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Civil Code of China: Book IV Personality Rights (2020)

民法典 第四編 人格權

Type of laws Law

Issuing body National People's Congress

Promulgating date May 28, 2020

Effective date Jan 01, 2021

Validity status Valid

Scope of application Nationwide

Topic(s) Civil Law Civil Code

Editor(s) C. J. Observer Xinzhu Li 李欣燭

Civil Code of the People’s Republic of China 中華人民共和國民法典
(Adopted at the Third Session of the Thirteenth National People’s Congress on May 28, 2020) (2020年5月28日第十三屆全國人民代表大會第三次會議通過)
Book Four Personality Rights 第四編??人格權
Chapter I General Rules 第一章??一般規定
Article 989 This Book regulates the civil-law relations arising from the enjoyment and protection of personality rights. 第九百八十九條??本編調整因人格權的享有和保護產生的民事關系。
Article 990 Personality rights are the rights enjoyed by persons of the civil law, such as the right to life, the right to corporeal integrity, the right to health, the right to name, the right to trade name, the right to likeness, the right to reputation, the right to honor, the right to privacy, and the like. 第九百九十條??人格權是民事主體享有的生命權、身體權、健康權、姓名權、名稱權、肖像權、名譽權、榮譽權、隱私權等權利。
In addition to the personality rights provided in the preceding paragraph, a natural person enjoys other personality rights and interests arising from personal liberty and human dignity. 除前款規定的人格權外,自然人享有基于人身自由、人格尊嚴產生的其他人格權益。
Article 991 The personality rights of persons of the civil law are protected by law and free from infringement by any organization or individual. 第九百九十一條??民事主體的人格權受法律保護,任何組織或者個人不得侵害。
Article 992 Personality rights may not be waived, transferred, or inherited. 第九百九十二條??人格權不得放棄、轉讓或者繼承。
Article 993 The name, entity name, likeness, or the like, of a person of the civil law may be used by others upon authorization, unless the authorization thereof is not allowed by law or based on the nature of the right. 第九百九十三條??民事主體可以將自己的姓名、名稱、肖像等許可他人使用,但是依照法律規定或者根據其性質不得許可的除外。
Article 994 Where the name, likeness, reputation, honor, privacy, remains, or the like, of the deceased is harmed, the spouse, children, and parents of the deceased have the right to request the actor to bear civil liability in accordance with law. Where the deceased has no spouse or children, and the parents of the deceased have already died, other close relatives of the deceased have the right to request the actor to bear civil liability in accordance with law. 第九百九十四條??死者的姓名、肖像、名譽、榮譽、隱私、遺體等受到侵害的,其配偶、子女、父母有權依法請求行為人承擔民事責任;死者沒有配偶、子女且父母已經死亡的,其他近親屬有權依法請求行為人承擔民事責任。
Article 995 A person whose personality rights are infringed upon has the right to request the actor to bear civil liability in accordance with the provisions of this Code and the other laws. Where the said person exercises his right to request the actor to stop the infringement, remove the nuisance, eliminate the danger, eliminate the adverse effects, rehabilitate his reputation, or extend apologies, the provisions on limitation periods shall not apply. 第九百九十五條??人格權受到侵害的,受害人有權依照本法和其他法律的規定請求行為人承擔民事責任。受害人的停止侵害、排除妨礙、消除危險、消除影響、恢復名譽、賠禮道歉請求權,不適用訴訟時效的規定。
Article 996 Where the personality rights of a party is harmed by the other party’s breach of contract and the injured party is thus suffered severe emotional distress, if the injured party elects to request the other party to bear liability based on breach of contract, his right to claim for compensation for pains and suffering is not be affected. 第九百九十六條??因當事人一方的違約行為,損害對方人格權并造成嚴重精神損害,受損害方選擇請求其承擔違約責任的,不影響受損害方請求精神損害賠償。
Article 997 Where a person of the civil law has evidence to prove that an actor is committing or is about to commit an illegal act that infringes upon his personality rights, and that failure to timely stop the act will cause irreparable harm to his lawful rights and interests, the person has the right, in accordance with law, to request the people’s court to order the actor to stop the act. 第九百九十七條??民事主體有證據證明行為人正在實施或者即將實施侵害其人格權的違法行為,不及時制止將使其合法權益受到難以彌補的損害的,有權依法向人民法院申請采取責令行為人停止有關行為的措施。
Article 998 In determining the civil liability an actor is to bear for infringing upon other’s personality rights, other than the right to life, the right to corporeal integrity, or the right to health, consideration shall be given to the occupations of the actor and the injured person, the scope of impact of the act, the degree of fault, as well as the factors such as the purposes, methods, and consequences of the act. 第九百九十八條??認定行為人承擔侵害除生命權、身體權和健康權外的人格權的民事責任,應當考慮行為人和受害人的職業、影響范圍、過錯程度,以及行為的目的、方式、后果等因素。
Article 999 The name, entity name, likeness, personal information, and the like, of a person of the civil law may be reasonably used by those engaged in news reporting, supervision of public opinions, or the like, for public interests, except that civil liability shall be borne in accordance with law where the use unreasonably harms the personality rights of the person. 第九百九十九條??為公共利益實施新聞報道、輿論監督等行為的,可以合理使用民事主體的姓名、名稱、肖像、個人信息等;使用不合理侵害民事主體人格權的,應當依法承擔民事責任。
Article 1000 Where an actor shall bear civil liability such as elimination of adverse effects, rehabilitation of reputation, or extension of apologies for infringing upon other’s personality rights, the civil liability to be born shall be commensurate with the specific way the act is done and the scope of its impact. 第一千條??行為人因侵害人格權承擔消除影響、恢復名譽、賠禮道歉等民事責任的,應當與行為的具體方式和造成的影響范圍相當。
Where an actor refuses to bear civil liability as provided in the preceding paragraph, the people’s court may take such measures as making an announcement, publishing the final judgment, or the like, through media, such as newspapers, periodicals, or online websites, and any expenses thus incurred shall be borne by the actor. 行為人拒不承擔前款規定的民事責任的,人民法院可以采取在報刊、網絡等媒體上發布公告或者公布生效裁判文書等方式執行,產生的費用由行為人負擔。
Article 1001 The relevant provisions of Book I and Book V of this Code and the other laws shall apply to the protection of a natural person’s relation-based rights such as a right arising from a marital and familial relationship; in the absence of such provisions, the relevant provisions of this Book on the protection of personality rights shall, based on the nature of the right, be applied mutatis mutandis. 第一千零一條??對自然人因婚姻家庭關系等產生的身份權利的保護,適用本法第一編、第五編和其他法律的相關規定;沒有規定的,可以根據其性質參照適用本編人格權保護的有關規定。
Chapter II Rights to Life, Rights to Corporeal Integrity, and Rights to Health 第二章??生命權、身體權和健康權
Article 1002 A natural person enjoys the right to life. A natural persons’ life safety and dignity are protected by law and free from infringement by any organization or individual. 第一千零二條??自然人享有生命權。自然人的生命安全和生命尊嚴受法律保護。任何組織或者個人不得侵害他人的生命權。
Article 1003 A natural person enjoys the right to corporeal integrity. A natural persons’ corporeal integrity and freedom of movement are protected by law and free from infringement by any organization or individual. 第一千零三條??自然人享有身體權。自然人的身體完整和行動自由受法律保護。任何組織或者個人不得侵害他人的身體權。
Article 1004 A natural person enjoys the right to health. A natural persons’ physical and mental health are protected by law and free from infringement by any organization or individual. 第一千零四條??自然人享有健康權。自然人的身心健康受法律保護。任何組織或者個人不得侵害他人的健康權。
Article 1005 Where a natural person’s right to life, right to corporeal integrity, or right to health is infringed upon or otherwise in peril, the organization or individual who is legally obligated to aid shall promptly extend rescue. 第一千零五條??自然人的生命權、身體權、健康權受到侵害或者處于其他危難情形的,負有法定救助義務的組織或者個人應當及時施救。
Article 1006 A person with full capacity for performing civil juristic acts has the right to make a voluntary decision in accordance with law to donate his cells, tissues, organs, and remains. No organization or individual may force, deceive, or induce the person to donate such. 第一千零六條??完全民事行為能力人有權依法自主決定無償捐獻其人體細胞、人體組織、人體器官、遺體。任何組織或者個人不得強迫、欺騙、利誘其捐獻。
The consent of a person with full capacity for performing civil juristic acts to be a donor thereof in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall be made in writing or through a will. 完全民事行為能力人依據前款規定同意捐獻的,應當采用書面形式,也可以訂立遺囑。
Where a natural person, during his life, has not disagreed to be a donor thereof after he dies , his spouse, adult children, and parents may, upon his death, jointly decide to make the donation, and such a decision shall be made in writing. 自然人生前未表示不同意捐獻的,該自然人死亡后,其配偶、成年子女、父母可以共同決定捐獻,決定捐獻應當采用書面形式。
Article 1007 Any form of purchase or sale of human cells, tissues, organs, or remains is prohibited. 第一千零七條??禁止以任何形式買賣人體細胞、人體組織、人體器官、遺體。
Any purchase or sale in violation of the preceding paragraph is void. 違反前款規定的買賣行為無效。
Article 1008 Where a clinical trial is needed for developing new drugs and medical devices or developing new prevention and treatment methods, upon approval of the relevant competent authorities and the examination and approval of the ethics committee, the participants or the guardians thereof shall be informed of the details including the purposes, methods, and the possible risks of the trial, and their written consent must be obtained. 第一千零八條??為研制新藥、醫療器械或者發展新的預防和治療方法,需要進行臨床試驗的,應當依法經相關主管部門批準并經倫理委員會審查同意,向受試者或者受試者的監護人告知試驗目的、用途和可能產生的風險等詳細情況,并經其書面同意。
When conducting a clinical trial, no fees may be collected from the participants of the trial. 進行臨床試驗的,不得向受試者收取試驗費用。
Article 1009 A medical and scientific research activity related to human genes, embryos, or the like, shall be done in accordance with the relevant provisions of laws, administrative regulations, and the regulations of the State, and shall not endanger human health, offend ethics and morals, or harm public interests. 第一千零九條??從事與人體基因、人體胚胎等有關的醫學和科研活動,應當遵守法律、行政法規和國家有關規定,不得危害人體健康,不得違背倫理道德,不得損害公共利益。
Article 1010 A person who has been sexually harassed against his will by another person through oral words, written language, images, physical acts, or the like, has the right to request the actor to bear civil liability in accordance with law. 第一千零一十條??違背他人意愿,以言語、文字、圖像、肢體行為等方式對他人實施性騷擾的,受害人有權依法請求行為人承擔民事責任。
The State organs, enterprises, schools, and other organizations shall take reasonable precautions, accept and hear complaints, investigate and handle cases, and take other like measures to prevent and stop sexual harassment conducted by a person through taking advantage of his position and power or a superior-subordinate relationship, and the like. 機關、企業、學校等單位應當采取合理的預防、受理投訴、調查處置等措施,防止和制止利用職權、從屬關系等實施性騷擾。
Article 1011 A person, whose freedom of movement has been deprived of or restricted by illegal detention or the like measures, or whose body has been illegally searched, has the right to request the actor to bear civil liability in accordance with law. 第一千零一十一條??以非法拘禁等方式剝奪、限制他人的行動自由,或者非法搜查他人身體的,受害人有權依法請求行為人承擔民事責任。
Chapter III Rights to Name and Rights to Entity Name 第三章??姓名權和名稱權
Article 1012 A natural person enjoys the right to name, and is entitled to determine, use, change, or allow others to use his name in accordance with law, provided that public order and good morals are not offended. 第一千零一十二條??自然人享有姓名權,有權依法決定、使用、變更或者許可他人使用自己的姓名,但是不得違背公序良俗。
Article 1013 A legal person or an unincorporated organization enjoys the right to entity name, and is entitled to decide, use, change, transfer, or allow others to use its entity name in accordance with the law. 第一千零一十三條??法人、非法人組織享有名稱權,有權依法決定、使用、變更、轉讓或者許可他人使用自己的名稱。
Article 1014 No organization or individual may infringe upon other’s rights to name or rights to entity name by means such as interference, misappropriation, impersonation, or the like. 第一千零一十四條??任何組織或者個人不得以干涉、盜用、假冒等方式侵害他人的姓名權或者名稱權。
Article 1015 A natural person shall take the surname of either his father or mother, and may take a surname other than his father’s or mother’s in any of the following situations: 第一千零一十五條??自然人應當隨父姓或者母姓,但是有下列情形之一的,可以在父姓和母姓之外選取姓氏:
(1) taking the surname of a senior lineal relative by blood; (一)選取其他直系長輩血親的姓氏;
(2) taking the surname of a foster parent, other than the legal care provider, who provides care thereto; and (二)因由法定扶養人以外的人扶養而選取扶養人姓氏;
(3) taking a surname with other legitimate reasons that do not offend public order and good morals. (三)有不違背公序良俗的其他正當理由。
Natural persons of ethnic minorities may take surnames in compliance with their cultural traditions and local customs. 少數民族自然人的姓氏可以遵從本民族的文化傳統和風俗習慣。
Article 1016 A natural person who decides to take or change his name, or a legal person or an unincorporated organization who decides to take, change, or transfer its entity name, shall file registration with the relevant authorities in accordance with law, unless otherwise provided by law. 第一千零一十六條??自然人決定、變更姓名,或者法人、非法人組織決定、變更、轉讓名稱的,應當依法向有關機關辦理登記手續,但是法律另有規定的除外。
Upon changing the name or entity name by a person of the civil law, the civil juristic acts performed before the name change is legally binding on the person. 民事主體變更姓名、名稱的,變更前實施的民事法律行為對其具有法律約束力。
Article 1017 With regard to a pseudonym, stage name, screen name, translated name, trade name, abbreviation of a name or entity name of a social popularity, where the use of which by others will suffice to cause public confusion, the relevant provisions on protection of the rights to name and the rights to entity name shall be applied mutatis mutandis. 第一千零一十七條??具有一定社會知名度,被他人使用足以造成公眾混淆的筆名、藝名、網名、譯名、字號、姓名和名稱的簡稱等,參照適用姓名權和名稱權保護的有關規定。
Chapter IV Rights to Likeness 第四章??肖?像?權
Article 1018 A natural person enjoys the right to likeness, and is entitled to make, use, publicize, or authorize others to use his image in accordance with law. 第一千零一十八條??自然人享有肖像權,有權依法制作、使用、公開或者許可他人使用自己的肖像。
The likeness is an external image of a specific natural person reflected in video recordings, sculptures, drawings, or on other media by which the person can be identified. 肖像是通過影像、雕塑、繪畫等方式在一定載體上所反映的特定自然人可以被識別的外部形象。
Article 1019 No organization or individual may infringe upon other’s rights to likeness by vilifying or defacing the image thereof, or through other ways such as falsifying other’s image by utilizing information technology. Unless otherwise provided by law, no one may make, use, or publicize the image of the right holder without the latter’s consent. 第一千零一十九條??任何組織或者個人不得以丑化、污損,或者利用信息技術手段偽造等方式侵害他人的肖像權。未經肖像權人同意,不得制作、使用、公開肖像權人的肖像,但是法律另有規定的除外。
Without the consent of the person holding the right to likeness, a person holding a right in the works of the image of the former person shall not use or publicize the said image by ways such as publishing, duplicating, distributing, leasing, or exhibiting thereof. 未經肖像權人同意,肖像作品權利人不得以發表、復制、發行、出租、展覽等方式使用或者公開肖像權人的肖像。
Article 1020 The following acts, if done in a reasonable way, may be performed without the consent of the person holding the right to likeness: 第一千零二十條??合理實施下列行為的,可以不經肖像權人同意:
(1) using publicly available images of the person holding the right to likeness to the extent necessary for personal study, art appreciation, classroom teaching, or scientific research; (一)為個人學習、藝術欣賞、課堂教學或者科學研究,在必要范圍內使用肖像權人已經公開的肖像;
(2) making, using, or publicizing the image of the person holding the right to likeness, which is inevitable for conducting news reporting; (二)為實施新聞報道,不可避免地制作、使用、公開肖像權人的肖像;
(3) making, using, or publicizing the image of the person holding the right to likeness to the extent necessary for a State organ to perform its responsibilities in accordance with law; (三)為依法履行職責,國家機關在必要范圍內制作、使用、公開肖像權人的肖像;
(4) making, using, or publicizing the image of the person holding the right to likeness, which is inevitable for demonstrating a specific public environment; (四)為展示特定公共環境,不可避免地制作、使用、公開肖像權人的肖像;
(5) performing other acts of making, using, or publicizing the image of the person holding the right to likeness for protecting the public interests and the lawful rights and interests of the said person. (五)為維護公共利益或者肖像權人合法權益,制作、使用、公開肖像權人的肖像的其他行為。
Article 1021 Where the parties have a dispute on a clause relating to the use of an image in a contract authorizing the use of the image, interpretations shall be made in favor of the person holding the right to likeness over his image. 第一千零二十一條??當事人對肖像許可使用合同中關于肖像使用條款的理解有爭議的,應當作出有利于肖像權人的解釋。
Article 1022 Where the parties have not agreed on the term of authorized use of an image, or the agreement is unclear, either party may rescind the contract authorizing the use of the image at any time, provided that the other party shall be notified within a reasonable period of time. 第一千零二十二條??當事人對肖像許可使用期限沒有約定或者約定不明確的,任何一方當事人可以隨時解除肖像許可使用合同,但是應當在合理期限之前通知對方。
Where the parties have expressly agreed on the term of authorized use of the image, the person holding the right to likeness over the image may rescind the contract authorizing such use if with just cause, provided that the other party shall be notified within a reasonable period of time. Where rescission of the contract causes loss to the other party, unless the loss is caused by a reason not attributable to the person holding the right to likeness over the image, compensation shall be paid. 當事人對肖像許可使用期限有明確約定,肖像權人有正當理由的,可以解除肖像許可使用合同,但是應當在合理期限之前通知對方。因解除合同造成對方損失的,除不可歸責于肖像權人的事由外,應當賠償損失。
Article 1023 For an authorized use of another person’s name or the like, the relevant provisions on the authorized use of other’s images shall be applied mutatis mutandis. 第一千零二十三條??對姓名等的許可使用,參照適用肖像許可使用的有關規定。
For the protection of a natural person’s voice, the relevant provisions on the protection of the right to likeness shall be applied mutatis mutandis. 對自然人聲音的保護,參照適用肖像權保護的有關規定。
Chapter V Rights to Reputation and Rights to Honor 第五章??名譽權和榮譽權
Article 1024 A person of the civil law enjoys the right to reputation. No organization or individual may infringe upon other’s right to reputation by insultation, defamation, or the like. 第一千零二十四條??民事主體享有名譽權。任何組織或者個人不得以侮辱、誹謗等方式侵害他人的名譽權。
Reputation is a social evaluation of the moral character, prestige, talent, and credit of a person of the civil law. 名譽是對民事主體的品德、聲望、才能、信用等的社會評價。
Article 1025 A person whose act, such as reporting news or supervising public opinions or the like for public interest purposes, adversely affects the other’s reputation shall not bear civil liability except where one of the following situations exists: 第一千零二十五條??行為人為公共利益實施新聞報道、輿論監督等行為,影響他人名譽的,不承擔民事責任,但是有下列情形之一的除外:
(1) he has fabricated or distorted the facts; (一)捏造、歪曲事實;
(2) he has failed to fulfill the obligation to reasonably verify the seriously misrepresentative information provided by others; or (二)對他人提供的嚴重失實內容未盡到合理核實義務;
(3) he has used insulting words and the like to degrade the other’s reputation. (三)使用侮辱性言辭等貶損他人名譽。
Article 1026 To determine whether an actor has fulfilled the obligation to reasonably verify the information as provided in Subparagraph 2 of the preceding Article, the following factors shall be considered: 第一千零二十六條??認定行為人是否盡到前條第二項規定的合理核實義務,應當考慮下列因素:
(1) the credibility of the source of the information; (一)內容來源的可信度;
(2) whether the information that is clearly controversial has been fully investigated; (二)對明顯可能引發爭議的內容是否進行了必要的調查;
(3) the timeliness of the information; (三)內容的時限性;
(4) the relevance of the information with public order and good morals; (四)內容與公序良俗的關聯性;
(5) the likelihood that the victim’s reputation would be degraded; and (五)受害人名譽受貶損的可能性;
(6) his ability to verify and the cost for the verification of the information. (六)核實能力和核實成本。
Article 1027 Where a literary or artistic work published by an actor depicts real people and real events or a specific person, with insulting or defamatory content and thus infringes upon another persons’s right to reputation, the person whose right is infringed upon has the right to request the actor to bear civil liability in accordance with law. 第一千零二十七條??行為人發表的文學、藝術作品以真人真事或者特定人為描述對象,含有侮辱、誹謗內容,侵害他人名譽權的,受害人有權依法請求該行為人承擔民事責任。
Where a literary or artistic work published by an actor does not depict a specific person, but only some patterns of the story are similar to the situation of such person, the actor shall not bear civil liability. 行為人發表的文學、藝術作品不以特定人為描述對象,僅其中的情節與該特定人的情況相似的,不承擔民事責任。
Article 1028 Where a person of the civil law has evidence to prove that the content reported by a media, such as a newspaper, a periodical, or an online website, is inaccurate and thus infringes upon his reputation, he has the right to request the media to take necessary measures including making correction of or deleting the content in a timely manner. 第一千零二十八條??民事主體有證據證明報刊、網絡等媒體報道的內容失實,侵害其名譽權的,有權請求該媒體及時采取更正或者刪除等必要措施。
Article 1029 A person of the civil law may check his own credit report in accordance with law, and has the right to raise an objection and request correction, deletion, or other necessary measures to be taken where he discovers that the credit report is incorrect. The evaluators of his credit standing shall examine the report and take necessary measures in a timely manner if it is verified to be false. 第一千零二十九條??民事主體可以依法查詢自己的信用評價;發現信用評價不當的,有權提出異議并請求采取更正、刪除等必要措施。信用評價人應當及時核查,經核查屬實的,應當及時采取必要措施。
Article 1030 The provisions of this Book on the protection of personal information and the relevant provisions of other laws and administrative regulations shall be applied to the relationship between persons of the civil law and the credit information processors such as a credit reporting agency. 第一千零三十條??民事主體與征信機構等信用信息處理者之間的關系,適用本編有關個人信息保護的規定和其他法律、行政法規的有關規定。
Article 1031 A person of the civil law enjoys the right to honor. No organization or individual may unlawfully deprive others of their honorary titles or defame or degrade the honors thereof. 第一千零三十一條??民事主體享有榮譽權。任何組織或者個人不得非法剝奪他人的榮譽稱號,不得詆毀、貶損他人的榮譽。
Where an awarded honorary title of a person of the civil law should have been recorded, the person may request that it be so recorded. Where such an awarded honorary title is incorrectly recorded, the person may request that it be corrected. 獲得的榮譽稱號應當記載而沒有記載的,民事主體可以請求記載;獲得的榮譽稱號記載錯誤的,民事主體可以請求更正。
Chapter VI Rights to Privacy and Protection of Personal Information 第六章??隱私權和個人信息保護
Article 1032 A natural person enjoys the right to privacy. No organization or individual may infringe upon the other’s right to privacy by prying into, intruding upon, disclosing, or publicizing other’s private matters. 第一千零三十二條??自然人享有隱私權。任何組織或者個人不得以刺探、侵擾、泄露、公開等方式侵害他人的隱私權。
Privacy is the undisturbed private life of a natural person and his private space, private activities, and private information that he does not want to be known to others . 隱私是自然人的私人生活安寧和不愿為他人知曉的私密空間、私密活動、私密信息。
Article 1033 Unless otherwise provided by law or expressly consented to by the right holder, no organization or individual shall do the following acts: 第一千零三十三條??除法律另有規定或者權利人明確同意外,任何組織或者個人不得實施下列行為:
(1) intruding upon another person’s private life through making phone calls, sending text messages, using instant messaging tools, sending emails and flyers, and the like means; (一)以電話、短信、即時通訊工具、電子郵件、傳單等方式侵擾他人的私人生活安寧;
(2) entering into, taking photographs of, or peeping into other’s private spaces such as the residence or hotel room of another person; (二)進入、拍攝、窺視他人的住宅、賓館房間等私密空間;
(3) taking photographs of, peeping into, eavesdropping, or disclosing the private activities of another person; (三)拍攝、窺視、竊聽、公開他人的私密活動;
(4) taking photographs of or peeping at the private parts of another person’s body; (四)拍攝、窺視他人身體的私密部位;
(5) processing another person’s private information; and (五)處理他人的私密信息;
(6) infringing upon another person’s privacy through other means. (六)以其他方式侵害他人的隱私權。
Article 1034 A natural person’s personal information is protected by law. 第一千零三十四條??自然人的個人信息受法律保護。
Personal information is the information recorded electronically or in other ways that can be used, by itself or in combination with other information, to identify a natural person, including the name, date of birth, identification number, biometric information, residential address, telephone number, email address, health information, whereabouts, and the like, of the person. 個人信息是以電子或者其他方式記錄的能夠單獨或者與其他信息結合識別特定自然人的各種信息,包括自然人的姓名、出生日期、身份證件號碼、生物識別信息、住址、電話號碼、電子郵箱、健康信息、行蹤信息等。
The provisions on the right to privacy, or, in the absence of which, the provisions on the protection of personal information, shall be applied to the private personal information. 個人信息中的私密信息,適用有關隱私權的規定;沒有規定的,適用有關個人信息保護的規定。
Article 1035 The processing of personal information shall be in compliance with the principles of lawfulness, justification, and within a necessary limit, and shall not be excessively processed; meanwhile, the following conditions shall be satisfied; 第一千零三十五條??處理個人信息的,應當遵循合法、正當、必要原則,不得過度處理,并符合下列條件:
(1) consent has been obtained from the natural person or his guardian, unless otherwise provided by laws or administrative regulations; (一)征得該自然人或者其監護人同意,但是法律、行政法規另有規定的除外;
(2) the rules for processing information are publicized; (二)公開處理信息的規則;
(3) the purpose, method, and scope of the information processing are clearly indicated; and (三)明示處理信息的目的、方式和范圍;
(4) it is not in violation of laws or administrative regulations or against the agreement of both parties. (四)不違反法律、行政法規的規定和雙方的約定。
The processing of personal information includes the collection, storage, use, refinement, transmission, provision, disclosure, and the like, of the personal information. 個人信息的處理包括個人信息的收集、存儲、使用、加工、傳輸、提供、公開等。
Article 1036 When processing personal information, an actor shall not bear civil liability in any of the following situations: 第一千零三十六條??處理個人信息,有下列情形之一的,行為人不承擔民事責任:
(1) the actor reasonably performs the act to the extent that the natural person or his guardian consents to; (一)在該自然人或者其監護人同意的范圍內合理實施的行為;
(2) the actor reasonably processes the information disclosed by the natural person himself or the other information that has already been legally disclosed, unless the said person explicitly refuses or the processing of the information infringes upon a significant interest of the person; and (二)合理處理該自然人自行公開的或者其他已經合法公開的信息,但是該自然人明確拒絕或者處理該信息侵害其重大利益的除外;
(3) the actor reasonably performs the other acts to protect the public interest or the lawful rights and interests of the person. (三)為維護公共利益或者該自然人合法權益,合理實施的其他行為。
Article 1037 A natural person may retrieve or make copies of his personal information from the information processers in accordance with law. Where the person discovers that the information is incorrect, he has the right to raise an objection and request corrections or other necessary measures to be taken in a timely manner. 第一千零三十七條??自然人可以依法向信息處理者查閱或者復制其個人信息;發現信息有錯誤的,有權提出異議并請求及時采取更正等必要措施。
Where a natural person discovers that an information processer has violated the provisions of laws or administrative regulations, or breached the agreement between both parties while processing his personal information, he has the right to request the information processor to delete it in a timely manner. 自然人發現信息處理者違反法律、行政法規的規定或者雙方的約定處理其個人信息的,有權請求信息處理者及時刪除。
Article 1038 An information processor shall not disclose or tamper with the personal information he collects and stores, and shall not illegally provide to others the personal information of a natural person without the latter’s consent, unless the information, after being processed, cannot be used to identify any specific individual and cannot be restored to its original status. 第一千零三十八條??信息處理者不得泄露或者篡改其收集、存儲的個人信息;未經自然人同意,不得向他人非法提供其個人信息,但是經過加工無法識別特定個人且不能復原的除外。
An information processor shall take technical measures and other necessary measures to ensure the security of the personal information he collects and stores, and prevent the information from being leaked, tampered with, or lost. Where a person’s personal information has been or is likely to be leaked, tampered with, or lost, he shall take remedial measures in a timely manner, notify the natural persons concerned in accordance with the regulations, and report to the relevant competent authorities. 信息處理者應當采取技術措施和其他必要措施,確保其收集、存儲的個人信息安全,防止信息泄露、篡改、丟失;發生或者可能發生個人信息泄露、篡改、丟失的,應當及時采取補救措施,按照規定告知自然人并向有關主管部門報告。
Article 1039 State organs and the chartered institutions assuming administrative functions as well as their staff shall keep confidential the privacy and the personal information of natural persons known to them during the performance of their responsibilities, and shall not disclose or illegally provide it to others. 第一千零三十九條??國家機關、承擔行政職能的法定機構及其工作人員對于履行職責過程中知悉的自然人的隱私和個人信息,應當予以保密,不得泄露或者向他人非法提供。

This English translation comes from the NPC Website. In the near future, a more accurate English version translated by us will be available on China Laws Portal.