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Global Initiative on Data Security (2020)


Type of documents Public Statements

Issuing body Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Promulgating date Sep 08, 2020

Scope of application Nationwide

Topic(s) Cybersecurity/Computer security Cyber Law/Internet Law

Editor(s) C. J. Observer

Global Initiative on Data Security 全球數據安全倡議
The phenomenal development of information technology revolution and digital economy is transforming the way of production and life, exerting far-reaching influence over social and economic development of States, global governance system and human civilization. 信息技術革命日新月異,數字經濟蓬勃發展,深刻改變著人類生產生活方式,對各國經濟社會發展、全球治理體系、人類文明進程影響深遠。
The explosive growth and aggregation of data, as a key element of digital technology, has played a crucial role in facilitating innovative development and reshaping people's lives, bearing on security and economic and social development of States. 作為數字技術的關鍵要素,全球數據爆發增長,海量集聚,成為實現創新發展、重塑人們生活的重要力量,事關各國安全與經濟社會發展。
In the context of closer global cooperation and new development of international division of labor, maintaining supply chain security of ICT products and services has never become more important for boosting users' confidence, ensuring data security and promoting digital economy. 在全球分工合作日益密切的背景下,確保信息技術產品和服務的供應鏈安全對于提升用戶信心、保護數據安全、促進數字經濟發展至關重要。
We call on all States to put equal emphasis on development and security, and take a balanced approach to technological progress, economic development and protection of national security and public interests. 我們呼吁各國秉持發展和安全并重的原則,平衡處理技術進步、經濟發展與保護國家安全和社會公共利益的關系。
We reaffirm that States should foster an open, fair and non-discriminatory business environment for mutual benefit, win-win outcomes and common development. At the same time, States have the responsibility and right to ensure the security of important data and personal information bearing on their national security, public security, economic security and social stability. 我們重申,各國應致力于維護開放、公正、非歧視性的營商環境,推動實現互利共贏、共同發展。與此同時,各國有責任和權利保護涉及本國國家安全、公共安全、經濟安全和社會穩定的重要數據及個人信息安全。
We welcome governments, international organizations, ICT companies, technology communities, civil organizations, individuals and all other actors to make concerted efforts to promote data security under the principle of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits. 我們歡迎政府、國際組織、信息技術企業、技術社群、民間機構和公民個人等各主體秉持共商共建共享理念,齊心協力促進數據安全。
We underscore that all parties should step up dialogue and cooperation on the basis of mutual respect, and join hands to forge a community with a shared future in cyberspace featuring peace, security, openness, cooperation and order. To make this happen, we would like to suggest the following: 我們強調,各方應在相互尊重基礎上,加強溝通交流,深化對話與合作,共同構建和平、安全、開放、合作、有序的網絡空間命運共同體。為此,我們倡議:
States should handle data security in a comprehensive, objective and evidencebased manner, and maintain an open, secure and stable supply chain of global ICT products and services. 各國應以事實為依據全面客觀看待數據安全問題,積極維護全球信息技術產品和服務的供應鏈開放、安全、穩定。
States should stand against ICT activities that impair or steal important data of other States' critical infrastructure, or use the data to conduct activities that undermine other States' national security and public interests. 各國反對利用信息技術破壞他國關鍵基礎設施或竊取重要數據,以及利用其從事危害他國國家安全和社會公共利益的行為。
States should take actions to prevent and put an end to activities that jeopardize personal information through the use of ICTs, and oppose mass surveillance against other States and unauthorized collection of personal information of other States with ICTs as a tool. 各國承諾采取措施防范、制止利用網絡侵害個人信息的行為,反對濫用信息技術從事針對他國的大規模監控、非法采集他國公民個人信息。
States should encourage companies to abide by laws and regulations of the State where they operate. States should not request domestic companies to store data generated and obtained overseas in their own territory. 各國應要求企業嚴格遵守所在國法律,不得要求本國企業將境外產生、獲取的數據存儲在境內。
States should respect the sovereignty, jurisdiction and governance of data of other States, and shall not obtain data located in other States through companies or individuals without other States' permission. 各國應尊重他國主權、司法管轄權和對數據的安全管理權,未經他國法律允許不得直接向企業或個人調取位于他國的數據。
Should States need to obtain overseas data out of law enforcement requirement such as combating crimes, they should do it through judicial assistance or other relevant multilateral and bilateral agreements. Any bilateral data access agreement between two States should not infringe upon the judicial sovereignty and data security of a third State. 各國如因打擊犯罪等執法需要跨境調取數據,應通過司法協助渠道或其他相關多雙邊協議解決。國家間締結跨境調取數據雙邊協議,不得侵犯第三國司法主權和數據安全。
ICT products and services providers should not install backdoors in their products and services to illegally obtain users' data, control or manipulate users' systems and devices. 信息技術產品和服務供應企業不得在產品和服務中設置后門,非法獲取用戶數據、控制或操縱用戶系統和設備。
ICT companies should not seek illegitimate interests by taking advantage of users' dependence on their products, nor force users to upgrade their systems and devices. Products providers should make a commitment to notifying their cooperation partners and users of serious vulnerabilities in their products in a timely fashion and offering remedies. 信息技術企業不得利用用戶對產品依賴性謀取不正當利益,強迫用戶升級系統或更新換代。產品供應方承諾及時向合作伙伴及用戶告知產品的安全缺陷或漏洞,并提出補救措施。
We call on all States to support this initiative, and confirm the aforementioned commitments through bilateral, regional and international agreements. We also welcome global ICT companies to support this initiative. 我們呼吁各國支持并通過雙邊或地區協議等形式確認上述承諾,呼吁國際社會在普遍參與的基礎上就此達成國際協議。歡迎全球信息技術企業支持本倡議。

This English translation comes from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Website.