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Administrative Penalty Law of China (2021)


Type of laws Law

Issuing body Standing Committee of the National People's Congress

Promulgating date Jan 21, 2021

Effective date Jul 15, 2021

Validity status Valid

Scope of application Nationwide

Topic(s) Public Administration Administrative Procedure

Editor(s) Huang Yanling 黃燕玲

Law of the People's Republic of China on Administrative Penalty 中華人民共和國行政處罰法
(Adopted at the 4th Session of the Eighth National People's Congress on March 17, 1996;?amended for the first time in accordance with the?Decision on Amending Some Laws?adopted at the 10th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Eleventh National People's Congress on August 27, 2009;?amended for the second time in accordance with the?Decision on Amending the Judges Law of the People's Republic of China and Other Seven Laws?adopted at the 29th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Twelfth National People's Congress on September 1, 2017;?and revised at the 25th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Thirteenth National People's Congress on January 22, 2021) (1996年3月17日第八屆全國人民代表大會第四次會議通過 根據2009年8月27日第十一屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第十次會議《關于修改部分法律的決定》第一次修正 根據2017年9月1日第十二屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第二十九次會議《關于修改〈中華人民共和國法官法〉等八部法律的決定》第二次修正 2021年1月22日第十三屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第二十五次會議修訂)
Contents 目  錄
Chapter I General Provisions 第一章 總  則
Chapter II Types and Establishment of Administrative Penalties 第二章 行政處罰的種類和設定
Chapter III Organs Enforcing Administrative Penalties 第三章 行政處罰的實施機關
Chapter IV Jurisdiction over and Application of Administrative Penalties 第四章 行政處罰的管轄和適用
Chapter V Decision on Administrative Penalties 第五章 行政處罰的決定
Section 1 General Rules 第一節 一般規定
Section 2 Summary Procedure 第二節 簡易程序
Section 3 Ordinary Procedure 第三節 普通程序
Section 4 Hearing Procedure 第四節 聽證程序
Chapter VI?Enforcement?of Administrative Penalties 第六章 行政處罰的執行
Chapter VII Legal Responsibilities 第七章 法律責任
Chapter VIII Supplemental Provisions 第八章 附  則
Chapter I?General Provisions 第一章 總  則
Article 1?This Law is enacted in accordance with the Constitution for the purposes of standardizing the establishment and enforcement of administrative penalties, guaranteeing and supervising the effective administration by administrative organs, upholding public interests, maintaining public order, and protecting the lawful rights and interests of citizens, legal persons and other organizations. 第一條 為了規范行政處罰的設定和實施,保障和監督行政機關有效實施行政管理,維護公共利益和社會秩序,保護公民、法人或者其他組織的合法權益,根據憲法,制定本法。
Article 2?An administrative penalty refers to the act of an administrative organ punishing a citizen, legal person, or another organization in accordance with law for violation of administrative order by reducing?their?rights and interests or increasing?their?obligations. 第二條 行政處罰是指行政機關依法對違反行政管理秩序的公民、法人或者其他組織,以減損權益或者增加義務的方式予以懲戒的行為。
Article 3?The establishment and enforcement of administrative penalties shall be governed by this Law. 第三條 行政處罰的設定和實施,適用本法。
Article 4?An administrative penalty that?should?be imposed on a citizen, legal person or another organization for violation of administrative order shall be prescribed?by?laws, administrative regulations or government rules?in?accordance with?this Law and enforced by an administrative organ?in accordance with?the procedures prescribed in this Law. 第四條 公民、法人或者其他組織違反行政管理秩序的行為,應當給予行政處罰的,依照本法由法律、法規、規章規定,并由行政機關依照本法規定的程序實施。
Article 5?The principles of fairness and openness shall be followed for administrative penalties. 第五條 行政處罰遵循公正、公開的原則。
The establishment?and enforcement of administrative penalties must be based on facts and proportionate to the?facts,?nature, circumstances and degree of social harm?of?violations of law. 設定和實施行政處罰必須以事實為依據,與違法行為的事實、性質、情節以及社會危害程度相當。
Provisions on?the?imposition of?administrative penalties?for?violations of law?must be?published; and?unpublished?provisions shall not be taken as the basis for administrative penalties. 對違法行為給予行政處罰的規定必須公布;未經公布的,不得作為行政處罰的依據。
Article 6?In?enforcing?administrative penalties and?rectifying?violations of law, the combination of penalty?and?education shall be?adhered to, and citizens, legal persons or other organizations shall be educated to consciously?abide by?law. 第六條 實施行政處罰,糾正違法行為,應當堅持處罰與教育相結合,教育公民、法人或者其他組織自覺守法。
Article 7?Citizens, legal persons?or?other?organizations?on which?an?administrative penalty is?imposed by?an?administrative organ shall have the right to?make?a?statement?and the right to defend?against the penalty;?and?those?that refuse to accept?an?administrative penalty?shall have the right to apply for administrative reconsideration or?bring?an administrative lawsuit?in?accordance with?law. 第七條 公民、法人或者其他組織對行政機關所給予的行政處罰,享有陳述權、申辯權;對行政處罰不服的,有權依法申請行政復議或者提起行政訴訟。
A citizen, legal person or another organization?that?has?suffered damages?due to?an?administrative penalty?imposed by?an?administrative organ in violation of law shall have the right to demand compensation in accordance with law. 公民、法人或者其他組織因行政機關違法給予行政處罰受到損害的,有權依法提出賠償要求。
Article 8?A?citizen,?a?legal person or another organization?subject to?an?administrative penalty?for a violation of law?shall?also?assume civil liability in accordance with law?if the violation of law?has?caused?damages?to others. 第八條 公民、法人或者其他組織因違法行為受到行政處罰,其違法行為對他人造成損害的,應當依法承擔民事責任。
Where a violation of law constitutes?a crime?for which?criminal?liability?shall be investigated?in accordance with law,?an?administrative penalty?shall not be imposed in place of a?criminal penalty. 違法行為構成犯罪,應當依法追究刑事責任的,不得以行政處罰代替刑事處罰。
Chapter II?Types and?Establishment?of Administrative Penalties 第二章 行政處罰的種類和設定
Article 9?Administrative penalties shall include?the following types: 第九條 行政處罰的種類:
1. Warning?or?circulation of notice of criticism; (一)警告、通報批評;
2. Fines, confiscation of illegal gains,?or?confiscation of illegal property; (二)罰款、沒收違法所得、沒收非法財物;
3.?Suspending?licenses, lowering?the?qualification level,?or?revoking?licenses; (三)暫扣許可證件、降低資質等級、吊銷許可證件;
4. Restricting?production?or?business operation, ordering suspension of production?or?business, ordering closure?of business,?or?restricting?engagement in certain business operations; (四)限制開展生產經營活動、責令停產停業、責令關閉、限制從業;
5. Administrative detention; and (五)行政拘留;
6. Other administrative penalties as prescribed by laws and administrative regulations. (六)法律、行政法規規定的其他行政處罰。
Article 10?Various?types of administrative penalties may be?established?by?law. 第十條 法律可以設定各種行政處罰。
Administrative penalties?restricting?personal freedom shall be established only by law. 限制人身自由的行政處罰,只能由法律設定。
Article 11?Administrative penalties other than?the?restriction?of?personal freedom may be?established?by?administrative regulations. 第十一條 行政法規可以設定除限制人身自由以外的行政處罰。
Where administrative penalties?for?violation of law?have been?provided for?in laws and?specific provisions need to be?formulated?in administrative regulations, such provisions must be?formulated?within the scope of the acts subject to administrative penalties?and?within?the types?and range of such penalties?as prescribed in laws. 法律對違法行為已經作出行政處罰規定,行政法規需要作出具體規定的,必須在法律規定的給予行政處罰的行為、種類和幅度的范圍內規定。
Where a law does not prescribe administrative penalties for its?violations, such penalties may be supplemented by?the administrative regulations implementing?the?law. Where administrative penalties?are?to be supplemented,?opinions?shall be extensively?solicited?by hearings, demonstration meetings?and other means, and written explanations shall be made to the enacting?organ of the law. When administrative regulations are submitted for record, the supplementation of?administrative penalties shall be explained. 法律對違法行為未作出行政處罰規定,行政法規為實施法律,可以補充設定行政處罰。擬補充設定行政處罰的,應當通過聽證會、論證會等形式廣泛聽取意見,并向制定機關作出書面說明。行政法規報送備案時,應當說明補充設定行政處罰的情況。
Article 12?Local regulations may?establish?administrative penalties other than restriction of personal freedom and revocation of business licenses. 第十二條 地方性法規可以設定除限制人身自由、吊銷營業執照以外的行政處罰。
Where laws and administrative regulations?have already?prescribed?administrative penalties?on?violations?of law, and?it is?still?necessary to formulate specific provisions?on such penalties?in local regulations,?such provisions?must?be formulated?within the scope of the acts subject to administrative penalties?and?within?the types?and range of such penalties?as prescribed by laws and administrative regulations. 法律、行政法規對違法行為已經作出行政處罰規定,地方性法規需要作出具體規定的,必須在法律、行政法規規定的給予行政處罰的行為、種類和幅度的范圍內規定。
Where?laws?or?administrative?regulations?have no provisions on administrative penalties for their?violations, such penalties?may be?supplemented?by?local regulations?for the?implementation of?the?laws?and administrative regulations. Where?such?administrative penalties?are?to be supplemented,?opinions?shall be extensively?solicited?by hearings, demonstration meetings?and other means, and written explanations shall be made to the enacting?organs?of?the?laws and administrative regulations. When local regulations are submitted for record, the supplement?of?administrative penalties shall be explained. 法律、行政法規對違法行為未作出行政處罰規定,地方性法規為實施法律、行政法規,可以補充設定行政處罰。擬補充設定行政處罰的,應當通過聽證會、論證會等形式廣泛聽取意見,并向制定機關作出書面說明。地方性法規報送備案時,應當說明補充設定行政處罰的情況。
Article 13?Specific provisions?on administrative penalties may be prescribed in departmental?rules of the State Council within the scope of the acts subject to administrative penalties?and?within?the types?and range of such penalties?as prescribed by?relevant?laws and administrative regulations. 第十三條 國務院部門規章可以在法律、行政法規規定的給予行政處罰的行為、種類和幅度的范圍內作出具體規定。
For violations of administration order on which no laws or?administrative?regulations have been enacted, administrative penalties?such as?warning,?circulation of notice of criticism or certain amount of fines?may be?established?in the?departmental?rules of the State Council.?The limit of?the?fines?shall be prescribed by the State Council. 尚未制定法律、行政法規的,國務院部門規章對違反行政管理秩序的行為,可以設定警告、通報批評或者一定數額罰款的行政處罰。罰款的限額由國務院規定。
Article 14?Specific provisions on administrative penalties may be prescribed in local government rules within the scope of the acts subject to administrative penalties?and?within?the types?and range of such penalties?as prescribed by?relevant?laws and administrative regulations. 第十四條 地方政府規章可以在法律、法規規定的給予行政處罰的行為、種類和幅度的范圍內作出具體規定。
For?violations of administration order?on?which no laws or administrative regulations have been enacted, administrative penalties?such as?warning,?circulation of notice of criticism or?a?certain amount of fines?may be?established?by?local government?rules. The specific amount of?the?fines?shall be prescribed by the standing committees of the people's congresses of provinces, autonomous regions?or?municipalities directly under the Central Government. 尚未制定法律、法規的,地方政府規章對違反行政管理秩序的行為,可以設定警告、通報批評或者一定數額罰款的行政處罰。罰款的限額由省、自治區、直轄市人民代表大會常務委員會規定。
Article 15?Various departments?under?the State Council, people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions?and?municipalities directly under the Central Government and relevant departments shall organize the assessment of the enforcement and?the?necessity of administrative penalties?on a regular basis, and?put forward?suggestions on amending or repealing inappropriate?provisions on?matters,?types of administrative penalties and?the?amount of?fines. 第十五條 國務院部門和省、自治區、直轄市人民政府及其有關部門應當定期組織評估行政處罰的實施情況和必要性,對不適當的行政處罰事項及種類、罰款數額等,應當提出修改或者廢止的建議。
Article 16?No administrative penalty shall be?established?in any?normative?document other than laws, administrative regulations or government rules. 第十六條 除法律、法規、規章外,其他規范性文件不得設定行政處罰。
Chapter III?Organs?Enforcing Administrative Penalties 第三章 行政處罰的實施機關
Article 17?Administrative penalties?shall be enforced by administrative?organs?with the power of?imposing?administrative penalties?within the scope of?their?statutory functions?and powers. 第十七條 行政處罰由具有行政處罰權的行政機關在法定職權范圍內實施。
Article 18?The?State promotes?the establishment of a comprehensive administrative law enforcement system in urban management, market?regulation, ecological environment, cultural market, transportation, emergency management, agriculture and other fields, and relatively concentrates?the power of?the?administrative penalty. 第十八條 國家在城市管理、市場監管、生態環境、文化市場、交通運輸、應急管理、農業等領域推行建立綜合行政執法制度,相對集中行政處罰權。
The State Council or?the?people's government of a province, autonomous region, and municipality directly under the Central Government may decide?to have?one?administrative?organ?exercise?the?power of?imposing?administrative penalties?of?other?relevant administrative?organs. 國務院或者省、自治區、直轄市人民政府可以決定一個行政機關行使有關行政機關的行政處罰權。
The power of?the?administrative penalty that restricts personal freedom?shall?be exercised only by public security?organs?and other?organs?prescribed?by?law. 限制人身自由的行政處罰權只能由公安機關和法律規定的其他機關行使。
Article 19?An organization authorized by laws?or?administrative?regulations to manage public affairs may enforce administrative penalties within the scope of?its?statutory authorization. 第十九條 法律、法規授權的具有管理公共事務職能的組織可以在法定授權范圍內實施行政處罰。
Article 20?In accordance with the provisions of laws, administrative regulations or government rules, an administrative organ may, within the scope of its statutory authority, entrust in writing an organization that meets the conditions prescribed in Article 21 of this Law with?the?enforcement of administrative penalties. An administrative organ shall not entrust the enforcement of administrative?penalties?to any other organization or individual. 第二十條 行政機關依照法律、法規、規章的規定,可以在其法定權限內書面委托符合本法第二十一條規定條件的組織實施行政處罰。行政機關不得委托其他組織或者個人實施行政處罰。
The?letter of entrustment?shall specify the specific entrusted matter,?competence, time limit and other?matters of entrustment. The entrusting administrative organ and the entrusted organization shall announce the?letter of entrustment?to the public. 委托書應當載明委托的具體事項、權限、期限等內容。委托行政機關和受委托組織應當將委托書向社會公布。
The entrusting administrative organ shall be responsible for supervising the enforcement of administrative penalties by the entrusted organization and assume legal?responsibilities?for consequences of the enforcement. 委托行政機關對受委托組織實施行政處罰的行為應當負責監督,并對該行為的后果承擔法律責任。
An entrusted organization shall, within the scope of entrustment, enforce administrative penalties in the name of the entrusting administrative organ;?and?it?shall not re-entrust another organization or individual with?the?enforcement of administrative penalties. 受委托組織在委托范圍內,以委托行政機關名義實施行政處罰;不得再委托其他組織或者個人實施行政處罰。
Article 21?An entrusted organization must meet the following conditions: 第二十一條 受委托組織必須符合以下條件:
1.?It is formed?in accordance with law?and has the function of managing public affairs; (一)依法成立并具有管理公共事務職能;
2.?It is staffed with personnel who are familiar with relevant laws, administrative regulations?and?government rules and?experienced in the work, and who have obtained qualifications for administrative law enforcement; and (二)有熟悉有關法律、法規、規章和業務并取得行政執法資格的工作人員;
3. It?has the means to?organize?and conduct technical tests or technical appraisals where necessary. (三)需要進行技術檢查或者技術鑒定的,應當有條件組織進行相應的技術檢查或者技術鑒定。
Chapter IV?Jurisdiction?over?and Application of Administrative Penalties 第四章 行政處罰的管轄和適用
Article 22?Administrative penalties shall be under the jurisdiction of the administrative organs at the places where violations?of law?occur.?Where there are other?provisions?in laws, administrative regulations or departmental rules, those?provisions?shall apply. 第二十二條 行政處罰由違法行為發生地的行政機關管轄。法律、行政法規、部門規章另有規定的,從其規定。
Article 23?Administrative penalties shall be under the jurisdiction of administrative organs with the power of?the?administrative penalty under local people's governments at or above the county level.?Where there are other provisions in?laws?or?administrative regulations, those?provisions?shall apply. 第二十三條 行政處罰由縣級以上地方人民政府具有行政處罰權的行政機關管轄。法律、行政法規另有規定的,從其規定。
Article 24?The governments of?provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government may, in light of their actual circumstances, decide to?delegate?the power of?imposing?administrative penalties?of the departments?of?county-level people's governments, which?is urgently needed for grassroots management,?to township people's governments?or their?sub-district offices that are?able to?effectively?exercise this power, and?may?organize?the?assessment of?their?exercise of this power?on?a regular basis. The decision shall be made public. 第二十四條 省、自治區、直轄市根據當地實際情況,可以決定將基層管理迫切需要的縣級人民政府部門的行政處罰權交由能夠有效承接的鄉鎮人民政府、街道辦事處行使,并定期組織評估。決定應當公布。
Township people's governments?or their?sub-district offices that undertake the power of?imposing?administrative penalties?shall?enhance?their?law enforcement capacity, and?enforce?administrative penalties?within the prescribed scope?and?in accordance with?legal procedures. 承接行政處罰權的鄉鎮人民政府、街道辦事處應當加強執法能力建設,按照規定范圍、依照法定程序實施行政處罰。
Local people's governments and?their?departments shall strengthen organization and coordination, business guidance and law enforcement supervision, establish and improve?the?coordination and cooperation mechanism?for the?administrative penalty, and?perfect the?appraisal?and?evaluation?system. 有關地方人民政府及其部門應當加強組織協調、業務指導、執法監督,建立健全行政處罰協調配合機制,完善評議、考核制度。
Article 25?Where two or more administrative organs have jurisdiction?over?a same?case of?an?administrative penalty,?the case?shall be under the jurisdiction of the administrative organ?that first?files it. 第二十五條 兩個以上行政機關都有管轄權的,由最先立案的行政機關管轄。
Disputes over jurisdiction shall be resolved through negotiation, and if negotiation fails, a request shall be submitted to the?common?administrative organ at the next higher level for designation of jurisdiction;?and?the?common?administrative organ at the next higher level may?also?directly designate jurisdiction. 對管轄發生爭議的,應當協商解決,協商不成的,報請共同的上一級行政機關指定管轄;也可以直接由共同的上一級行政機關指定管轄。
Article 26?If necessary, an administrative organ may request assistance from?other?relevant?organs?for?the?enforcement of administrative penalties.?A?requested?organ shall provide the assistance in accordance with law if?the assistance matters fall within?its?functions. 第二十六條 行政機關因實施行政處罰的需要,可以向有關機關提出協助請求。協助事項屬于被請求機關職權范圍內的,應當依法予以協助。
Article 27?Where a violation of law is suspected of?constituting a?crime, the administrative organ?handling it?shall transfer the case to?a?judicial?organ?in a timely manner?for?investigation of?criminal?liability?in?accordance with?law. Where criminal?liability does not need to be investigated?or?it can be?exempted in accordance with law, but?an?administrative penalty?shall be imposed, the judicial organ shall transfer the case to?the?relevant administrative organ in a timely manner. 第二十七條 違法行為涉嫌犯罪的,行政機關應當及時將案件移送司法機關,依法追究刑事責任。對依法不需要追究刑事責任或者免予刑事處罰,但應當給予行政處罰的,司法機關應當及時將案件移送有關行政機關。
Organs?enforcing administrative penalties and judicial?organs?shall strengthen?the?coordination and cooperation?between them, establish and improve the case transfer system, strengthen the?linkage in the?transfer and reception of evidential?materials, and improve the case-handling information notification mechanism. 行政處罰實施機關與司法機關之間應當加強協調配合,建立健全案件移送制度,加強證據材料移交、接收銜接,完善案件處理信息通報機制。
Article 28?When enforcing an administrative penalty, an administrative organ shall order?the?party?concerned?to?rectify the violation of law?or?to do so?within a prescribed time limit. 第二十八條 行政機關實施行政處罰時,應當責令當事人改正或者限期改正違法行為。
The illegal gains obtained by a party,?other than those?that?should?be?returned?or?used for?compensation?in accordance with law,?shall be confiscated. “Illegal gains”?refers?to?the?gains?obtained from?a?violation of law. Where there are other?provisions?in laws, administrative regulations or?ministerial?rules concerning the calculation of illegal gains, those?provisions?shall apply. 當事人有違法所得,除依法應當退賠的外,應當予以沒收。違法所得是指實施違法行為所取得的款項。法律、行政法規、部門規章對違法所得的計算另有規定的,從其規定。
Article 29?The administrative?fine?shall not be?imposed more than once for?the same violation of law?by?a party. Where?an illegal act?violates several legal provisions, with each of them?imposing a?fine on such act,?the provision that imposes the?heaviest?fine shall apply. 第二十九條 對當事人的同一個違法行為,不得給予兩次以上罰款的行政處罰。同一個違法行為違反多個法律規范應當給予罰款處罰的,按照罰款數額高的規定處罰。
Article 30?Where?a minor under the age of 14 commits a violation of law, no administrative penalty shall be imposed on him, but his guardian shall be ordered to discipline and educate him;?and where?a minor who has reached the age of 14 but not the age of 18 commits a violation of law, a lighter or mitigated administrative penalty shall be imposed on him. 第三十條 不滿十四周歲的未成年人有違法行為的,不予行政處罰,責令監護人加以管教;已滿十四周歲不滿十八周歲的未成年人有違法行為的,應當從輕或者減輕行政處罰。
Article 31 Where a mental patient or an intellectually?handicapped?person?commits a violation of law at a time when he is unable to recognize or control his own conduct, no administrative penalty shall be imposed on him, but his guardian shall be ordered to keep him under close surveillance and arrange for his medical treatment.?Where?an intermittent mental patient commits a violation?of law?when he is?in a?normal?mental state, an administrative penalty shall be imposed on him. Where?a?mental patient or?intellectually?handicapped?person?who?has not yet completely lost his capacity?for recognizing?or controlling his?own conduct?commits?a violation of law, he?may be given?a?lighter or mitigated administrative penalty. 第三十一條 精神病人、智力殘疾人在不能辨認或者不能控制自己行為時有違法行為的,不予行政處罰,但應當責令其監護人嚴加看管和治療。間歇性精神病人在精神正常時有違法行為的,應當給予行政處罰。尚未完全喪失辨認或者控制自己行為能力的精神病人、智力殘疾人有違法行為的,可以從輕或者減輕行政處罰。
Article 32?A party shall be given a lighter or mitigated administrative penalty under?one of following circumstances: 第三十二條 當事人有下列情形之一,應當從輕或者減輕行政處罰:
1.He has taken the initiative to eliminate or?reduce?the harmful consequences?of?his?violation of law; (一)主動消除或者減輕違法行為危害后果的;
2.?He is coerced or?induced?by others into committing a violation of law; (二)受他人脅迫或者誘騙實施違法行為的;
3.?He has taken the initiative to confess his?violation of law?that has?not been known to?an?administrative organ; (三)主動供述行政機關尚未掌握的違法行為的;
4.?He has?performed?a?meritorious?service?in cooperation with?an?administrative organ in investigating?violations of law; or (四)配合行政機關查處違法行為有立功表現的;
5.Other circumstances under which a lighter or mitigated administrative penalty shall be given according to laws,?administrative?regulations?or?government rules. (五)法律、法規、規章規定其他應當從輕或者減輕行政處罰的。
Article 33?Where?a person commits a minor?violation of law, rectifies?it?in a timely manner,?and causes no harmful consequences, he shall be exempted from an administrative penalty.?Where a?person commits a violation of law?for the first time?causing slight harm, and?he?makes correction?in a timely manner,?he?may?be exempted from?an?administrative penalty. 第三十三條 違法行為輕微并及時改正,沒有造成危害后果的,不予行政處罰。初次違法且危害后果輕微并及時改正的,可以不予行政處罰。
No administrative penalty shall?be imposed on?a party?who?has sufficient evidence to prove that?he has?no subjective fault.?Where there are other?provisions?in laws?or?administrative regulations, those?provisions?shall apply. 當事人有證據足以證明沒有主觀過錯的,不予行政處罰。法律、行政法規另有規定的,從其規定。
Administrative organs?shall educate?parties?who commit?violations of law, but are?exempted from administrative penalties according to law. 對當事人的違法行為依法不予行政處罰的,行政機關應當對當事人進行教育。
Article 34?Administrative organs may develop?the?discretion benchmark for administrative penalties in accordance with law, and?standardize?the exercise of discretion for administrative penalties. The discretion benchmark for administrative penalties shall be made public. 第三十四條 行政機關可以依法制定行政處罰裁量基準,規范行使行政處罰裁量權。行政處罰裁量基準應當向社會公布。
Article 35?Where?a person commits?a violation of law?that?constitutes a crime?and is?sentenced to?criminal?detention or fixed-term imprisonment by a people's court,?if he has already been given the penalty of?administrative detention?for the same?violation?by?an?administrative organ,?the?term?of?the administrative?detention?shall be?deducted from?the term of?the criminal detention or?imprisonment?in accordance with?law. 第三十五條 違法行為構成犯罪,人民法院判處拘役或者有期徒刑時,行政機關已經給予當事人行政拘留的,應當依法折抵相應刑期。
Where?a person commits?a violation of law?that?constitutes a crime?and is?sentenced to a?criminal?fine by a people's court,?if an administrative fine has already been imposed?on him?by an?administrative organ?for the same?violation,?the amount of the criminal fine shall be?offset?by?the?administrative?fine?already?imposed;?if?an administrative?fine?has?not?yet been?imposed on the person?by an?administrative organ,?it?shall?no longer?be?imposed. 違法行為構成犯罪,人民法院判處罰金時,行政機關已經給予當事人罰款的,應當折抵相應罰金;行政機關尚未給予當事人罰款的,不再給予罰款。
Article 36?The?administrative penalty shall?not?be?imposed?for?a violation of law?that?has not been?discovered?within two years; where?such?violation?involves?the security of a?citizen’s life?or?health,?or?financial security, and has harmful consequences, the aforesaid?time?period shall be extended to five years, except as otherwise prescribed by law. 第三十六條 違法行為在二年內未被發現的,不再給予行政處罰;涉及公民生命健康安全、金融安全且有危害后果的,上述期限延長至五年。法律另有規定的除外。
The?time?period prescribed in the preceding paragraph shall be counted from the date on which the?violation of law?is committed;?and?if the?violation?is of a continual or continuous nature, it shall be counted from the date on which?the violation?is terminated. 前款規定的期限,從違法行為發生之日起計算;違法行為有連續或者繼續狀態的,從行為終了之日起計算。
Article 37?The enforcement of?an?administrative penalty shall be governed by the provisions of the laws,?administrative?regulations?or?government rules?effective at the time?when?a violation of law?occurs. However,?if?the laws,?administrative?regulations?or?government rules have been amended or repealed?when a decision on?the?administrative penalty is made, and the new provisions?impose a?lighter penalty?on?the violation?or?no longer?regard?it?as?violation of law,?the new provisions shall apply. 第三十七條 實施行政處罰,適用違法行為發生時的法律、法規、規章的規定。但是,作出行政處罰決定時,法律、法規、規章已被修改或者廢止,且新的規定處罰較輕或者不認為是違法的,適用新的規定。
Article 38?An?administrative penalty shall be invalid?if it has?no basis or?if?the subject?enforcing it?does not?qualify as?an administrative subject. 第三十八條 行政處罰沒有依據或者實施主體不具有行政主體資格的,行政處罰無效。
An?administrative penalty shall be invalid?if it is imposed in?violation of legal procedures?and?constitutes?a major and obvious violation of law. 違反法定程序構成重大且明顯違法的,行政處罰無效。
Chapter V?Decision on Administrative Penalties 第五章 行政處罰的決定
Section 1?General?Rules 第一節 一般規定
Article 39?Information?about?an administrative penalty?such as the enforcement?organ, case-filing basis, enforcement?procedure,?and?relief channels shall be made public. 第三十九條 行政處罰的實施機關、立案依據、實施程序和救濟渠道等信息應當公示。
Article 40?Where a citizen, legal person or another organization violates administrative order and?should?be given?an?administrative penalty according to?law,?the?relevant?administrative organ must?ascertain?the fact; and where the fact of violation?is?unclear and the evidence is insufficient, no administrative penalty shall be?imposed. 第四十條 公民、法人或者其他組織違反行政管理秩序的行為,依法應當給予行政處罰的,行政機關必須查明事實;違法事實不清、證據不足的,不得給予行政處罰。
Article 41An administrative organ that uses electronic monitoring equipment to collect and fix facts?of violation?of law?in accordance with laws and administrative regulations shall?undergo?legal and technical reviews to ensure that the electronic monitoring equipment meets the?relevant?standards?and is?reasonably?set?and clearly marked, and?that?the locations of electronic monitoring equipment?are made?public. 第四十一條 行政機關依照法律、行政法規規定利用電子技術監控設備收集、固定違法事實的,應當經過法制和技術審核,確保電子技術監控設備符合標準、設置合理、標志明顯,設置地點應當向社會公布。
Electronic monitoring equipment shall record facts of violation?of law?in an authentic, clear, complete and accurate manner.?Administrative organs?shall review the recorded content?to see?whether?it?satisfies?the requirements; and?those?that?are not?reviewed or fail to satisfy the requirements upon review shall not be used as the evidence for?an?administrative penalty. 電子技術監控設備記錄違法事實應當真實、清晰、完整、準確。行政機關應當審核記錄內容是否符合要求;未經審核或者經審核不符合要求的,不得作為行政處罰的證據。
An administrative organ shall notify?the?party concerned?of the facts of violation?of law?in a timely manner, and?use?information technology or?take?other measures to facilitate the party’s?inquiry, statement and defense.?It shall not restrict a party’s?right?of?statement?or?right?of?defense or?do so?in?a?disguised?form. 行政機關應當及時告知當事人違法事實,并采取信息化手段或者其他措施,為當事人查詢、陳述和申辯提供便利。不得限制或者變相限制當事人享有的陳述權、申辯權。
Article 42?Administrative penalties shall be enforced by law enforcement officers with?the?qualifications for administrative law enforcement.?Except as otherwise prescribed by law,?the?enforcement of an administrative penalty?shall be?carried out by?no less than two law enforcement officers. 第四十二條 行政處罰應當由具有行政執法資格的執法人員實施。執法人員不得少于兩人,法律另有規定的除外。
Law enforcement officers shall enforce law in a civilized manner, and respect and protect the lawful rights and interests of?the?parties?concerned. 執法人員應當文明執法,尊重和保護當事人合法權益。
Article 43?A law enforcement officer with direct interest relation or other relations?to?a case?that?may affect the?impartial?enforcement?of?law shall?withdraw from the handling of the case. 第四十三條 執法人員與案件有直接利害關系或者有其他關系可能影響公正執法的,應當回避。
A party to a case?believing that a law enforcement officer has direct interest relation or other relations?to the?case?that?may affect the?impartial?enforcement?of?law shall have the right to apply for?the?withdrawal?of the law enforcement officer?from the handling of the case. 當事人認為執法人員與案件有直接利害關系或者有其他關系可能影響公正執法的,有權申請回避。
Where a party to a case?applies for?the withdrawal of a law enforcement?officer?from handling?the?case,?the relevant?administrative organ shall review?the application?in accordance with law, and the person in charge of the administrative organ shall make a decision?thereon. Before a decision is made, the investigation?of the case?shall not be suspended. 當事人提出回避申請的,行政機關應當依法審查,由行政機關負責人決定。決定作出之前,不停止調查。
Article 44?Before making a decision on?an?administrative penalty,?an?administrative organ shall notify the party concerned?of the content of the administrative penalty to be?imposed, and the facts, reasons, and basis thereof,?as well as?his?rights to?make?a?statement, defend?himself,?and?request?a?hearing?and other rights?he?enjoys?according to?law. 第四十四條 行政機關在作出行政處罰決定之前,應當告知當事人擬作出的行政處罰內容及事實、理由、依據,并告知當事人依法享有的陳述、申辯、要求聽證等權利。
Article 45?A?party to a case?shall have the rights to?make?a?statement?and defend?himself. An administrative organ must fully hear the?party’s?opinions and review the facts, reasons and evidence put forward by the party; and?it shall adopt the?facts, reasons?and?evidence put forward by?the?party if they are established. 第四十五條 當事人有權進行陳述和申辯。行政機關必須充分聽取當事人的意見,對當事人提出的事實、理由和證據,應當進行復核;當事人提出的事實、理由或者證據成立的,行政機關應當采納。
An administrative organ shall not impose?a?heavier penalty?on a party?for making a?statement or defending himself. 行政機關不得因當事人陳述、申辯而給予更重的處罰。
Article 46?Evidence shall include: 第四十六條 證據包括:
1.Documentary evidence; (一)書證;
2.Physical evidence; (二)物證;
3.Audio-visual materials; (三)視聽資料;
4.Electronic data; (四)電子數據;
5.Witness testimony; (五)證人證言;
6.Statements of the parties; (六)當事人的陳述;
7.Expert?opinions; and (七)鑒定意見;
8.Survey transcripts and on-site disposition transcripts. (八)勘驗筆錄、現場筆錄。
Evidence must be verified to be true before it?can be?used as the basis for determining the case facts. 證據必須經查證屬實,方可作為認定案件事實的根據。
Evidence obtained by illegal means shall not be used as the basis for determining case facts. 以非法手段取得的證據,不得作為認定案件事實的根據。
Article 47?Administrative organs?shall record the?whole process of?an administrative penalty, including?initiation, investigation and evidence collection, review, decision?making, service?of decision and?enforcement?in?such?forms as?text, audio and video in accordance with law, and keep?such records?as archives. 第四十七條 行政機關應當依法以文字、音像等形式,對行政處罰的啟動、調查取證、審核、決定、送達、執行等進行全過程記錄,歸檔保存。
Article 48?Decisions on administrative penalties?that have certain social influence?shall?be?made public?in accordance with law. 第四十八條 具有一定社會影響的行政處罰決定應當依法公開。
Where a publicly announced?decision on?an?administrative penalty is changed, revoked,?or?confirmed?to be?illegal or invalid in accordance with law, the administrative organ?that has announced the decision?shall?withdraw the information on the decision and?publicly?explain the reasons?for the withdrawal?within three days. 公開的行政處罰決定被依法變更、撤銷、確認違法或者確認無效的,行政機關應當在三日內撤回行政處罰決定信息并公開說明理由。
Article 49?In the event of emergencies such as?the?outbreak?of a?major infectious disease, in order to control, reduce and eliminate the social?harm caused by the emergencies, administrative organs shall swiftly?impose a heavier?punishment on?those who violate the emergency response measures in accordance with law. 第四十九條 發生重大傳染病疫情等突發事件,為了控制、減輕和消除突發事件引起的社會危害,行政機關對違反突發事件應對措施的行為,依法快速、從重處罰。
Article 50?An?administrative organ and its staff members shall keep confidential in accordance with law the state secrets, trade secrets or personal privacy?which they come to know in?the enforcement of?an?administrative penalty. 第五十條 行政機關及其工作人員對實施行政處罰過程中知悉的國家秘密、商業秘密或者個人隱私,應當依法予以保密。
Section 2?Summary Procedure 第二節 簡易程序
Article 51?A?decision on?an?administrative penalty?may be made on the spot if?it involves the imposition?of?a fine of not more than?RMB?200 yuan on a citizen?or?not more than?RMB?3,000 yuan?on?a legal person or another organization,?or a warning,?and if the fact of violation of law is irrefutable and there is a legal basis for the decision.?Where there are other?provisions?in laws, those?provisions?shall apply. 第五十一條 違法事實確鑿并有法定依據,對公民處以二百元以下、對法人或者其他組織處以三千元以下罰款或者警告的行政處罰的,可以當場作出行政處罰決定。法律另有規定的,從其規定。
Article 52?A law enforcement officer?who?makes a decision on?an?administrative penalty on the spot shall?show?his law enforcement?ID card?to the party?concerned,?fill out?a written decision on?the?administrative penalty with predetermined format and a serial number, and deliver it to the party on the spot.?If?the?party refuses to sign?his name?for?the?receipt?of the?written decision on?the?administrative penalty,?this?fact?shall be indicated?in the written decision. 第五十二條 執法人員當場作出行政處罰決定的,應當向當事人出示執法證件,填寫預定格式、編有號碼的行政處罰決定書,并當場交付當事人。當事人拒絕簽收的,應當在行政處罰決定書上注明。
A written decision on?an?administrative penalty as prescribed in the preceding paragraph shall specify the?violation of law committed by?the party, the type of and basis for the administrative penalty, the amount?of fine,?the time and?place of?the administrative penalty, the?channels?and time limits?for applying for administrative reconsideration?or bringing?an?administrative lawsuit, and the name of the administrative organ?imposing the penalty, and?be?signed by?or?affixed with the?seal?of?the law enforcement officers. 前款規定的行政處罰決定書應當載明當事人的違法行為,行政處罰的種類和依據、罰款數額、時間、地點,申請行政復議、提起行政訴訟的途徑和期限以及行政機關名稱,并由執法人員簽名或者蓋章。
A decision on?an?administrative penalty made by?a?law enforcement officer on the spot shall be reported to the administrative organ?to which?the?law enforcement officer?belongs?for record. 執法人員當場作出的行政處罰決定,應當報所屬行政機關備案。
Article 53?A decision on?an?administrative penalty made on the spot shall be?carried out by the party in?accordance with?the provisions of?Articles?67 to 69 of this Law. 第五十三條 對當場作出的行政處罰決定,當事人應當依照本法第六十七條至第六十九條的規定履行。
Section 3?Ordinary Procedure 第三節 普通程序
Article 54?Except for the administrative penalties that may be imposed on the spot as prescribed in Article 51 of this Law, if an?administrative organ finds that?a citizen,?a?legal person or another organization?has committed an act for?which?an?administrative penalty shall be?imposed?in accordance with law, it?must conduct investigation in a comprehensive, objective and?impartial?manner and collect relevant evidence;?and where necessary, it?may conduct inspection?in?accordance with?the provisions of laws and?administrative?regulations. 第五十四條 除本法第五十一條規定的可以當場作出的行政處罰外,行政機關發現公民、法人或者其他組織有依法應當給予行政處罰的行為的,必須全面、客觀、公正地調查,收集有關證據;必要時,依照法律、法規的規定,可以進行檢查。
Where the standards for case-filing are met, the administrative organ shall file?a?case in a timely manner. 符合立案標準的,行政機關應當及時立案。
Article 55?When conducting investigation or inspection, a law enforcement officer shall show the parties or persons concerned his law enforcement?ID card.?A?party?or?a?person concerned shall have the right to request?law enforcement officers to produce law enforcement?ID cards.?Where?a law enforcement officer fails to produce?it,?a?party?or?a?person concerned shall have the right to refuse to accept?the?investigation or inspection. 第五十五條 執法人員在調查或者進行檢查時,應當主動向當事人或者有關人員出示執法證件。當事人或者有關人員有權要求執法人員出示執法證件。執法人員不出示執法證件的,當事人或者有關人員有權拒絕接受調查或者檢查。
A party or?a?person concerned shall truthfully answer questions and assist in the investigation or inspection, and shall not refuse or obstruct the investigation or inspection. Transcripts shall be made for the questioning?or inspection. 當事人或者有關人員應當如實回答詢問,并協助調查或者檢查,不得拒絕或者阻撓。詢問或者檢查應當制作筆錄。
Article 56?When collecting evidence, an administrative organ may obtain evidence through sampling; and under circumstances?where?the evidence may be destroyed?or?lost or?become?difficult?to?obtain?later,?the administrative organ?may,?with approval of the person in charge of?it,?first?register the evidence?for?preservation, and make a?timely?decision on?the?disposition of the evidence?within seven days, during?which?period?the parties or persons concerned shall not destroy or transfer the evidence. 第五十六條 行政機關在收集證據時,可以采取抽樣取證的方法;在證據可能滅失或者以后難以取得的情況下,經行政機關負責人批準,可以先行登記保存,并應當在七日內及時作出處理決定,在此期間,當事人或者有關人員不得銷毀或者轉移證據。
Article 57?After?the?conclusion of an investigation, the person in charge of an administrative organ shall examine the investigation results and make?one of?the following decisions in light of different circumstances: 第五十七條 調查終結,行政機關負責人應當對調查結果進行審查,根據不同情況,分別作出如下決定:
1.To impose?an?administrative penalty in light of the seriousness and the specific circumstances of the case where a violation of law has?indeed?been committed and for which?an?administrative penalty?should?be imposed; (一)確有應受行政處罰的違法行為的,根據情節輕重及具體情況,作出行政處罰決定;
2. Not?to impose?an?administrative penalty where a violation of law is minor and?the?administrative penalty?can be exempted?according to law; (二)違法行為輕微,依法可以不予行政處罰的,不予行政處罰;
3.Not?to impose?an?administrative penalty where the facts?of?violation of law are not established;?or (三)違法事實不能成立的,不予行政處罰;
4.?To transfer the case to a judicial organ where a violation of law is suspected of constituting a crime. (四)違法行為涉嫌犯罪的,移送司法機關。
Before imposing an administrative penalty for a violation of law which is of a complicated or grave nature, the leading members of an administrative organ shall make a collective decision through discussion. 對情節復雜或者重大違法行為給予行政處罰,行政機關負責人應當集體討論決定。
Article 58?Under one of the following circumstances, a decision on?an?administrative penalty?must undergo a?legal review?by?a?person?responsible for?legal review?of?decisions?on administrative penalties?before?it?is made by?the person in charge of?an?administrative organ;?and?no decision shall be made without?undergoing or passing?a legal review: 第五十八條 有下列情形之一,在行政機關負責人作出行政處罰的決定之前,應當由從事行政處罰決定法制審核的人員進行法制審核;未經法制審核或者審核未通過的,不得作出決定:
1.A major public interest?is?involved; (一)涉及重大公共利益的;
2.?The case is?directly related to the major rights and interests of a party or a third person?and has undergone?a?hearing procedure; (二)直接關系當事人或者第三人重大權益,經過聽證程序的;
3.The case is complicated and involves multiple legal relations; or (三)案件情況疑難復雜、涉及多個法律關系的;
4.Other circumstances under which legal review shall be conducted as prescribed in laws and?administrative?regulations. (四)法律、法規規定應當進行法制審核的其他情形。
The?staff member of an administrative organ that conducts the legal review of a decision?on?an?administrative penalty for the first time shall pass the National Unified?Legal Professional?Qualification Examination and obtain the legal professional?qualification. 行政機關中初次從事行政處罰決定法制審核的人員,應當通過國家統一法律職業資格考試取得法律職業資格。
Article 59?To impose an administrative penalty according to the provisions of Article 57 of this Law, an administrative organ shall?prepare?a written decision on?the?administrative penalty. A written decision on?the?administrative penalty shall specify the following particulars: 第五十九條 行政機關依照本法第五十七條的規定給予行政處罰,應當制作行政處罰決定書。行政處罰決定書應當載明下列事項:
1.The name or title, and address of the party?concerned; (一)當事人的姓名或者名稱、地址;
2.The facts and evidence?of?the violation of law,?administrative?regulations?or?government rules; (二)違反法律、法規、規章的事實和證據;
3.The type and basis?of?the?administrative penalty; (三)行政處罰的種類和依據;
4.The manner of and time limit for?carrying out?the?administrative penalty; (四)行政處罰的履行方式和期限;
5.The channels?and time limits?for applying for administrative reconsideration?or bringing?an administrative lawsuit; and (五)申請行政復議、提起行政訴訟的途徑和期限;
The title of the administrative organ that makes the decision on?the?administrative penalty and the date on which the decision is made. (六)作出行政處罰決定的行政機關名稱和作出決定的日期。
A written decision on?an?administrative penalty must?be affixed with?the seal of the administrative organ that makes the decision. 行政處罰決定書必須蓋有作出行政處罰決定的行政機關的印章。
Article 60?An administrative organ shall make a decision on?an?administrative penalty within 90 days of the date of filing a case of?the?administrative penalty.?Where there are other?provisions?in laws, administrative regulations or?government?rules, those?provisions?shall apply. 第六十條 行政機關應當自行政處罰案件立案之日起九十日內作出行政處罰決定。法律、法規、規章另有規定的,從其規定。
Article 61?A written decision on?an?administrative penalty shall be delivered to?a?party on the spot after announcement;?and?where the party is absent, the administrative organ shall, within seven days, serve the written decision on?the?administrative penalty on the party in accordance with the relevant provisions of the?Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China. 第六十一條 行政處罰決定書應當在宣告后當場交付當事人;當事人不在場的,行政機關應當在七日內依照《中華人民共和國民事訴訟法》的有關規定,將行政處罰決定書送達當事人。
Where?a?party agrees and signs a confirmation letter,?an?administrative organ may serve the written decision on?the?administrative penalty on the party by fax, e-mail,?or?other means. 當事人同意并簽訂確認書的,行政機關可以采用傳真、電子郵件等方式,將行政處罰決定書等送達當事人。
Article 62 A?decision on?an?administrative penalty shall not be made?where an administrative organ and its law enforcement officers?fail to notify the party of the content of the administrative penalty to be?imposed, and the facts, reasons, and basis thereof?in?accordance with?the provisions of?Articles 44 and 45 of this Law, or refuse to hear the statement or defense of the party before making?the?decision, except where?the party explicitly waives the right to?make?a?statement?or defend himself. 第六十二條 行政機關及其執法人員在作出行政處罰決定之前,未依照本法第四十四條、第四十五條的規定向當事人告知擬作出的行政處罰內容及事實、理由、依據,或者拒絕聽取當事人的陳述、申辯,不得作出行政處罰決定;當事人明確放棄陳述或者申辯權利的除外。
Section 4?Hearing Procedure 第四節 聽證程序
Article 63?Before making decisions on?one of?the following?administrative penalties, an administrative organ shall notify the party?concerned?of?his?right to request a hearing, and where?the?party requests a hearing, the administrative organ shall organize?one: 第六十三條 行政機關擬作出下列行政處罰決定,應當告知當事人有要求聽證的權利,當事人要求聽證的,行政機關應當組織聽證:
1.A relatively large fine; (一)較大數額罰款;
2.Confiscating relatively large amount of illegal gains?or?illegal property of relatively?high?value; (二)沒收較大數額違法所得、沒收較大價值非法財物;
3.Lowering the level?of?qualification?or?revoking?a?license; (三)降低資質等級、吊銷許可證件;
4. Ordering?the?suspension of production or business,?ordering the?closure?of business,?or?restricting engagement in certain business operations; (四)責令停產停業、責令關閉、限制從業;
5.Other relatively?heavy?administrative penalties; or (五)其他較重的行政處罰;
6.Other circumstances as prescribed in laws, administrative regulations or government rules. (六)法律、法規、規章規定的其他情形。
當事人不承擔行政機關組織聽證的費用。 A?party shall not?bear?the expenses for the hearing held by?an?administrative organ.
Article 64?A hearing shall be organized?according to?the following procedures: 第六十四條 聽證應當依照以下程序組織:
1.To request a hearing, a party shall submit the request within five days after being notified by the administrative organ; (一)當事人要求聽證的,應當在行政機關告知后五日內提出;
2.The?administrative organ shall notify the party and persons concerned of the time and place for holding a hearing seven days before?it?is held; (二)行政機關應當在舉行聽證的七日前,通知當事人及有關人員聽證的時間、地點;
3.Except for?those involving?state secrets, trade secrets, or personal privacy that shall be kept confidential in accordance with law, a hearing shall be held in public; (三)除涉及國家秘密、商業秘密或者個人隱私依法予以保密外,聽證公開舉行;
4.?A?hearing shall be presided over by a person designated by?the?administrative organ other than?an?investigator of the case; if?the?party believes that?a?person has a direct interest in the current case, he shall have the right to apply for?the?withdrawal?of that?person; (四)聽證由行政機關指定的非本案調查人員主持;當事人認為主持人與本案有直接利害關系的,有權申請回避;
5.A?party may participate in?a?hearing in person, or he may entrust one or two persons to act?as his agent(s) in it; (五)當事人可以親自參加聽證,也可以委托一至二人代理;
6.Where a party?or?his agent refuses?to attend?a?hearing without justifiable?reasons or withdraws?from?it?without permission, it shall be deemed that he has?waived the right to?a?hearing, and the administrative organ shall terminate the hearing; (六)當事人及其代理人無正當理由拒不出席聽證或者未經許可中途退出聽證的,視為放棄聽證權利,行政機關終止聽證;
7.At?a?hearing, the investigator shall state the facts of?the?party's violation?of law, produce evidence and offer suggestion on?the?administrative penalty, and the party shall defend himself and make cross-examination; and (七)舉行聽證時,調查人員提出當事人違法的事實、證據和行政處罰建議,當事人進行申辯和質證;
8. Transcripts shall be made for a hearing. The transcripts shall?be?signed by?or?affixed with the?seal of the party or his agent(s)?after verification thereby. Where the party or his agent refuses to sign?his name?or affix?his?seal,?this fact?shall be indicated in the transcripts by the presider of the hearing. (八)聽證應當制作筆錄。筆錄應當交當事人或者其代理人核對無誤后簽字或者蓋章。當事人或者其代理人拒絕簽字或者蓋章的,由聽證主持人在筆錄中注明。
Article 65?After?the?conclusion of a hearing,?an?administrative organ shall, on the basis of the transcripts?of the?hearing, make a decision in accordance with the provisions of Article 57 of this Law. 第六十五條 聽證結束后,行政機關應當根據聽證筆錄,依照本法第五十七條的規定,作出決定。
Chapter VI?Enforcement of Administrative Penalties 第六章 行政處罰的執行
Article 66?After a?decision on?an?administrative penalty?is?made in accordance with law,?it shall?be?carried out by the party?within the time limit specified in the written decision on?the?administrative penalty. 第六十六條 行政處罰決定依法作出后,當事人應當在行政處罰決定書載明的期限內,予以履行。
Where?a?party?truly?has?financial difficulties and needs?to postpone the payment of?a?fine or?to?make payment in installments,?he may do so?after applying?to and obtaining?approval of the administrative organ. 當事人確有經濟困難,需要延期或者分期繳納罰款的,經當事人申請和行政機關批準,可以暫緩或者分期繳納。
Article 67?Administrative organs?that make decisions?on fines?shall be separated from the?organs?that collect fines. 第六十七條 作出罰款決定的行政機關應當與收繳罰款的機構分離。
An?administrative organ making decisions?on administrative penalties?and its law enforcement officers shall not collect?by themselves?any?fine other than those to be collected on the spot?in?accordance with?the provisions of?Articles 68 and 69 of this Law. 除依照本法第六十八條、第六十九條的規定當場收繳的罰款外,作出行政處罰決定的行政機關及其執法人員不得自行收繳罰款。
A party shall, within 15 days from the date of receipt of a written decision on?an?administrative penalty, pay?the?fine to the designated bank or through the electronic payment system. The bank shall accept?the?fine and turn?it?over directly to the state treasury. 當事人應當自收到行政處罰決定書之日起十五日內,到指定的銀行或者通過電子支付系統繳納罰款。銀行應當收受罰款,并將罰款直接上繳國庫。
Article 68?Where a decision on?an?administrative penalty is made on the spot in accordance with the provisions of Article 51 of this Law, a law enforcement officer may collect?the?fine on the spot under one?of?the following circumstances: 第六十八條 依照本法第五十一條的規定當場作出行政處罰決定,有下列情形之一,執法人員可以當場收繳罰款:
1.A fine of not more than 100 yuan is?imposed?in accordance with law; and (一)依法給予一百元以下罰款的;
2.?If the fine is not collected on the spot,?it?will be?difficult to?enforce?the decision?afterwards. (二)不當場收繳事后難以執行的。
Article 69?Where, after a decision on?a?fine is made by an administrative organ and its law enforcement officers?in accordance with the provisions of?Articles 51 and 57 of this Law, it is?truly?difficult for?a?party to pay the fine to the designated bank or through the electronic payment system in a?place which is?remote, on water or?not easily?accessible, the administrative organ and its law enforcement officers?may,?at the?request?of?the party, collect the fine on the spot. 第六十九條 在邊遠、水上、交通不便地區,行政機關及其執法人員依照本法第五十一條、第五十七條的規定作出罰款決定后,當事人到指定的銀行或者通過電子支付系統繳納罰款確有困難,經當事人提出,行政機關及其執法人員可以當場收繳罰款。
Article 70?An administrative organ and its law enforcement officers?that collect a fine on the spot must issue a special receipt uniformly made by the public finance department under the State Council or the public finance department of the people's government of?a?province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government; where no special receipt uniformly made by?a?public finance department is issued, the party shall have the right to refuse to pay the fine. 第七十條 行政機關及其執法人員當場收繳罰款的,必須向當事人出具國務院財政部門或者省、自治區、直轄市人民政府財政部門統一制發的專用票據;不出具財政部門統一制發的專用票據的,當事人有權拒絕繳納罰款。
Article 71?A fine collected by a law enforcement officer on the spot shall be turned over to?an?administrative organ within two days from the date on which the fine?is?collected;?a?fine collected on the spot on water shall be turned over to?an?administrative organ within two days from the date of landing; and the administrative organ shall turn over the fine to the designated bank within two days. 第七十一條 執法人員當場收繳的罰款,應當自收繳罰款之日起二日內,交至行政機關;在水上當場收繳的罰款,應當自抵岸之日起二日內交至行政機關;行政機關應當在二日內將罰款繳付指定的銀行。
Article 72?Where a party fails to?carry out?a decision on?an?administrative penalty within the prescribed time limit, the administrative organ making the decision may adopt the following measures: 第七十二條 當事人逾期不履行行政處罰決定的,作出行政處罰決定的行政機關可以采取下列措施:
1.Imposing an additional fine at the rate of 3% of the?original?fine on a daily basis where a fine is not paid within the prescribed time limit,?but?the amount of the additional fine shall not exceed the amount of the?original?fine that?should?be paid; (一)到期不繳納罰款的,每日按罰款數額的百分之三加處罰款,加處罰款的數額不得超出罰款的數額;
2.Selling by auction?or lawfully disposing of?sealed up?or?seized property, or debiting frozen deposits?or?remittance to offset the fine in accordance with law; (二)根據法律規定,將查封、扣押的財物拍賣、依法處理或者將凍結的存款、匯款劃撥抵繳罰款;
3.Adopting other administrative compulsory enforcement methods in accordance with law; or (三)根據法律規定,采取其他行政強制執行方式;
4.Applying to?a?people's court for compulsory enforcement in accordance with the provisions of the Administrative?Enforcement?Law of the People's Republic of China. (四)依照《中華人民共和國行政強制法》的規定申請人民法院強制執行。
Where an administrative organ approves?the postponement of?payment of?a?fine?or?payment of?a?fine in installments, the time limit for applying to the people's court for compulsory enforcement shall be calculated from the end of the time limit for the?postponement of?payment?of the fine?or payment of?the?fine in installments. 行政機關批準延期、分期繳納罰款的,申請人民法院強制執行的期限,自暫緩或者分期繳納罰款期限結束之日起計算。
Article 73?Where a party refuses to accept a decision on?an?administrative penalty and applies for administrative reconsideration or brings an administrative lawsuit, enforcement of the administrative penalty shall not be?suspended, except as otherwise prescribed by law. 第七十三條 當事人對行政處罰決定不服,申請行政復議或者提起行政訴訟的,行政處罰不停止執行,法律另有規定的除外。
Where a party refuses to accept a decision on administrative penalty?that?restricts?personal freedom, and applies for administrative reconsideration or brings an administrative lawsuit, he may file an application with the organ?that has?made?the decision for?a?suspension of?enforcement. Where?the application meets?the?conditions?prescribed in law,?the?enforcement shall be suspended. 當事人對限制人身自由的行政處罰決定不服,申請行政復議或者提起行政訴訟的,可以向作出決定的機關提出暫緩執行申請。符合法律規定情形的,應當暫緩執行。
Where a party applies for administrative reconsideration or brings an administrative lawsuit,?an?additional?fine?shall?not be calculated?during the period of administrative reconsideration or administrative lawsuit. 當事人申請行政復議或者提起行政訴訟的,加處罰款的數額在行政復議或者行政訴訟期間不予計算。
Article 74 With?the exception of?the articles that shall be destroyed in accordance with law, the illegal property confiscated in accordance with law must be sold by public auction or disposed of in accordance with relevant?State?regulations. 第七十四條 除依法應當予以銷毀的物品外,依法沒收的非法財物必須按照國家規定公開拍賣或者按照國家有關規定處理。
Fines, confiscated illegal gains or money obtained from?the?auction of confiscated illegal property shall be turned over to the state treasury in?full, and no administrative organ or individual shall, by any means, withhold?such property or money,?share?it?out privately, or do so in?a?disguised form. 罰款、沒收的違法所得或者沒收非法財物拍賣的款項,必須全部上繳國庫,任何行政機關或者個人不得以任何形式截留、私分或者變相私分。
Fines, confiscated illegal gains or money obtained from?the?auction of confiscated illegal property shall not be linked to the?performance appraisal?or evaluation of?the?administrative organ making the decision on?the?administrative penalty or its staff members?either?directly or in?a?disguised?form. Except those?that?shall be?returned?or?paid as?compensation?in accordance with law, no public finance department shall, by any means,?give?the?fines?collected, illegal gains?confiscated, or?the?money obtained from?the?auction of confiscated?illegal property?back?to the administrative organ?that has?made the?decision on?the?administrative penalty. 罰款、沒收的違法所得或者沒收非法財物拍賣的款項,不得同作出行政處罰決定的行政機關及其工作人員的考核、考評直接或者變相掛鉤。除依法應當退還、退賠的外,財政部門不得以任何形式向作出行政處罰決定的行政機關返還罰款、沒收的違法所得或者沒收非法財物拍賣的款項。
Article 75?Administrative organs shall establish and improve?a?supervisory system for administrative penalties.?People's governments at or above the county level shall organize and carry out?appraisal?and?evaluation?of administrative law enforcement on a regular basis, strengthen the supervision over and?inspection of administrative penalties, and?standardize?and guarantee the enforcement of administrative penalties. 第七十五條 行政機關應當建立健全對行政處罰的監督制度。縣級以上人民政府應當定期組織開展行政執法評議、考核,加強對行政處罰的監督檢查,規范和保障行政處罰的實施。
Administrative organs shall accept social supervision when enforcing administrative penalties. A citizen, legal person or another organization shall have the right to file an appeal?or accusation against an administrative penalty enforced by an administrative organ; and the administrative organ shall?carefully?examine the appeal or accusation, and?take the initiative to?make correction upon discovery of any error. 行政機關實施行政處罰應當接受社會監督。公民、法人或者其他組織對行政機關實施行政處罰的行為,有權申訴或者檢舉;行政機關應當認真審查,發現有錯誤的,應當主動改正。
Chapter VII?Legal?Responsibilities 第七章 法律責任
Article 76?Where an administrative organ imposes an administrative penalty under?one?of the following circumstances,?it shall be ordered by?an?administrative organ at?a?higher level or?a?relevant?organ?to make correction, and the directly responsible persons?in charge?of?it?and other directly responsible persons?shall be given?disciplinary?sanctions in accordance with law: 第七十六條 行政機關實施行政處罰,有下列情形之一,由上級行政機關或者有關機關責令改正,對直接負責的主管人員和其他直接責任人員依法給予處分:
1.There is no statutory basis for?the?administrative penalty; (一)沒有法定的行政處罰依據的;
2.The type?or?range of?the?administrative penalty is changed without?authorization; (二)擅自改變行政處罰種類、幅度的;
3.The statutory procedures for?the?administrative penalty?are violated; (三)違反法定的行政處罰程序的;
4.The provisions of Article 20 of this Law concerning entrusting?the?enforcement of?the?penalty are violated; or (四)違反本法第二十條關于委托處罰的規定的;
5.A law enforcement offer has not obtained the law enforcement?ID card. (五)執法人員未取得執法證件的。
An administrative organ failing to file a case that meets the standards for case-filing in a timely manner shall be?dealt with?in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph. 行政機關對符合立案標準的案件不及時立案的,依照前款規定予以處理。
Article 77?Where an administrative organ, when imposing?a?penalty?on a party,?fails to use receipts for fines or confiscation of property,?or uses receipts that are not made by the statutory department, the party?concerned?shall have the right to refuse?to accept?the penalty?and file an accusation?against it, the illegal receipts used?by it?shall?be?confiscated?and destroyed by an?administrative organ at a higher level or?a?relevant?organ, and the directly?responsible?persons in charge?of it?and other directly?responsible?persons?shall be given disciplinary sanctions?in accordance with law. 第七十七條 行政機關對當事人進行處罰不使用罰款、沒收財物單據或者使用非法定部門制發的罰款、沒收財物單據的,當事人有權拒絕,并有權予以檢舉,由上級行政機關或者有關機關對使用的非法單據予以收繳銷毀,對直接負責的主管人員和其他直接責任人員依法給予處分。
Article 78?Where an administrative organ collects fines?by itself?in violation of?the provisions of Article 67 of this Law,?or?a public finance department?gives?the?fines?collected, illegal gains confiscated or auction proceeds?obtained by an?administrative organ?back?to the?administrative organ?in violation of the provisions of Article 74 of this Law,?it?shall be ordered by an?administrative organ at a higher level or?a?relevant department?to make correction, and the directly responsible persons in charge?of it?and other directly responsible persons?shall be given disciplinary sanctions?in accordance with law. 第七十八條 行政機關違反本法第六十七條的規定自行收繳罰款的,財政部門違反本法第七十四條的規定向行政機關返還罰款、沒收的違法所得或者拍賣款項的,由上級行政機關或者有關機關責令改正,對直接負責的主管人員和其他直接責任人員依法給予處分。
Article 79?Where?an administrative organ withholds?or privately shares?out?fines?or?confiscated?illegal gains or property or?does so?in a disguised?form, the?fines,?confiscated?illegal gains or property?shall be recovered by a?public finance department or?another?relevant?organ?and the directly responsible persons?in charge of it?and other directly responsible persons?shall be given disciplinary sanctions?in accordance with law; where the circumstances are serious and a crime is constituted, criminal?liability?shall be investigated in accordance with law. 第七十九條 行政機關截留、私分或者變相私分罰款、沒收的違法所得或者財物的,由財政部門或者有關機關予以追繳,對直接負責的主管人員和其他直接責任人員依法給予處分;情節嚴重構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。
A law enforcement officer?who?takes?advantage of his?position to?ask for or accept property?from another person,?or take?into his own?possession?the?fines collected shall be?investigated for?criminal?liability?in accordance with law?if such an act?constitutes?a crime;?or he?shall be given?disciplinary?sanctions in accordance with law?if?the offense is minor and?does?not constitute a crime. 執法人員利用職務上的便利,索取或者收受他人財物、將收繳罰款據為己有,構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任;情節輕微不構成犯罪的,依法給予處分。
Article 80?Where an administrative organ uses or destroys sealed up?or?seized property,?thereby causing?losses to?a?party, it?shall make compensation in accordance with law, and the directly responsible persons?in charge?of it?and other directly responsible persons shall be given?disciplinary?sanctions in accordance with law. 第八十條 行政機關使用或者損毀查封、扣押的財物,對當事人造成損失的,應當依法予以賠償,對直接負責的主管人員和其他直接責任人員依法給予處分。
Article 81?Where an administrative organ?violates law in?implementing?inspection measures or enforcement measures,?thereby causing?personal or property damages?to a citizen or losses to a legal person or another organization, it?shall make compensation in accordance with law, and the directly responsible persons?in charge?of it?and other directly responsible persons shall be given?disciplinary?sanctions in accordance with law; and where the circumstances are serious and a crime is constituted, criminal?liability?shall be investigated in accordance with law. 第八十一條 行政機關違法實施檢查措施或者執行措施,給公民人身或者財產造成損害、給法人或者其他組織造成損失的,應當依法予以賠償,對直接負責的主管人員和其他直接責任人員依法給予處分;情節嚴重構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。
Article 82?Where an administrative organ does?not transfer?a?case to?a?judicial organ for investigation of criminal?liability?as?it?should?in accordance with law,?but?imposes?an?administrative penalty?in place of a?criminal penalty,?it shall be ordered by an?administrative organ at a higher level or?another?relevant?organ?to make correction,?and?the directly responsible persons in charge?of it?and other directly responsible persons shall be given disciplinary sanctions in accordance with law; and where the circumstances are serious and a crime is constituted, criminal?liability?shall be investigated?in?accordance with?law. 第八十二條 行政機關對應當依法移交司法機關追究刑事責任的案件不移交,以行政處罰代替刑事處罰,由上級行政機關或者有關機關責令改正,對直接負責的主管人員和其他直接責任人員依法給予處分;情節嚴重構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。
Article 83?Where an administrative organ fails to?stop?and punish?an?illegal act that?should?be?stopped?and punished, thus causing?damages?to the lawful rights and interests of a citizen, a legal person or another organization, public interests,?or?social order, the directly responsible persons?in charge?of it?and other directly responsible persons shall be given?disciplinary?sanctions in accordance with law; and where the circumstances are serious and a crime is constituted, criminal?liability?shall be investigated in accordance with law. 第八十三條 行政機關對應當予以制止和處罰的違法行為不予制止、處罰,致使公民、法人或者其他組織的合法權益、公共利益和社會秩序遭受損害的,對直接負責的主管人員和其他直接責任人員依法給予處分;情節嚴重構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。
Chapter VIII?Supplementary Provisions 第八章 附  則
Article 84?This Law shall apply to foreign nationals, stateless persons, and foreign organizations?that commit?violations of law?in the territory of the People's Republic of China?and?that?should?be given?administrative penalties, except as otherwise prescribed by law. 第八十四條 外國人、無國籍人、外國組織在中華人民共和國領域內有違法行為,應當給予行政處罰的,適用本法,法律另有規定的除外。
Article 85?For the purposes of this Law,?the terms?“two days,” “three days,” “five days,” and “seven days”?refer to?working days, excluding legal holidays. 第八十五條 本法中“二日”“三日”“五日”“七日”的規定是指工作日,不含法定節假日。
Article 86?This Law shall come into force?as of?July 15, 2021. 第八十六條 本法自2021年7月15日起施行。

This English translation comes from the PRC National People’s Congress Official Website. In the near future, a more accurate English version translated by us will be available on China Laws Portal.