Law of the People's Republic of China on the?Hainan Free Trade Port
(Adopted at the 29th Meeting of the Standing Committee of?the Thirteenth National People's Congress on June 10, 2021)
Chapter I? General Provisions
第一章 總 則
Article 1?This Law is enacted for the purpose of building a high-standard Hainan Free Trade Port with Chinese characteristics?to?promote the formation of a new model for reform and opening up at a higher level,?establish new systems for the open economy,?and promote the smooth, healthy and sustainable development of the socialist market economy.
第一條 為了建設高水平的中國特色海南自由貿易港,推動形成更高層次改革開放新格局,建立開放型經濟新體制,促進社會主義市場經濟平穩健康可持續發展,制定本法。
Article 2?The state establishes the Hainan Free Trade Port on the whole island of Hainan, and shall develop free trade port policies and institutions step by step and in stages to realize liberalization and facilitation of trade, investment, cross-border capital flows, personnel entry and exit, and transport to and from the free trade port, and to ensure the safe and orderly flow of data.
第二條 國家在海南島全島設立海南自由貿易港,分步驟、分階段建立自由貿易港政策和制度體系,實現貿易、投資、跨境資金流動、人員進出、運輸來往自由便利和數據安全有序流動。
The development and administration of the Hainan Free Trade Port shall be bound by this Law. In the absence of any provisions in this Law, the provisions of other relevant laws and regulations shall apply.
Article 3?The Hainan Free Trade Port shall be developed with Chinese characteristics by drawing on international experience, focusing on Hainan’s strategic status and giving full play to Hainan’s strengths. In the course reform and innovation shall be encouraged and risk prevention strengthened. The new philosophy of innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared development shall be applied, a holistic approach to national security adopted, high-quality development adhered to, and the people’s place at the core upheld. This will be done?to achieve economic prosperity, improve social etiquette and civility, maintain an eco-friendly living environment and see that the people lead a happy life.
第三條 海南自由貿易港建設,應當體現中國特色,借鑒國際經驗,圍繞海南戰略定位,發揮海南優勢,推進改革創新,加強風險防范,貫徹創新、協調、綠色、開放、共享的新發展理念,堅持高質量發展,堅持總體國家安全觀,堅持以人民為中心,實現經濟繁榮、社會文明、生態宜居、人民幸福。
Article 4?The Hainan Free Trade Port shall be developed with a focus on promoting trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, supported by the free, orderly, safe and convenient flow of different production factors across the border and a modern industrial system, and guaranteed by a special taxation arrangement, an efficient social governance system and a sound legal system, with continuous improvements made to ensure a law-based, international-oriented and convenient business environment and a fair, integrated and efficient market.
第四條 海南自由貿易港建設,以貿易投資自由化便利化為重點,以各類生產要素跨境自由有序安全便捷流動和現代產業體系為支撐,以特殊的稅收制度安排、高效的社會治理體系和完備的法治體系為保障,持續優化法治化、國際化、便利化的營商環境和公平統一高效的市場環境。
Article 5?The strictest systems for eco-environmental protection shall be implemented in the Hainan Free Trade Port with priority given to ecological protection and in pursuit of green development.Better systems and mechanisms for ecological conservation shall be developed and a national pilot zone for ecological conservation shall be established in the Hainan Free Trade Port.
第五條 海南自由貿易港實行最嚴格的生態環境保護制度,堅持生態優先、綠色發展,創新生態文明體制機制,建設國家生態文明試驗區。
Article 6?The state establishes a leadership mechanism for the development of the Hainan Free Trade Port to coordinate the major policies and issues concerning?its?development. The departments in charge of development and reform, finance, commerce, financial regulation, customs and taxation under the State Council and other State Council?departments shall guide and promote the development of the Hainan Free Trade Port in accordance with their respective duties and responsibilities.
第六條 國家建立海南自由貿易港建設領導機制,統籌協調海南自由貿易港建設重大政策和重大事項。國務院發展改革、財政、商務、金融管理、海關、稅務等部門按照職責分工,指導推動海南自由貿易港建設相關工作。
The state establishes an administrative system compatible with the development of the Hainan Free Trade Port and develop new regulatory models.
Hainan provincial authorities shall effectively fulfill?their?responsibilities and strengthen?their?leadership and organization, to promote the development of the Hainan Free Trade Port with all?their?strength.
Article 7?The state supports the establishment and development of the Hainan Free Trade Port, and shall support Hainan provincial authorities in exercising the decision-making power over carrying out reform in accordance with the requirements of the Central Government and the provisions of laws. The State Council and its relevant departments shall, in timely manner, authorize or entrust the people’s government of Hainan Province and its relevant departments to exercise relevant administrative powers in accordance with the practical needs for the develop of the Hainan Free Trade Port.
第七條 國家支持海南自由貿易港建設發展,支持海南省依照中央要求和法律規定行使改革自主權。國務院及其有關部門根據海南自由貿易港建設的實際需要,及時依法授權或者委托海南省人民政府及其有關部門行使相關管理職權。
Article 8?The Hainan Free Trade Port shall establish a comprehensive, scientific, and effective governance system, promote the reform of government agencies and the transformation of their functions, standardize government services, strengthen the mechanisms for preventing and resolving social conflicts, and develop a smarter social governance?system based on collaboration, participation, and common interests.
第八條 海南自由貿易港構建系統完備、科學規范、運行有效的海南自由貿易港治理體系,推動政府機構改革和職能轉變,規范政府服務標準,加強預防和化解社會矛盾機制建設,提高社會治理智能化水平,完善共建共治共享的社會治理制度。
The state advances the reform and innovation of the administrative divisionsin the Hainan Free Trade Port by optimizing the?layout?and structure of the administrative divisions.
Article 9?The state supports the Hainan Free Trade Port in taking the initiative to adapt to developments?in?international economic and trade rules and the trends in global economic governance reform, and in carrying out international exchanges and cooperation.
第九條 國家支持海南自由貿易港主動適應國際經濟貿易規則發展和全球經濟治理體系改革新趨勢,積極開展國際交流合作。
Article 10?The Hainan Provincial People’s Congress and its Standing Committee may, in accordance with this Law, formulate regulations on trade, investment, and related administrative?activities (hereinafter referred to as the Hainan Free Trade Port regulations) in light of the actual conditions and needs of the Hainan Free Trade Port and under the provisions of the Constitution and the basic principles of laws and administrative regulations,?and?shall?implement these?regulations within the Hainan Free Trade Port .
第十條 海南省人民代表大會及其常務委員會可以根據本法,結合海南自由貿易港建設的具體情況和實際需要,遵循憲法規定和法律、行政法規的基本原則,就貿易、投資及相關管理活動制定法規(以下稱海南自由貿易港法規),在海南自由貿易港范圍內實施。
The Hainan Free Trade Port regulations shall be submitted to the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress and the State Council for the record. Explanations shall be given for the circumstances and reasons justifying any deviation in the Hainan Free Trade Port regulations from the provisions of laws or administrative regulations.
Where the Hainan Free Trade Port regulations involve matters that shall be governed by laws of the National People’s Congress and its Standing Committee or by administrative regulations of the State Council in accordance with the law,?the said?regulations?shall be submitted to the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress or the State Council for approval before entering into force.
Chapter II Trade Liberalization and Facilitation
第二章 貿易自由便利
Article 11?The state establishes a customs supervision system for the special zone of the Hainan Free Trade Port, which features the whole-island special customs operations in Hainan Island. A secure and convenient management system for trade in goods that allows free entry and exit of goods shall be established, and the administrative?measures for trade in services shall be optimized, to realize trade liberalization and facilitation on the basis of effective regulation
第十一條 國家建立健全全島封關運作的海南自由貿易港海關監管特殊區域制度。在依法有效監管基礎上,建立自由進出、安全便利的貨物貿易管理制度,優化服務貿易管理措施,實現貿易自由化便利化。
Article 12?The Hainan Free Trade Port shall build port infrastructure to a high standard and strengthen control over the public health and safety, bio-safety, food safety, and commodity quality and safety at the?ports.
第十二條 海南自由貿易港應當高標準建設口岸基礎設施,加強口岸公共衛生安全、國門生物安全、食品安全、商品質量安全管控。
Article 13?Goods and articles may enter or exit freely?between?areas outside the borders of China’s mainland and the Hainan Free Trade Port under the supervision of the?customs in accordance with the law, except those on the lists of goods and articles? prohibited or restricted for import or export?in the Hainan Free Trade Port.
第十三條 在境外與海南自由貿易港之間,貨物、物品可以自由進出,海關依法進行監管,列入海南自由貿易港禁止、限制進出口貨物、物品清單的除外。
The lists mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be?made?by the department in charge of commerce under the State Council in conjunction with other relevant?State Council?departments and the Hainan provincial authorities.
Article 14?For goods entering other customs?area?of China (hereinafter referred to as “China’s mainland”) from the Hainan Free Trade Port, the relevant formalities shall be handled in accordance with import regulations in principle.?Articles entering?China’s?mainland from the Hainan Free Trade Port?shall be subject to?supervision?and? management?in accordance with relevant regulations.Simplified import administration shall be applied to the means of transport from the Hainan Free Trade Port to?China’s?mainland.
第十四條 貨物由海南自由貿易港進入境內其他地區(以下簡稱內地),原則上按進口規定辦理相關手續。物品由海南自由貿易港進入內地,按規定進行監管。對海南自由貿易港前往內地的運輸工具,簡化進口管理。
Goods, articles, and means of transport? entering the Hainan Free Trade Port from?China’s?mainland?shall be managed in accordance with the regulations on domestic shipment.
Specific measures for the movement of goods, articles, and means of transport between the Hainan Free Trade Port and?China's mainland?shall be formulated by the relevant departments under the State Council in conjunction with the Hainan provincial authorities.
Article 15?All market?entities?are free to?engage in?trade in goods and related activities in the Hainan Free Trade Port in accordance with the law. The?customs shall conduct efficient supervision and administration with less intervention.
第十五條 各類市場主體在海南自由貿易港內依法自由開展貨物貿易以及相關活動,海關實施低干預、高效能的監管。
In the Hainan Free Trade Port there shall be no limits on the storage period for import and export goods and the places of storage may be freely chosen, provided that the requirements for environmental protection and productionsafety?are met.
Article 16?The Hainan Free Trade Port shall implement policies on customs clearance facilitation?with simplified process?and formalities for the movement of goods. Except for goods subject to inspection and quarantine or license management in accordance with the law, the?customs shall release?goodsentering the Hainan Free Trade Port in accordance with relevant regulations, so as to facilitate customs clearance?for market entities.
第十六條 海南自由貿易港實行通關便利化政策,簡化貨物流轉流程和手續。除依法需要檢驗檢疫或者實行許可證件管理的貨物外,貨物進入海南自由貿易港,海關按照有關規定徑予放行,為市場主體提供通關便利服務。
Article 17?The Hainan Free Trade Port shall implement a system of negative list for cross-border trade in services and shall implement corresponding systems for payments?and?capital?transfers.?Cross-border trade in services outside the scope of the negative list shall be managed according to the?principle of equal treatment for domestic and cross-border trade in?services.
第十七條 海南自由貿易港對跨境服務貿易實行負面清單管理制度,并實施相配套的資金支付和轉移制度。對清單之外的跨境服務貿易,按照內外一致的原則管理。
The negative list for cross-border trade in services of the Hainan Free Trade Port shall be?made?by the department in charge of commerce under the State Council in conjunction with?other?relevant State Council?departments and the Hainan provincial authorities.
Chapter III Investment Liberalization and Facilitation
第三章 投資自由便利
Article 18?The Hainan Free Trade Port shall implement investment liberalization and facilitation policies by adopting an approval system with minimum requirements for investment, improving the system for investment promotion and protection, strengthening protection of property rights, ensuring fair competition, and fostering an open, transparent and predictable investment environment.
第十八條 海南自由貿易港實行投資自由化便利化政策,全面推行極簡審批投資制度,完善投資促進和投資保護制度,強化產權保護,保障公平競爭,營造公開、透明、可預期的投資環境。
The Hainan Free Trade Port shall fully liberalize investment access, except for those sectors subject to approval by the state involving national security, social stability, redlines for ecological protection, and major public interests, etc.
Article 19?The Hainan Free Trade Port shall implement an administration system of pre-establishment national treatment plus negative lists?for foreign investment. The negative lists for foreign investment access exclusively applicable to the Hainan Free Trade Port shall be?made?by the relevant departments under the State Council in conjunction with the Hainan provincial authorities, and be issued upon the approval of the State Council.
第十九條 海南自由貿易港對外商投資實行準入前國民待遇加負面清單管理制度。特別適用于海南自由貿易港的外商投資準入負面清單由國務院有關部門會同海南省制定,報國務院批準后發布。
Article 20?The state relaxes regulation of market access in the Hainan Free Trade Port. The special list (special measures) for relaxed regulation of market access in the Hainan Free Trade Port shall be determined by the relevant departments under the State Council in conjunction with the Hainan provincial authorities.
第二十條 國家放寬海南自由貿易港市場準入。海南自由貿易港放寬市場準入特別清單(特別措施)由國務院有關部門會同海南省制定。
The Hainan Free Trade Port shall implement investment facilitation measures focusing on process supervision and management and?gradually implement?a?system of market access upon commitment. The specific measures thereof shall be formulated by Hainan provincial authorities in conjunction with relevant departments under the State Council.
Article 21?The Hainan Free Trade Port shall, in accordance with the principles of convenience, efficiency and transparency, streamline process, increase efficiency, and improve government services;?establish systems facilitating the establishment, operation, and withdrawal of market?entities;?and optimize bankruptcy procedures. The specific measures thereof shall be formulated by the Hainan Provincial People’s Congress and its Standing Committee.
第二十一條 海南自由貿易港按照便利、高效、透明的原則,簡化辦事程序,提高辦事效率,優化政務服務,建立市場主體設立便利、經營便利、注銷便利等制度,優化破產程序。具體辦法由海南省人民代表大會及其常務委員會制定。
Article 22?The state protects the investment,?earnings?and other legitimate rights and interests of natural persons, legal persons, and unincorporated organizations in the Hainan Free Trade Port in accordance with the law, and strengthen the protection of small and medium-sized investors.
第二十二條 國家依法保護自然人、法人和非法人組織在海南自由貿易港內的投資、收益和其他合法權益,加強對中小投資者的保護。
Article 23?The state protects the intellectual property rights of natural persons, legal persons, and unincorporated organizations in the Hainan Free Trade Port in accordance with the law,?and shall?facilitate intellectual property rights?creation and application?as well as?enhance relevant management and service capabilities,?shall?establish sound mechanisms such as supervision through classified credit management and sanctions for dishonesty in the field of intellectual property rights,?and shall?punish infringement of intellectual property right in strict accordance with the law.
第二十三條 國家依法保護海南自由貿易港內自然人、法人和非法人組織的知識產權,促進知識產權創造、運用和管理服務能力提升,建立健全知識產權領域信用分類監管、失信懲戒等機制,對知識產權侵權行為,嚴格依法追究法律責任。
Article 24?A unified, open, competitive and orderly market system shall be established in the Hainan Free Trade Port, where fair market competition shall be protected through enhancing?the fundamental position of the policies on?competition, implementing?a review system?for?fair competition, and strengthening?and improving?law enforcement in anti-monopoly and anti-unfair competition.
第二十四條 海南自由貿易港建立統一開放、競爭有序的市場體系,強化競爭政策的基礎性地位,落實公平競爭審查制度,加強和改進反壟斷和反不正當競爭執法,保護市場公平競爭。
All market?entities?in the Hainan Free Trade Port shall enjoy equal treatment in accordance with the law in terms of obtaining access licensing, business operations, access to factors of production, standard-setting, preferential policies, etc. The specific measures thereof shall be formulated by the Hainan Provincial People’s Congress and its Standing Committee.
Chapter IV Fiscal and Taxation Systems
第四章 財政稅收制度
Article 25?During the establishment?and development stage of the Hainan Free Trade Port, the Central Government shall give appropriate financial support to the Hainan Free Trade Port?according to its?actual situation and the changes in its taxation system. The Hainan provincial authorities are encouraged to issue local government bonds?to finance?project development in the Hainan Free Trade Port within the quota approved by the State Council. Hainan provincial authorities shall set up a government-guided investment fund for the development of the Hainan Free Trade Port, which is?operated?in a market-oriented manner.
第二十五條 在海南自由貿易港開發建設階段,中央財政根據實際,結合稅制變化情況,對海南自由貿易港給予適當財政支持。鼓勵海南省在國務院批準的限額內發行地方政府債券支持海南自由貿易港項目建設。海南省設立政府引導、市場化方式運作的海南自由貿易港建設投資基金。
Article 26?The Hainan Free Trade Port may?independently?decide to reduce or exempt the payments to government-managed funds, or defer the collection of such payments in accordance with development needs, except for?those related to?an ecological compensation.
第二十六條 海南自由貿易港可以根據發展需要,自主減征、免征、緩征除具有生態補償性質外的政府性基金。
Article 27?A taxation system that meets local needs shall be established for the Hainan Free Trade Port,?in line with the direction of national tax reform?and?under the principles of a simple and?reasonable?tax structure, full optimization of all elements, significant reduction of tax burden, clear revenue attribution, and balancing of revenue and expenditure.
第二十七條 按照稅種結構簡單科學、稅制要素充分優化、稅負水平明顯降低、收入歸屬清晰、財政收支基本均衡的原則,結合國家稅制改革方向,建立符合需要的海南自由貿易港稅制體系。
To introduce?island-wide?special customs operations, taxes and fees such as the value-added tax, consumption tax, vehicle purchase tax, urban maintenance and construction tax, and education surcharge shall be consolidated, and sales tax shall be levied on goods and services?for?retails.?After?island-wide?special customs operations?are implemented, the taxation system shall be further simplified.
The department of finance under the State Council, in conjunction with other relevant?State Council?departments and the Hainan provincial authorities, shall formulate a specific plan for the simplification of the taxation system in time.
Article 28?After?island-wide?special customs operations?are implemented?and the taxation system is simplified, the Hainan Free Trade Port shall implement catalogue management?with respect to?import dutiable products.?No import duties?shall be?levied on products outside the catalogue?entering the Hainan Free Trade Port. The catalogue of import dutiable products shall be?produced?by the department of finance under the State Council in conjunction with other relevant?State Council?departments and the Hainan provincial authorities.
第二十八條 全島封關運作、簡并稅制后,海南自由貿易港對進口征稅商品實行目錄管理,目錄之外的貨物進入海南自由貿易港,免征進口關稅。進口征稅商品目錄由國務院財政部門會同國務院有關部門和海南省制定。
Before?island-wide?special customs operations?are implemented?and the taxation system is simplified, the import duties?import?value-added tax and?import?consumption tax?on?certain?imported goods shall be exempted.
Export duties shall be levied on export dutiable products exiting from the Hainan Free Trade Port.
Article 29?Import?duties?shall be?levied on goods entering?China's mainlandfrom the Hainan Free Trade Port?as imports?in principle. However, import duties shall be exempted for?goods produced by?the?enterprises in encouraged industries if such goods do not?incorporate?imported materials and parts or if they?incorporate?imported materials and parts but are processed in the Hainan Free Trade Port?and their?value?increases?by a specific percentage?as a result. The specific measures thereof shall be formulated by the relevant departments under the State Council in conjunction with the Hainan provincial authorities.
第二十九條 貨物由海南自由貿易港進入內地,原則上按照進口征稅;但是,對鼓勵類產業企業生產的不含進口料件或者含進口料件在海南自由貿易港加工增值達到一定比例的貨物,免征關稅。具體辦法由國務院有關部門會同海南省制定。
The value-added tax and consumption tax collected on?goods?entering the Hainan Free Trade Port from?China's mainland?shall be rebated in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State Council.
Before?island-wide?special customs operations?are implemented?and the taxation system is simplified, the import duties, the import value-added tax and the import consumption tax shall be exempted for duty-free articles that are purchased and taken delivery of by tourists when departing from the island?in accordance with relevant regulations. After?island-wide?special customs operations?are implemented?and the taxation system is simplified, the tax administration measures for goods moving between the Hainan Free Trade Port and?China's mainland?shall be formulated by the relevant departments under the State Council in conjunction with the Hainan provincial authorities.
Article 30?Preferential enterprise income tax treatment shall be granted to eligible enterprises registered in the Hainan Free Trade Port. Individual income tax preference shall be given to eligible individuals in the Hainan Free Trade Port.
第三十條 對注冊在海南自由貿易港符合條件的企業,實行企業所得稅優惠;對海南自由貿易港內符合條件的個人,實行個人所得稅優惠。
Article 31?A sound, efficient and unified system for tax collection and administration as well as related services shall be established in the Hainan Free Trade Port, which provides effective, informatized, international-standard-meeting, and easy-to-access services. The Hainan Free Trade Port shall actively participate in international cooperation in the area of tax collection and administration, improve the standard for and efficiency of tax collection and administration as well as related services, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of taxpayers.
第三十一條 海南自由貿易港建立優化高效統一的稅收征管服務體系,提高稅收征管服務科學化、信息化、國際化、便民化水平,積極參與國際稅收征管合作,提高稅收征管服務質量和效率,保護納稅人的合法權益。
Chapter V Eco-environmental Protection
第五章 生態環境保護
Article 32?Improvements shall be made to?the?eco-environmental assessment and monitoring system of the Hainan Free Trade Port and an eco-environmental access list be formulated to prevent pollution and protect the environment. Improvements shall be made to the property rights system for natural resources and the system of paid use of natural resources of the Hainan Free Trade Port to promote economical and efficient resource?use.
第三十二條 海南自由貿易港健全生態環境評價和監測制度,制定生態環境準入清單,防止污染,保護生態環境;健全自然資源資產產權制度和有償使用制度,促進資源節約高效利用。
Article 33?The establishment of spacial planning system?for?the Hainan Free Trade Port shall be accelerated, under which tailored regulatory and control measures for different uses of natural ecological space shall be adopted, redlines for ecological conservation be strictly observed, a system of protected natural areas mainly consisting of national parks be formed, and green urbanization and the development of a beautiful countryside be promoted.
第三十三條 海南自由貿易港推進國土空間規劃體系建設,實行差別化的自然生態空間用途管制,嚴守生態保護紅線,構建以國家公園為主體的自然保護地體系,推進綠色城鎮化、美麗鄉村建設。
The marine environment of the?Hainan Free Trade Port shall?be?strictly protected, and sound interregional mechanisms for ecosystem protection and restoration and for pollution prevention and control based on land-marine coordination shall be established.
Article 34?The Hainan Free Trade Port shall adopt a stricter ?environmental-safety-related entry management system, strengthen inspection and quarantine capacity building, prevent the invasion of alien species, and prohibit the import of solid waste from abroad. The Hainan Free Trade Port shall improve its capacity for the treatment and disposal of hazardous waste such as medical waste, enhance its capacity for emergency preparedness and response to eco-environmental emergencies, and strengthen ecological risk prevention and control.
第三十四條 海南自由貿易港實行嚴格的進出境環境安全準入管理制度,加強檢驗檢疫能力建設,防范外來物種入侵,禁止境外固體廢物輸入;提高醫療廢物等危險廢物處理處置能力,提升突發生態環境事件應急準備與響應能力,加強生態風險防控。
Article 35?A sustainable market-oriented compensation mechanism for ecological protection shall be established in the Hainan Free Trade Port,?and it will be?led by the government with the participation of enterprises and all other sectors of society.?A?mechanism for realizing the value of ecosystem products shall?also?be established to encourage the use of market mechanisms to promote eco-environmental protection and achieve sustainable development.
第三十五條 海南自由貿易港推進建立政府主導、企業和社會參與、市場化運作、可持續的生態保護補償機制,建立生態產品價值實現機制,鼓勵利用市場機制推進生態環境保護,實現可持續發展。
Article 36?The Hainan Free Trade Port shall implement an accountability system and an assessment and evaluation system?for achieving environmental protection targets. The rule shall be adopted that failing to achieve environmental protection targets shall be considered the failure of the annual assessment when the local people’s governments at or above the county level conduct such assessments on their departments responsible for environmental supervision and administration and the leaders of these departments, as well as on the people’s governments at the next lower level and their leaders.
第三十六條 海南自由貿易港實行環境保護目標責任制和考核評價制度。縣級以上地方人民政府對本級人民政府負有環境監督管理職責的部門及其負責人和下級人民政府及其負責人的年度考核,實行環境保護目標完成情況一票否決制。
For areas where environmental protection targets have not been attained, approvals?of environmental impact assessment documents for projects?with?an increase?in?total emissions of major pollutants in these areas shall be suspended for one year. The principal leaders of the local people’s government responsible for?these?failures?and of the departments in charge of environmental supervision and administration shall not be promoted to higher positions or transferred to important posts within one year, and shall be given sanctions in accordance with the law.
Article 37?The Hainan Free Trade Port shall implement a lifelong accountability system for eco-environmental damage. Where serious eco-environmental damage is caused due to disregard of the requirements for scientific development, the principal leaders, the persons directly in charge, and the other persons directly responsible of the local people’s governments and their relevant departments shall be strictly held accountable.
第三十七條 海南自由貿易港實行生態環境損害責任終身追究制。對違背科學發展要求、造成生態環境嚴重破壞的地方人民政府及有關部門主要負責人、直接負責的主管人員和其他直接責任人員,應當嚴格追究責任。
Chapter VI Industrial Development and Talent Support
第六章 產業發展與人才支撐
Article 38?The state supports the Hainan Free Trade Port in establishing an open, eco-friendly,?and service-oriented industrial system and?in?actively developing important industries such as tourism?and other?modern service?industries, high-tech industries, and efficient tropical agriculture.
第三十八條 國家支持海南自由貿易港建設開放型生態型服務型產業體系,積極發展旅游業、現代服務業、高新技術產業以及熱帶特色高效農業等重點產業。
Article 39?The Hainan Free Trade Port shall build itself into an international tourism and consumption center,?deeply?integrate? tourism with culture, sports, healthcare, elderly care, and other industries,?to?foster new forms and models of tourism.
第三十九條 海南自由貿易港推進國際旅游消費中心建設,推動旅游與文化體育、健康醫療、養老養生等深度融合,培育旅游新業態新模式。
Article 40?The Hainan Free Trade Port shall deepen the opening up of its modern service sector to other parts of China and to the overseas, build itself into an international shipping hub, promote the integrated development of ports, industries and cities, improve the marine service infrastructure, and build an internationally competitive marine service system.
第四十條 海南自由貿易港深化現代服務業對內對外開放,打造國際航運樞紐,推動港口、產業、城市融合發展,完善海洋服務基礎設施,構建具有國際競爭力的海洋服務體系。
High-level foreign universities and vocational schools?may?set up schools of science, engineering, agriculture and medical science in the Hainan Free Trade Port.
Article 41?The state supports the Hainan Free Trade Port in the development of major scientific research infrastructure and programs, and?establishes?a?management?system for scientific and technological innovations?andinternational scientific and technological cooperation mechanisms,?which are in line with the laws of scientific research.
第四十一條 國家支持海南自由貿易港建設重大科研基礎設施和條件平臺,建立符合科研規律的科技創新管理制度和國際科技合作機制。
Article 42?A data flow management system shall be established in the Hainan Free Trade Port in accordance with the law to ensure the safe, orderly, free and convenient flow of data,?to?protect the data-related rights and interests of individuals and organizations in accordance with the law,?to?open up communication resources and communication services in an orderly manner,?to expand?opening up in the field of data, and?to?promote the development of the data-based digital economy.
第四十二條 海南自由貿易港依法建立安全有序自由便利的數據流動管理制度,依法保護個人、組織與數據有關的權益,有序擴大通信資源和業務開放,擴大數據領域開放,促進以數據為關鍵要素的數字經濟發展。
The state supports the Hainan Free Trade Port in exploring institutional arrangements for regional cross-border data flow.
Article 43?The Hainan Free Trade Port shall adopt a highly free, convenient and open transport policy, as well as a more open shipping system and ship management system.?The?Yangpu China ship registry port shall be built in the Hainan Free Trade Port where a special ship registration system shall be implemented.?Airspace control and air route restrictions shall be relaxed in the Hainan Free Trade Port and the allocation of traffic rights resources?shall be?optimized to improve transportation facilitation and services.
第四十三條 海南自由貿易港實施高度自由便利開放的運輸政策,建立更加開放的航運制度和船舶管理制度,建設“中國洋浦港”船籍港,實行特殊的船舶登記制度;放寬空域管制和航路限制,優化航權資源配置,提升運輸便利化和服務保障水平。
Article 44?The Hainan Free Trade Port shall deepen the reform of its talent development system and mechanisms,?creating new?support mechanisms for personnel training, and establishing scientific and reasonable mechanisms introducing, identifying and?employing?talents,?as well as ensuring their benefits and welfare.
第四十四條 海南自由貿易港深化人才發展體制機制改革,創新人才培養支持機制,建立科學合理的人才引進、認定、使用和待遇保障機制。
Article 45?An efficient and convenient exit and entry administration system shall be established in the Hainan Free Trade Port by phasing in?a?visa-free entry policy in a wider range, extending the duration of visa-free stay, optimizing exit and entry inspection, and facilitating exit and entry customs clearance.
第四十五條 海南自由貿易港建立高效便利的出境入境管理制度,逐步實施更大范圍適用免簽入境政策,延長免簽停留時間,優化出境入境檢查管理,提供出境入境通關便利。
Article 46?More open policies for talents and their temporary stay and residence shall be adopted in the Hainan Free Trade Port, including a more relaxed policy for temporary exit and entry, implementation of?a?policy for facilitated work visa application, application of the negative list administration system for foreigners’ work permits, and further improvement of the stay and residence system.
第四十六條 海南自由貿易港實行更加開放的人才和停居留政策,實行更加寬松的人員臨時出境入境政策、便利的工作簽證政策,對外國人工作許可實行負面清單管理,進一步完善居留制度。
Article 47?The Hainan Free Trade Port shall relax restrictions on overseas personnel taking professional qualification examinations, and implement a one-way accreditation?list?system for overseas professional credentials.
第四十七條 海南自由貿易港放寬境外人員參加職業資格考試的限制,對符合條件的境外專業資格認定,實行單向認可清單制度。
Chapter VII Comprehensive Measures
第七章 綜合措施
Article 48?The State Council may,?according to?the? development?needs?of the Hainan Free Trade Port, delegate its powers to examine and approve the conversion of agricultural land into land used for construction purposes and the expropriation of land to the people’s government of Hainan province, as well as the power to examine and approve the adjustment to the layout of cultivated land, permanent basic farmland, forest land, and land for construction purposes in the entire province under the conditions prescribed by the state and under the premise of never breaking the important indicators specified in?spacial?planning of Hainan Province, such as the redlines for ecological protection, the area of permanent basic farmland, the amount of cultivated land and forest land, the total amount of land for construction purposes,?and ensuring no degradation of the quality?of the said land.
第四十八條 國務院可以根據海南自由貿易港建設的需要,授權海南省人民政府審批由國務院審批的農用地轉為建設用地和土地征收事項;授權海南省人民政府在不突破海南省國土空間規劃明確的生態保護紅線、永久基本農田面積、耕地和林地保有量、建設用地總規模等重要指標并確保質量不降低的前提下,按照國家規定的條件,對全省耕地、永久基本農田、林地、建設用地布局調整進行審批。
The Hainan Free Trade Port shall push forward integrated and coordinated development of urban areas, rural areas and reclamation areas, introduce a new model of land for construction purposes in small towns, and promote the capitalization of?reclaimed?agricultural land.
Use of?the?sea area in the Hainan Free Trade Port for major national project development shall be guaranteed in accordance with the law.
Article 49?In the course of?the?development of?the Hainan Free Trade Port, cultivated land shall be effectively protected, land administration shall be strengthened, and an intensive and economical land use system and the evaluation standards thereof as well as a system for using the stock land for construction purposes shall be established. Idle land shall be made full use of. Where the right to use a particular lot of land is obtained through transfer and the land is under development, if the project has not been completed?over?one year after the completion date agreed upon in the assignment contract, an idle land fee shall be collected each year at a certain proportion of the present value of the land assigned before the completion of the project. The specific measures thereof shall be formulated by Hainan provincial authorities.
第四十九條 海南自由貿易港建設應當切實保護耕地,加強土地管理,建立集約節約用地制度、評價標準以及存量建設用地盤活處置制度。充分利用閑置土地,以出讓方式取得土地使用權進行開發的土地,超過出讓合同約定的竣工日期一年未竣工的,應當在竣工前每年征收出讓土地現值一定比例的土地閑置費。具體辦法由海南省制定。
Article 50?The Hainan Free Trade Port shall maintain that the financial sector serves the real economy. It shall promote financial reform and innovation, and take the lead in implementing policies?to?open up the financial sector.
第五十條 海南自由貿易港堅持金融服務實體經濟,推進金融改革創新,率先落實金融業開放政策。
Article 51? A cross-border capital flow management system shall be established in the Hainan Free Trade Port that adapts to the needs of high-level trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, capital?accounts?shall be opened up by stages, full currency convertibility for foreign debts of non-financial companies shall be implemented step by step, and facilitation of cross-border trade settlement shall be promoted, for the furtherance of the free and convenient flow of funds between the Hainan Free Trade Port and the overseas in an orderly manner.
第五十一條 海南自由貿易港建立適應高水平貿易投資自由化便利化需要的跨境資金流動管理制度,分階段開放資本項目,逐步推進非金融企業外債項下完全可兌換,推動跨境貿易結算便利化,有序推進海南自由貿易港與境外資金自由便利流動。
Article 52?The approved financial institutions in the Hainan Free Trade Port may conduct offshore financial business through designated accounts or in specific areas.
第五十二條 海南自由貿易港內經批準的金融機構可以通過指定賬戶或者在特定區域經營離岸金融業務。
Article 53?The Hainan Free Trade Port shall strengthen the development and application of the social credit system and establish mechanisms that encourage honesty and punish dishonesty.
第五十三條 海南自由貿易港加強社會信用體系建設和應用,構建守信激勵和失信懲戒機制。
Article 54?The state supports the exploration of judicial reform compatible with the Hainan Free Trade Port. In the Hainan Free Trade Port,?multiplecommercial dispute resolution mechanisms shall be established,?a?centralized trial mechanism for international commercial disputes shall be improved, and resolution of disputes through arbitration, mediation,?and other non-litigation means shall be encouraged.
第五十四條 國家支持探索與海南自由貿易港相適應的司法體制改革。海南自由貿易港建立多元化商事糾紛解決機制,完善國際商事糾紛案件集中審判機制,支持通過仲裁、調解等多種非訴訟方式解決糾紛。
Article 55?A risk alert, prevention and control system shall be established in the Hainan Free Trade Port to prevent and eliminate major risks.
第五十五條 海南自由貿易港建立風險預警和防控體系,防范和化解重大風險。
The?customs shall be responsible for routine regulation at the ports and other? customs surveillance zones, preventing?and combating?smuggling and exercising?follow-up supervision in accordance with the law. The coast guards shall be responsible for investigating and dealing with smuggling at sea. The people’s government of Hainan Province shall be responsible for the?overall?anti-smuggling work within the province, strengthening the control over non-customs areas, and establishing a joint mechanism against smuggling?with other regions. People, goods, articles and means of transport that move between?areas outside the borders?of China’s mainland?and the Hainan Free Trade Port and between the Hainan Free Trade Port and?China’s?mainland shall all enter or exit from the port.
The security review system for foreign investment shall be implemented in the Hainan Free Trade Port in accordance with the law,?and?security reviewsshall be?conducted?on?foreign investments that affect or may affect China’s national security.
Order and security in the areas of finance, networks?and data, movement of people and public health in the Hainan Free Trade Port shall be maintained through the establishment of a sound financial risk prevention and control system,?the?implementation?of a?hierarchical cybersecurity protection system,?and the establishment of a?risk prevention and control system for the movement of people,?a?monitoring and alert mechanism for infectious diseases?and public health emergencies,?and?a?mechanism for prevention, control,?and treatment in case of an?outbreak.
Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions
第八章 附 則
Article 56?After this Law goes into effect and before?island-wide?special customs operations?are implemented in the?Hainan Free Trade Port, the State Council and its relevant departments and the Hainan provincial authorities may formulate specific transitional measures with regard to the matters provided for?herein?to advance the development of the Hainan Free Trade Port in accordance with the principles prescribed in this Law and in accordance with their respective duties and responsibilities.
第五十六條 對本法規定的事項,在本法施行后,海南自由貿易港全島封關運作前,國務院及其有關部門和海南省可以根據本法規定的原則,按照職責分工,制定過渡性的具體辦法,推動海南自由貿易港建設。
Article 57?This Law shall go into effect as of the date of its promulgation.
第五十七條 本法自公布之日起施行。
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