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List of China's Laws

We are committed to providing the public with access to the Constitution and all the Laws of China here. 

The Laws are issued by China’s top legislature, the National People’s Congress and its Standing Committee. The number of Laws has now exceeded 200. The Constitution and the Laws are at the top of the hierarchy of laws.

To make it easily accessible to our readers, we have made the following classifications of Laws. It should be noted that these classifications are not official.


Constitution and Constitutional Law

Constitution of China (2018) 憲法

Legislation Law of China (2015) 立法法

Organic Law for the National People's Congress (1982) 全國人民代表大會組織法

Organization Law for Local People's Congresses and Local People's Governments (2015) 地方各級人民代表大會和地方各級人民政府組織法

Law on Deputies to the National People's Congress and Local People's Congresses (2015) 全國人民代表大會和地方各級人民代表大會代表法

Election Law on the National People's Congress and Local People's Congress (2020) 全國人民代表大會和地方各級人民代表大會選舉法

Rules of Procedure for the National People's Congress (1989) 全國人民代表大會議事規則

Anti-Secession Law of China (2005) 反分裂國家法

Organic Law of the Villagers Committees of China (2018) 村民委員會組織法

Organic Law of the Urban Residents Committees of China (2018) 城市居民委員會組織法

Supervision Law of China (2018) 監察法

National Emblem Law of China (2020) 國徽法

National Flag Law of China (2020) 國旗法

National Anthem Law of China (2017) 國歌法

Civil Law

Civil Code of China: Part I General Principles (2020) 民法典 第一編 總則

Civil Code of China: Part II Real Rights (2020) 民法典 第二編 物權

Civil Code of China: Part III Contract (2020) 民法典 第三編 合同

Civil Code of China: Part IV Personality Rights (2020) 民法典 第四編 人格權

Civil Code of China: Part V Marriage and Family (2020) 民法典 第五編 婚姻家庭

Civil Code of China: Part VI Succession (2020) 民法典 第六編 繼承

Civil Code of China: Part VII Liability for Tort (2020) 民法典 第七編 侵權責任


Criminal Law

Criminal Law of China (2017) 刑法

Prison Law of China (2012) 監獄法


Corporate Law / Enterprise Law

Company Law of China (2018) 公司法

Partnership Enterprise Law of China (2006) 合伙企業法

Foreign Investment Law of China (2019) 外商投資法

Individual Proprietorship Enterprises Law of China (1999) 個人獨資企業法

State-Owned Assets in Enterprises Law of China (2008) 企業國有資產法

Enterprise Bankruptcy Law of China (2006) 企業破產法

Partnership Enterprise Law of China (2006) 合伙企業法


Procedural Law

Civil Procedure Law of China (2017) 民事訴訟法

Criminal Procedure Law of China (2018) 刑事訴訟法

International Criminal Judicial Assistance Law of China (2018) 國際刑事司法協助法

Administrative Procedure Law of China (2017) 行政訴訟法

State Compensation Law of China (2012) 國家賠償法

Administrative Reconsideration Law of China (2017) 行政復議法


Arbitration and Mediation

Arbitration Law of China (2017) 仲裁法


Intellectual Property Law

Copyright Law of China (2020) 著作權法

Trademark Law of China (2019)商標法 

Patent Law of China (2020) 專利法


International Trade Law

Foreign Trade Law of China (2016) 對外貿易法

Export Control Law china (2020) 出口管制法

Customs Law of China (2017) 海關法

Frontier Health and Quarantine Law of China (2018) 國境衛生檢疫法

Import and Export Commodity Inspection Law of China (2018) 進出口商品檢驗法

Hainan Free Trade Port Law (2021) 海南自由貿易港法


Law on Foreigners

Exit-Entry Administration Law of China (2012) 出境入境管理法

Law on Administration of Domestic Activities of Overseas Non-government Organizations within the Territory of China (2017) 境外非政府組織境內活動管理法


Cyber law / Internet Law

Cybersecurity Law of China (2017) 網絡安全法

E-commerce Law of China (2018) 電子商務法

Electronic Signature Law of China (2019) 電子簽名法

Cryptography Law of China (2019) 密碼法


Securities Law

Securities Law of China (2019) 證券法

Securities Investment Fund Law of China (2015) 證券投資基金法


Banking and Finance

Commercial Banking Law of China (2015) 商業銀行法

Banking Supervision Law of China (2006) 銀行業監督管理法

Insurance Law of China (2015) 保險法

Trust Law of China (2001) 信托法

Anti-money Laundering Law of China (2006) 反洗錢法


Accounting Law

Accounting Law of China (2017) 會計法

Certified Public Accountants Law of China (2014) 注冊會計師法


Labor Law / Employment Law

Labor Law of China (2018) 勞動法

Labor Contract Law of China (2012) 勞動合同法

Law on the Prevention and Control of Occupational Diseases of China (2018) 職業病防治法

Employment Promotion Law of China (2015) 就業促進法


Human Rights Law

Minors Protection Law of China (2020) 未成年人保護法

Law on Protection of Women's Rights and Interests of China (2018) 婦女權益保障法

Law on Protection of the Rights and Interests of the Elderly of China (2018) 老年人權益保障法

Law on Protection of the Disabled of China (2018) 殘疾人保障法

Law Against Domestic Violence of China (2015) 反家庭暴力法


Public Administration 行政管理

Administrative Licensing Law of China (2019) 行政許可法

Government Procurement Law of China (2014) 政府采購法

Law on Administrative Penalties for Public Security of China (2012) 治安管理處罰法

Budget Law of China (2018) 預算法

Statistics Law of China (2009) 統計法

Archives Law of China (2020) 檔案法

Meteorology Law of China (2016) 氣象法

Surveying and Mapping Law of China (2017) 測繪法

Law on the Promotion of Rural Revitalization of China (2021) 鄉村振興促進法(2021)


Social Security Law

Social Security Law of China (2018) 社會保險法


Education Law

Education Law of China (2021) 教育法

Compulsory Education Law of China (2018) 義務教育法

Higher Education Law of China (2018) 高等教育法

Law on the Promotion of Private Schools of China (2018) 民辦教育促進法


Energy Law

Electric Power Law of China (2018) 電力法

Coal Industry Law of China (2016) 煤炭法

Energy Conservation Law of China (2018) 節約能源法


Environmental Law

Environmental Protection Law of China (2014) 環境保護法

Environmental Impact Assessment Law (2018) 環境影響評價法

Wildlife Protection Law of China (2018) 野生動物保護法

Law on Prevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollution of China (2018) 大氣污染防治法

Law on Prevention and Control of Environmental Noise Pollution of China (2018) 環境噪聲污染防治法

Law on the Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution Caused by Solid Wastes of China (2020) 固體廢物污染環境防治法

Law on Water Pollution Prevention and Control of China (2017) 水污染防治法

Law on Prevention and Control of Desertification of China (2018) 防沙治沙法

Law on Soil Pollution Prevention and Control of China (2018) 土壤污染防治法

Marine Environmental Protection Law of China (2017) 海洋環境保護法

Cleaner Production Promotion Law of China (2012) 清潔生產促進法

Circular Economy Promotion Law of China (2018) 循環經濟促進法


Business Law

Tobacco Monopoly Law (2015) 煙草專賣法

Work Safety Law of China (2014) 安全生產法

Advertising Law of China (2021) 廣告法

Tourism Law of China (2018) 旅游法

Auction Law of China (2015) 拍賣法

Bidding Law of China (2017) 招標投標法

Asset Appraisal Law of China (2016) 資產評估法

Law on Promoting the Transformation of Scientific and Technological Achievements of China (2015) 促進科技成果轉化法

Law on Promotion of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises of China (2017) 中小企業促進法

Standardization Law of China (2017) 標準化法

Anti-Unfair Competition Law of China (2019) 反不正當競爭法

Anti-monopoly Law (2007) 反壟斷法


Agricultural Law

Grassland Law of China (2021) 草原法

Forest Law of China (2019) 森林法

Fisheries Law of China (2013) 漁業法

Animal Husbandry Law of China (2015) 畜牧法

Animal Epidemic Prevention Law of China (2021) 動物防疫法

Seed Law of China (2015) 種子法

Specialized Farmers Cooperatives Law of China (2017) 農民專業合作社法

Promotion of Agricultural Mechanization Law of China (2018) 農業機械化促進法


Health Law

Law on Promotion of Basic Medical and Health Care of China (2019) 基本醫療衛生與健康促進法

Drug Administration Law of China (2019) 藥品管理法

Vaccine Administration Law of China (2019) 疫苗管理法

Mental Health Law of China (2018) 精神衛生法

Law on Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases of China (2013) 傳染病防治法

Traditional Chinese Medicine Law of China (2016) 中醫藥法


Consumer Law

Law on Protection of Consumer Rights and Interests of China (2013) 消費者權益保護

Anti-food Waste Law (2021) 反食品浪費法


Product Liability Law

Special Equipment Safety Law of China (2013) 特種設備安全法

Product Quality Law of China (2018) 產品質量法

Food Safety Law of China (2021) 食品安全法


Transportation and Traffic Law

Highway Law of China (2017) 公路法

Railway Law of China (2015) 鐵路法

Civil Aviation Law of China (2018) 民用航空法

Maritime Law of China (1992) 海商法

Port Law of China (2018) 港口法

Maritime Traffic Safety Law of China (2021) 海上交通安全法

Road Traffic Safety Law  (2021) 道路交通安全法

Civil Aviation Law (2021) 民用航空法

Coast Guard Law of China (2021) 海警法


Telecommunications and Postal Service Law

Postal Law of China (2015) 郵政法


Sports and Entertainment Law

Film Industry Promotion Law of China (2016) 電影產業促進法

Physical Culture and Sports Law 體育法


Disaster Law

Fire Protection Law of China (2021) 消防法

Fire and Rescue Ranks Regulation of China (2018) 消防救援銜條例

Flood Control Law of China (2016) 防洪法


Real Estate Law 

Land Administration Law (2019) 土地管理法

Urban Real Estate Administration Law (2019) 城市房地產管理法

Law on Land Contract in Rural Areas (2018) 農村土地承包法

Construction Law of China (2019) 建筑法


Social Law

Population and Family Planning Law of China (2015) 人口與計劃生育法

Charity Law of China (2016) 慈善法

Community Correction Law of China (2019) 社區矯正法

Law on National Medals and National Honorary Titles of China (2015) 國家勛章和國家榮譽稱號法

Heroes and Martyrs Protection Law of China (2018) 英雄烈士保護法

Public Libraries Law of China (2018) 公共圖書館法

Anti-Drug Law of China (2007) 禁毒法

Red Cross Society Law of China(2017) 紅十字會法

Public Cultural Service Guarantee Law of China (2016) 公共文化服務保障法


Affairs Relating to Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan 

Law on Safeguarding National Security in HKSAR of China (2020) 香港特別行政區維護國家安全法

Law on the Protection of Investments by Taiwan Compatriots of China (2019) 臺灣同胞投資保護法

Decision on the Qualifications of Members of the Legislative Council of the HKSAR (2020) 關于香港特別行政區立法會議員資格問題的決定


Public Administration

Administrative Licensing Law of China (2019) 行政許可法

Administrative Penalty Law of China (2021) 行政處罰法

Statistics Law of China (2009) 統計法

Archives Law of China (2020) 檔案法


Civil Servant Law

Civil Servant Law of China (2018) 公務員法

Law on Governmental Discipline for Public Officials of China (2020) 公職人員政務處分法


Legal Profession

Judges Law of China (2019) 法官法

Lawyers Law of China (2017) 律師法

Procurators Law of China (2019) 檢察官法

Notary Law of China (2017) 公證法


Tax Law

Tax Collection Administration Law of China (2015) 稅收征收管理法

Enterprise Income Tax Law (2018) 企業所得稅法

Individual Income Tax Law of China (2018) 個人所得稅法

Resource Tax Law of China (2019) 資源稅法

Vehicle Acquisition Tax Law (2018) 車輛購置稅法

Farmland Occupation Tax Law (2018) 耕地占用稅法

Vehicle and Vessel Tax Law of China (2019) 車船稅法

Vessel Tonnage Tax Law of China (2018) 船舶噸稅法

Environmental Protection Tax Law of China (2018) 環境保護稅法

Tobacco Tax Law of China (2017) 煙葉稅法

Deed Tax Law of China (2020) 契稅法

 Law on Urban Maintenance and Construction Tax of China (2020) 城市維護建設稅法

Stamp Tax Law of China (2021) 印花稅法



National security Law

National Security Law of China (2015) 國家安全法

Anti-Terrorism Law of China (2018) 反恐怖主義法

Biosecurity Law of China (2020) 生物安全法

National Intelligence Law of China (2018) 國家情報法

Counterespionage Law of China (2014) 反間諜法

Gun Control Law of China (2015) 槍支管理法

Nuclear Safety Law of China (2017) 核安全法

Anti-foreign Sanctions Law of China(2021) 反外國制裁法


Military Law

People's Armed Police Law of China (2020) 人民武裝警察法

National Defense Education Law of China (2018) 國防教育法

Veterans Protection Law of China (2020) 退役軍人保障法

Law on the Protection of Military Installations of China (2021) 軍事設施保護法