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Civil Code of China: Book VI Succession (2020)

民法典 第六編 繼承

Type of laws Law

Issuing body National People's Congress

Promulgating date May 28, 2020

Effective date Jan 01, 2021

Validity status Valid

Scope of application Nationwide

Topic(s) Civil Law Civil Code

Editor(s) C. J. Observer Xinzhu Li 李欣燭

Civil Code of the People’s Republic of China 中華人民共和國民法典
(Adopted at the Third Session of the Thirteenth National People’s Congress on May 28, 2020) (2020年5月28日第十三屆全國人民代表大會第三次會議通過)
Book Six Succession 第六編??繼承
Chapter I General Rules 第一章??一般規定
Article 1119 This Book regulates the civil-law relations arising from succession. 第一千一百一十九條??本編調整因繼承產生的民事關系。
Article 1120 The State protects a natural person’s right to inheritance. 第一千一百二十條??國家保護自然人的繼承權。
Article 1121 Succession begins upon the death of a decedent. 第一千一百二十一條??繼承從被繼承人死亡時開始。
Where two or more persons with the right to inherit each other’s estate die in the same incident and it is difficult to determine the time of each person’s death, the person without any other successor is presumed to have predeceased those with other successor(s). Where the aforementioned deceased persons are from different generations and all of them have other successor(s), the person of the elder generation is presumed to have predeceased those of the younger generation; or, where the deceased are in the same generation, they are presumed to have died simultaneously and no succession occurs between or among them. 相互有繼承關系的數人在同一事件中死亡,難以確定死亡時間的,推定沒有其他繼承人的人先死亡。都有其他繼承人,輩份不同的,推定長輩先死亡;輩份相同的,推定同時死亡,相互不發生繼承。
Article 1122 An estate refers to the property lawfully owned by a natural person upon death. 第一千一百二十二條??遺產是自然人死亡時遺留的個人合法財產。
An estate not inheritable according to the provisions of law or based on the nature of the estate may not be inherited. 依照法律規定或者根據其性質不得繼承的遺產,不得繼承。
Article 1123 After succession opens, it shall be processed as an intestate succession, or where there is a will, as a testate succession by the successor(s) or donee(s)-by-will; or be processed in accordance with the agreement on testamentary gift for inter vivos support, where there is such an agreement. 第一千一百二十三條??繼承開始后,按照法定繼承辦理;有遺囑的,按照遺囑繼承或者遺贈辦理;有遺贈扶養協議的,按照協議辦理。
Article 1124 A successor who, after the opening of succession, disclaims an inheritance shall manifest his decision in writing before the estate is disposed of. In the absence of such a manifestation, he is deemed to have accepted the inheritance. 第一千一百二十四條??繼承開始后,繼承人放棄繼承的,應當在遺產處理前,以書面形式作出放棄繼承的表示;沒有表示的,視為接受繼承。
A donee-by-will shall, within 60 days after he learns of the testamentary gift, manifest his decision to accept or disclaim it. In the absence of such a manifestation within the specified period, he is deemed to have disclaimed the gift. 受遺贈人應當在知道受遺贈后六十日內,作出接受或者放棄受遺贈的表示;到期沒有表示的,視為放棄受遺贈。
Article 1125 A successor is disinherited if he has committed any one of the following acts: 第一千一百二十五條??繼承人有下列行為之一的,喪失繼承權:
(1) intentionally killing the now decedent; (一)故意殺害被繼承人;
(2) killing any other successor in fighting over the estate; (二)為爭奪遺產而殺害其他繼承人;
(3) abandoning the now decedent, or maltreating him and the circumstances are serious; (三)遺棄被繼承人,或者虐待被繼承人情節嚴重;
(4) forging, tampering with, concealing, or destroying the will, and the circumstances are serious; or (四)偽造、篡改、隱匿或者銷毀遺囑,情節嚴重;
(5) through fraud or duress, compelling or interfering with the testator to write, alter, or revoke a will, and the circumstances are serious. (五)以欺詐、脅迫手段迫使或者妨礙被繼承人設立、變更或者撤回遺囑,情節嚴重。
A successor who had committed one of the acts listed in Subparagraphs (3) through (5) of the preceding paragraph shall not be disinherited if he truly repented and amended his ways, and was forgiven by the now decedent or was thereafter appointed as one of the successors in the decedent’s will. 繼承人有前款第三項至第五項行為,確有悔改表現,被繼承人表示寬恕或者事后在遺囑中將其列為繼承人的,該繼承人不喪失繼承權。
A donee-by-will who has committed the act listed in the first paragraph of this Article loses his right to receive the testamentary gift. 受遺贈人有本條第一款規定行為的,喪失受遺贈權。
Chapter II Intestate Succession 第二章??法定繼承
Article 1126 Men and women are equal in their right to inheritance. 第一千一百二十六條??繼承權男女平等。
Article 1127 The estate of a decedent shall be succeeded in the following order: 第一千一百二十七條??遺產按照下列順序繼承:
(1) first in order: spouse, children, and parents; (一)第一順序:配偶、子女、父母;
(2) second in order: siblings, paternal grandparents, and maternal grandparents. (二)第二順序:兄弟姐妹、祖父母、外祖父母。
When succession opens, the successor(s) first in order shall inherit to the exclusion of the successor(s) second in order. The successor(s) second in order shall inherit the estate in default of any successor first in order. 繼承開始后,由第一順序繼承人繼承,第二順序繼承人不繼承;沒有第一順序繼承人繼承的,由第二順序繼承人繼承。
“Children” referred to in this Book include children born in or out of wedlock, and adopted children, as well as stepchildren who were raised up by the decedent. 本編所稱子女,包括婚生子女、非婚生子女、養子女和有扶養關系的繼子女。
“Parents” referred to in this Book include blood parents and adoptive parents, as well as stepparents who raised the decedent. 本編所稱父母,包括生父母、養父母和有扶養關系的繼父母。
“Siblings” referred to in this Book include siblings of whole blood and half blood, and adopted siblings, as well as stepsiblings who supported or were supported by the decedent. 本編所稱兄弟姐妹,包括同父母的兄弟姐妹、同父異母或者同母異父的兄弟姐妹、養兄弟姐妹、有扶養關系的繼兄弟姐妹。
Article 1128 Where a decedent is predeceased by a child of his, the lineal descendants of the predeceased child shall inherit in subrogation. 第一千一百二十八條??被繼承人的子女先于被繼承人死亡的,由被繼承人的子女的直系晚輩血親代位繼承。
Where a decedent is predeceased by a sibling of his, the children of the predeceased sibling shall inherit in subrogation. 被繼承人的兄弟姐妹先于被繼承人死亡的,由被繼承人的兄弟姐妹的子女代位繼承。
Successors who inherit in subrogation generally may only take the share of the estate per stirpes. 代位繼承人一般只能繼承被代位繼承人有權繼承的遺產份額。
Article 1129 Widowed daughters-in-law or sons-in-law who have made predominant contributions in supporting their parents-in-law shall, in relationship to their parents-in-law, be regarded as successors first in order. 第一千一百二十九條??喪偶兒媳對公婆,喪偶女婿對岳父母,盡了主要贍養義務的,作為第一順序繼承人。
Article 1130 Successors same in order shall, in general, inherit share and share alike. 第一千一百三十條??同一順序繼承人繼承遺產的份額,一般應當均等。
When distributing an estate, due consideration shall be given to a successor who has special financial difficulties and is unable to work. 對生活有特殊困難又缺乏勞動能力的繼承人,分配遺產時,應當予以照顧。
When distributing an estate, a successor who has made predominant contributions in supporting the now decedent, or who has been living with the now decedent may be given a larger share. 對被繼承人盡了主要扶養義務或者與被繼承人共同生活的繼承人,分配遺產時,可以多分。
When distributing an estate, a successor who had the ability and was in a position to support the now decedent but failed to fulfill the duty of support shall be given no or a smaller share. 有扶養能力和有扶養條件的繼承人,不盡扶養義務的,分配遺產時,應當不分或者少分。
Successors may take unequal shares upon agreement among them. 繼承人協商同意的,也可以不均等。
Article 1131 An appropriate share of the estate may be given to a person, other than a successor, who has been a dependent of the now decedent, or to a person, other than a successor, who has made considerable contributions in supporting the now decedent. 第一千一百三十一條??對繼承人以外的依靠被繼承人扶養的人,或者繼承人以外的對被繼承人扶養較多的人,可以分給適當的遺產。
Article 1132 Any issue arising from succession shall be dealt with through consultation by and among the successors in the spirit of amity, unity, mutual understanding, and accommodation. The time and mode for partitioning the estate and the shares to be distributed shall be determined by the successors through consultation. Where no agreement is reached through consultation, they may apply to a people’s mediation committee for mediation or institute legal proceedings in the people’s court. 第一千一百三十二條??繼承人應當本著互諒互讓、和睦團結的精神,協商處理繼承問題。遺產分割的時間、辦法和份額,由繼承人協商確定;協商不成的,可以由人民調解委員會調解或者向人民法院提起訴訟。
Chapter III Testate Succession and Testamentary Gift 第三章??遺囑繼承和遺贈
Article 1133 A natural person may, by making a will in accordance with the provisions of this Code, dispose of his estate and may appoint an executor in the will. 第一千一百三十三條??自然人可以依照本法規定立遺囑處分個人財產,并可以指定遺囑執行人。
A natural person may, by making a will, designate one or more of his statutory successors to inherit his estate. 自然人可以立遺囑將個人財產指定由法定繼承人中的一人或者數人繼承。
A natural person may, by making a will, donate his estate to the State or a collective, or an organization or individual other than his statutory successor. 自然人可以立遺囑將個人財產贈與國家、集體或者法定繼承人以外的組織、個人。
A natural person may, in accordance with law, create a testamentary trust. 自然人可以依法設立遺囑信托。
Article 1134 A holographic will is one written by the testator’s hand and signed by him, specifying the year, month, and day of its making. 第一千一百三十四條??自書遺囑由遺囑人親筆書寫,簽名,注明年、月、日。
Article 1135 A will written on behalf of the testator shall be attested by two or more witnesses, of whom one writes the will, specifying the year, month, and day of its making, and signs it along with the other witness(es) and with the testator. 第一千一百三十五條??代書遺囑應當有兩個以上見證人在場見證,由其中一人代書,并由遺囑人、代書人和其他見證人簽名,注明年、月、日。
Article 1136 A will in printed form shall be attested by two or more witnesses. The testator and the witnesses shall sign and specify the year, month, and day on each page. 第一千一百三十六條??打印遺囑應當有兩個以上見證人在場見證。遺囑人和見證人應當在遺囑每一頁簽名,注明年、月、日。
Article 1137 A will made in the form of an audio or video recording shall be attested by two or more witnesses. The testator and the witnesses shall record their names or likeness in the recording and specify the year, month, and day of its making. 第一千一百三十七條??以錄音錄像形式立的遺囑,應當有兩個以上見證人在場見證。遺囑人和見證人應當在錄音錄像中記錄其姓名或者肖像,以及年、月、日。
Article 1138 A testator may, when facing imminent danger, make a nuncupative will. A nuncupative will shall be attested by two or more witnesses. When the imminent danger is removed and where the testator is able to make a will in writing or in the form of an audio or video recording, the nuncupative will thus made becomes invalid. 第一千一百三十八條??遺囑人在危急情況下,可以立口頭遺囑。口頭遺囑應當有兩個以上見證人在場見證。危急情況消除后,遺囑人能夠以書面或者錄音錄像形式立遺囑的,所立的口頭遺囑無效。
Article 1139 A notarized will is one made by a testator through a notary agency. 第一千一百三十九條??公證遺囑由遺囑人經公證機構辦理。
Article 1140 None of the following persons is eligible to act as a witness to a will: 第一千一百四十條??下列人員不能作為遺囑見證人:
(1) a person with no or limited capacity for performing civil juristic acts, or a person otherwise incompetent to attest a will; (一)無民事行為能力人、限制民事行為能力人以及其他不具有見證能力的人;
(2) a successor or a donee-by-will; or (二)繼承人、受遺贈人;
(3) a person having an interest with a successor or a donee-by-will. (三)與繼承人、受遺贈人有利害關系的人。
Article 1141 Reservation of a necessary portion of an estate shall be made in a will for a successor who has neither the ability to work nor the source of income. 第一千一百四十一條??遺囑應當為缺乏勞動能力又沒有生活來源的繼承人保留必要的遺產份額。
Article 1142 A testator may revoke or alter a will he has made. 第一千一百四十二條??遺囑人可以撤回、變更自己所立的遺囑。
Where a testator who, after making a will, acts inconsistently with the content of his will, the pertinent part of the will is deemed to be revoked. 立遺囑后,遺囑人實施與遺囑內容相反的民事法律行為的,視為對遺囑相關內容的撤回。
Where several wills have been made and their contents are inconsistent, the will made last in time shall prevail. 立有數份遺囑,內容相抵觸的,以最后的遺囑為準。
Article 1143 A will made by a person with no or limited capacity for performing for civil juristic acts is void. 第一千一百四十三條??無民事行為能力人或者限制民事行為能力人所立的遺囑無效。
A will must manifest the genuine intention of the testator, and a will made under fraud or duress is void. 遺囑必須表示遺囑人的真實意思,受欺詐、脅迫所立的遺囑無效。
A forged will is void. 偽造的遺囑無效。
Where a will has been tampered with, the affected part of the will is void. 遺囑被篡改的,篡改的內容無效。
Article 1144 Where a testate succession or a testamentary gift is conditioned upon performance of an obligation, the successor or donee-by-will shall perform the obligation. Where a successor or donee-by-will fails to perform such an obligation without just cause, the people’s court may, upon request by an interested person or a relevant organization, deprive him of the right to inherit the portion of the estate to which performance of the obligation is attached. 第一千一百四十四條??遺囑繼承或者遺贈附有義務的,繼承人或者受遺贈人應當履行義務。沒有正當理由不履行義務的,經利害關系人或者有關組織請求,人民法院可以取消其接受附義務部分遺產的權利。
Chapter IV Disposition of Estates 第四章??遺產的處理
Article 1145 Upon opening of a succession, the executor of the will is the administrator of the estate; where no executor is designated in the will, the successors shall elect an administrator in a timely manner. Where the successors fail to do so, all of the successors are co-administrators. Where there is no successor or where all of the successors disclaim inheritance, the civil affairs department or the villagers’ committee in the place where the decedent was domiciled at the time of his death shall serve as the administrator. 第一千一百四十五條??繼承開始后,遺囑執行人為遺產管理人;沒有遺囑執行人的,繼承人應當及時推選遺產管理人;繼承人未推選的,由繼承人共同擔任遺產管理人;沒有繼承人或者繼承人均放棄繼承的,由被繼承人生前住所地的民政部門或者村民委員會擔任遺產管理人。
Article 1146 Where a dispute arises over the determination of an administrator, any interested person may request the people’s court to appoint an administrator. 第一千一百四十六條??對遺產管理人的確定有爭議的,利害關系人可以向人民法院申請指定遺產管理人。
Article 1147 An estate administrator shall perform the following duties: 第一千一百四十七條??遺產管理人應當履行下列職責:
(1) verifying and making an inventory of the estate; (一)清理遺產并制作遺產清單;
(2) reporting to the successors about the inventory of the estate; (二)向繼承人報告遺產情況;
(3) taking necessary measures to prevent the estate from being destructed, damaged, or lost; (三)采取必要措施防止遺產毀損、滅失;
(4) clearing the decedent’s claims and debts; (四)處理被繼承人的債權債務;
(5) partitioning the estate in accordance with the will, or in accordance with law; and (五)按照遺囑或者依照法律規定分割遺產;
(6) performing any other act necessary for managing the estate. (六)實施與管理遺產有關的其他必要行為。
Article 1148 An estate administrator shall perform his duties in accordance with law, and shall bear civil liability if any successor, donee-by-will, or creditor of the decedent suffers damage caused by his intentional act or gross negligence. 第一千一百四十八條??遺產管理人應當依法履行職責,因故意或者重大過失造成繼承人、受遺贈人、債權人損害的,應當承擔民事責任。
Article 1149 An estate administrator may receive remuneration in accordance with law or based upon agreement. 第一千一百四十九條??遺產管理人可以依照法律規定或者按照約定獲得報酬。
Article 1150 Upon opening of the succession, a successor who has knowledge of the death of the decedent shall notify the other successors and the executor of the will in a timely manner. Where none of the successors knows about the death of the decedent or is able to make the notification upon learning of the death of the decedent, the organization to which the decedent was employed at the time of his death, or the urban residents’ committee or the villagers’ committee in the place where the decedent was domiciled at the time of his death shall make the notification. 第一千一百五十條??繼承開始后,知道被繼承人死亡的繼承人應當及時通知其他繼承人和遺囑執行人。繼承人中無人知道被繼承人死亡或者知道被繼承人死亡而不能通知的,由被繼承人生前所在單位或者住所地的居民委員會、村民委員會負責通知。
Article 1151 Anyone who has in his possession the property of a decedent shall properly keep such property, and no organization or individual may misappropriate or contend for it. 第一千一百五十一條??存有遺產的人,應當妥善保管遺產,任何組織或者個人不得侵吞或者爭搶。
Article 1152 Where, after a succession opens, a successor who has not disclaimed inheritance dies before the estate is partitioned, the share that he should have inherited shall be inherited by his successors, unless otherwise provided in the will. 第一千一百五十二條??繼承開始后,繼承人于遺產分割前死亡,并沒有放棄繼承的,該繼承人應當繼承的遺產轉給其繼承人,但是遺囑另有安排的除外。
Article 1153 When partitioning an estate, where community property of husband and wife is involved, unless otherwise agreed upon, half of the community property shall be allocated first to the surviving spouse as separate property, while the remaining property shall be part of the decedent’s estate. 第一千一百五十三條??夫妻共同所有的財產,除有約定的外,遺產分割時,應當先將共同所有的財產的一半分出為配偶所有,其余的為被繼承人的遺產。
When partitioning an estate, where the decedent’s estate is a portion of common property of the family, the portion of the property belonging to the other family members shall first be separated from the decedent’s estate. 遺產在家庭共有財產之中的,遺產分割時,應當先分出他人的財產。
Article 1154 Under any of the following circumstances, the affected portion of an estate shall be disposed of as in an intestate succession: 第一千一百五十四條??有下列情形之一的,遺產中的有關部分按照法定繼承辦理:
(1) where a successor designated in a will or a donee-by-will disclaims the inheritance or gift; (一)遺囑繼承人放棄繼承或者受遺贈人放棄受遺贈;
(2) where a testamentary successor is disinherited or a donee-by-will is disqualified as such; (二)遺囑繼承人喪失繼承權或者受遺贈人喪失受遺贈權;
(3) where a testamentary successor predeceases the testator, or a donee-by-will predeceases the testator or is terminated prior to the decedent’s death; (三)遺囑繼承人、受遺贈人先于遺囑人死亡或者終止;
(4) where a part of a will affecting a portion of the estate is invalidated; or (四)遺囑無效部分所涉及的遺產;
(5) where a portion of the estate is not disposed of by the will. (五)遺囑未處分的遺產。
Article 1155 When partitioning an estate, a share shall be reserved for a fetus. If the fetus is stillborn, the reserved share shall be disposed of as in an intestate succession. 第一千一百五十五條??遺產分割時,應當保留胎兒的繼承份額。胎兒娩出時是死體的,保留的份額按照法定繼承辦理。
Article 1156 The partitioning of a decedent’s estate shall be conducted in a way beneficial to production and people’s livelihood, and without diminishing its efficacy. 第一千一百五十六條??遺產分割應當有利于生產和生活需要,不損害遺產的效用。
If an estate is unsuitable for partitioning, it may be disposed of by such means as appraisal, appropriate compensation, or coownership. 不宜分割的遺產,可以采取折價、適當補償或者共有等方法處理。
Article 1157 A surviving spouse who remarries is entitled to disposing of the property he or she has inherited, free from interference by any organization or individual. 第一千一百五十七條??夫妻一方死亡后另一方再婚的,有權處分所繼承的財產,任何組織或者個人不得干涉。
Article 1158 A natural person may enter into an agreement on testamentary gift for inter vivos support with an organization or individual other than a successor. Such organization or individual assumes, in accordance with the agreement, a duty to support the said person during his lifetime, and attends to his interment after death, in return for the right to receive the testamentary gift under the agreement. 第一千一百五十八條??自然人可以與繼承人以外的組織或者個人簽訂遺贈扶養協議。按照協議,該組織或者個人承擔該自然人生養死葬的義務,享有受遺贈的權利。
Article 1159 Upon partitioning an estate, the taxes and debts payable or owed by the decedent in accordance with law shall be paid out of the estate, provided that a necessary portion of the estate is preserved for any successor who has neither the ability to work nor the source of income. 第一千一百五十九條??分割遺產,應當清償被繼承人依法應當繳納的稅款和債務;但是,應當為缺乏勞動能力又沒有生活來源的繼承人保留必要的遺產。
Article 1160 An estate with neither a successor nor a donee-by-will shall be escheated to the State for public interest purposes. Where the decedent was a member of a collective organization at the time of his death, the estate shall be escheated to the collective organization. 第一千一百六十條??無人繼承又無人受遺贈的遺產,歸國家所有,用于公益事業;死者生前是集體所有制組織成員的,歸所在集體所有制組織所有。
Article 1161 A successor shall pay the taxes and debts legally payable or owed by the decedent to the extent of the actual value of the portion of the estate he inherits, unless the successor pays voluntarily in excess of such limit. 第一千一百六十一條??繼承人以所得遺產實際價值為限清償被繼承人依法應當繳納的稅款和債務。超過遺產實際價值部分,繼承人自愿償還的不在此限。
A successor who disclaims inheritance assumes no responsibility for the payment of taxes and debts legally payable or owed by the decedent. 繼承人放棄繼承的,對被繼承人依法應當繳納的稅款和債務可以不負清償責任。
Article 1162 The execution of a testamentary gift shall not affect the payment of taxes and debts legally payable or owed by the donor-by-will. 第一千一百六十二條??執行遺贈不得妨礙清償遺贈人依法應當繳納的稅款和債務。
Article 1163 Where intestate succession, testate succession, and testamentary gift concurrently exist, the taxes and debts legally payable or owed by the decedent shall be paid by the intestate successor(s); such taxes and debts in excess of the actual value of the portion of the estate inherited by the intestate successor(s) shall be paid by the testamentary successor(s) and donee(s)-by-will in proportion to the shares of the estate each of them has received. 第一千一百六十三條??既有法定繼承又有遺囑繼承、遺贈的,由法定繼承人清償被繼承人依法應當繳納的稅款和債務;超過法定繼承遺產實際價值部分,由遺囑繼承人和受遺贈人按比例以所得遺產清償。

This English translation comes from the NPC Website. In the near future, a more accurate English version translated by us will be available on China Laws Portal.