also be fined not less than one time but not more than ten times of the illegal income. If there is no illegal income or the illegal income is less than one million yuan, it shall also be fined not less than 100,000 yuan but not more than one million yuan. 第一百二十一條 違反本法第五十條、第五十一條規定的,由新聞出版、廣播電視、電影、網信等部門按照職責分工責令限期改正,給予警告,沒收違法所得,可以并處十萬元以下罰款;拒不改正或者情節嚴重的,責令暫停相關業務、停產停業或者吊銷營業執照、吊銷相關許可證,違法所得一百萬元以上的,并處違法所得一倍以上十倍以下的罰款,沒有違法所得或者違法所得不足一百萬元的,并處十萬元以上一百萬元以下罰款。
Article 122?When an operator of a place violates the provisions of the second paragraph of Article 56 of this Law or a lodging operator violates the provisions of Article 57 of this Law, the market supervision and administration, emergency management, public security and other departments shall, in accordance with the division of responsibilities, order the operator to make corrections within a time limit and give it a warning; if it refuses to make corrections or causes serious consequences, it shall be ordered to suspend business for rectification, or its business license or relevant license shall be revoked, and it shall also be fined not less than 10,000 yuan but not more than 100,000 yuan. 第一百二十二條 場所運營單位違反本法第五十六條第二款規定、住宿經營者違反本法第五十七條規定的,由市場監督管理、應急管理、公安等部門按照職責分工責令限期改正,給予警告;拒不改正或者造成嚴重后果的,責令停業整頓或者吊銷營業執照、吊銷相關許可證,并處一萬元以上十萬元以下罰款。
Article 123?When a relevant business operator violates the provisions of Article 58, the first paragraph of Article 59 and Article 60 of this Law, the departments of culture and tourism, market supervision and administration, tobacco monopoly, public security and other departments shall, in accordance with the division of responsibilities, order the operator to make corrections within a time limit, give it a warning, confiscate the illegal gains and may also impose a fine of less than 50,000 yuan; if it refuses to make corrections or if the consequences are serious, it shall be ordered to suspend business for rectification, or its business license or relevant license shall be revoked, and it may also be fined not less than 50,000 yuan but not more than 500,000 yuan. 第一百二十三條 相關經營者違反本法第五十八條、第五十九條第一款、第六十條規定的,由文化和旅游、市場監督管理、煙草專賣、公安等部門按照職責分工責令限期改正,給予警告,沒收違法所得,可以并處五萬元以下罰款;拒不改正或者情節嚴重的,責令停業整頓或者吊銷營業執照、吊銷相關許可證,可以并處五萬元以上五十萬元以下罰款。
Article 124?Anyone who, in violation of the provisions of the second paragraph of Article 59 of this Law, smokes or drinks alcohol in schools, kindergartens or other public places where minors gather for activities shall be ordered by the departments of health, education and market supervision and administration, and other departments according to their respective functions and duties to make corrections, given a warning and may also be fined not more than 500 yuan; if the administrator of a place does not prevent the above behaviors in time, the departments of health, education, market supervision and administration and other departments shall give the administrator a warning according to the division of responsibilities, and impose a fine of less than 10,000 yuan. 第一百二十四條 違反本法第五十九條第二款規定,在學校、幼兒園和其他未成年人集中活動的公共場所吸煙、飲酒的,由衛生健康、教育、市場監督管理等部門按照職責分工責令改正,給予警告,可以并處五百元以下罰款;場所管理者未及時制止的,由衛生健康、教育、市場監督管理等部門按照職責分工給予警告,并處一萬元以下罰款。
Article 125?Any organization or individual which violates the provisions of Article 61 of this Law shall be ordered by the departments of culture and tourism, human resources and social security, and market supervision and administration and other departments, in accordance with their respective functions and duties to make corrections within a time limit, be given a warning, have his illegal income confiscated, and may also be fined not more than 100,000 yuan; if he refuses to make corrections or if the consequences are serious, he shall be ordered to suspend production or business, or his business license or relevant license shall be revoked, and he shall also be fined not less than 100,000 yuan but not more than 1 million yuan. 第一百二十五條 違反本法第六十一條規定的,由文化和旅游、人力資源和社會保障、市場監督管理等部門按照職責分工責令限期改正,給予警告,沒收違法所得,可以并處十萬元以下罰款;拒不改正或者情節嚴重的,責令停產停業或者吊銷營業執照、吊銷相關許可證,并處十萬元以上一百萬元以下罰款。
Article 126?If a unit that has close contact with minors violates the provisions of Article 62 of this Law and fails to perform its duty of inquiry, or recruits or continues to employ persons with relevant illegal acts or criminal records, the departments of education, human resources and social security, market supervision and administration and other departments shall, in accordance with the division of responsibilities, order it to make corrections within a time limit, give it a warning and impose a fine of not more than 50,000 yuan; if it refuses to make corrections or causes serious consequences, it shall be ordered to suspend business for rectification, or its business license or relevant license shall be revoked, and a fine of not less than 50,000 yuan but not more than 500,000 yuan shall be imposed, and the person in charge and other persons directly responsible shall be given sanctions in accordance with law. 第一百二十六條 密切接觸未成年人的單位違反本法第六十二條規定,未履行查詢義務,或者招用、繼續聘用具有相關違法犯罪記錄人員的,由教育、人力資源和社會保障、市場監督管理等部門按照職責分工責令限期改正,給予警告,并處五萬元以下罰款;拒不改正或者造成嚴重后果的,責令停業整頓或者吊銷營業執照、吊銷相關許可證,并處五萬元以上五十萬元以下罰款,對直接負責的主管人員和其他直接責任人員依法給予處分。
Article 127?If an information processor violates the provisions of Article 72 of this Law, or if a network product and service provider violates the provisions of Articles 73, 74, 75, 76, 77 or 80 of this Law, it shall be ordered by the departments of public security department, cyberspace affairs department, telecommunications department, press and publication department, radio and television department and other relevant departments to make corrections, given a warning in accordance with their respective functions and duties, and the illegal gains shall be confiscated. If the illegal gains exceed one million yuan, they shall be fined not less than one time but not more than ten times the illegal gains. If there are no illegal gains or the illegal gains are less than one million yuan, they shall also be fined not less than 100,000 yuan but not more than one million yuan and the person in charge directly responsible and other responsible persons shall be fined not less than 10,000 yuan but not more than 100,000 yuan; if it refuses to make corrections or if the consequences are serious, it may also be ordered to suspend relevant business, suspend business for rectification, close its website, or its business license or relevant permits may be revoked. 第一百二十七條 信息處理者違反本法第七十二條規定,或者網絡產品和服務提供者違反本法第七十三條、第七十四條、第七十五條、第七十六條、第七十七條、第八十條規定的,由公安、網信、電信、新聞出版、廣播電視、文化和旅游等有關部門按照職責分工責令改正,給予警告,沒收違法所得,違法所得一百萬元以上的,并處違法所得一倍以上十倍以下罰款,沒有違法所得或者違法所得不足一百萬元的,并處十萬元以上一百萬元以下罰款,對直接負責的主管人員和其他責任人員處一萬元以上十萬元以下罰款;拒不改正或者情節嚴重的,并可以責令暫停相關業務、停業整頓、關閉網站、吊銷營業執照或者吊銷相關許可證。
Article 128?Any staff member of a State organ, who neglects his duty, abuses his power or is engaged in malpractices for personal gain, thus harming the lawful rights and interests of minors, shall be given a sanction in accordance with law. 第一百二十八條 國家機關工作人員玩忽職守、濫用職權、徇私舞弊,損害未成年人合法權益的,依法給予處分。
Article 129?Anyone who violates the provisions of this Law, infringes upon the lawful rights and interests of minors and causes personal, property or other damage shall bear civil liability in accordance with law. 第一百二十九條 違反本法規定,侵犯未成年人合法權益,造成人身、財產或者其他損害的,依法承擔民事責任。
Anyone who violates the provisions of this Law and constitutes violations of the administration of public security shall be punished in accordance with the law; if a crime is constituted, criminal liability shall be investigated in accordance with law. 違反本法規定,構成違反治安管理行為的,依法給予治安管理處罰;構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。
Chapter IX? Supplementary Provisions 第九章 附 則
Article 130?In this Law, the following terms shall have the following meanings: 第一百三十條 本法中下列用語的含義:
(1) Units that have close contact with minors refer to schools, kindergartens and other educational institutions; off-campus training institutions; minor relief and protection institutions, child welfare institutions and other minor placement and relief institutions; infant care service institutions, early education service institutions; off-campus care and temporary care institutions; domestic service organization; medical institutions providing medical services for minors; other enterprises, institutions and social organizations that are responsible for the education, training, guardianship, rescue, nursing and medical treatment of minors. (一)密切接觸未成年人的單位,是指學校、幼兒園等教育機構;校外培訓機構;未成年人救助保護機構、兒童福利機構等未成年人安置、救助機構;嬰幼兒照護服務機構、早期教育服務機構;校外托管、臨時看護機構;家政服務機構;為未成年人提供醫療服務的醫療機構;其他對未成年人負有教育、培訓、監護、救助、看護、醫療等職責的企業事業單位、社會組織等。
(2) Schools refer to general primary and secondary schools, special education schools, secondary vocational schools and specialized schools. (二)學校,是指普通中小學、特殊教育學校、中等職業學校、專門學校。
(3) Student bullying refers to the behavior happening among students, where one party deliberately or maliciously bullies or insults the other party through body, language, network and other means, causing personal injury, property loss or mental damage to the other party. (三)學生欺凌,是指發生在學生之間,一方蓄意或者惡意通過肢體、語言及網絡等手段實施欺壓、侮辱,造成另一方人身傷害、財產損失或者精神損害的行為。
Article 131?Foreigners and stateless persons under the age of 18 within the territory of China shall be protected in accordance with the relevant provisions of this law. 第一百三十一條 對中國境內未滿十八周歲的外國人、無國籍人,依照本法有關規定予以保護。
Article 132?This Law shall come into effect as of June 1, 2021. 第一百三十二條 本法自2021年6月1日起施行。

This English translation comes from the PRC National People’s Congress Official Website. In the near future, a more accurate English version translated by us will be available on China Laws Portal.