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46 Essential Websites to Learn China's Legal and Judicial System

Sun, 09 Aug 2020
Categories: Insights
Editor: C. J. Observer



To learn more about the Chinese legal and judicial system, you can visit the websites of official bodies and institutions, as well as news websites with official backgrounds.

While only a few websites have content in both English and Chinese, most of them have Chinese content only. For the latter, you can read them with the help of a web translation tool.

I.Official Government Resources in both English and Chinese

1. National People’s Congress 中國人大網 (China’s Congress)

English: http://www.npc.gov.cn/englishnpc/index.shtml 

Chinese: http://www.npc.gov.cn  

2. State Council 中國政府網 (China’s central government )

English: http://english.www.gov.cn/ 

Chinese: http://www.gov.cn/ 

3. Supreme People’s Court 中國最高人民法院(China’s supreme court)

English: http://english.court.gov.cn/ 

Chinese: http://www.court.gov.cn/ 

4. China International Commercial Court 最高人民法院國際商事法庭

English: http://cicc.court.gov.cn/html/1/219/index.html 

Chinese: http://cicc.court.gov.cn/ 

5. The Intellectual Property Court of Supreme People’s Court 最高人民法院知識產權法庭

English: http://ipc.court.gov.cn/en-us/index.html 

Chinese: http://ipc.court.gov.cn/zh-cn/index.html 

6. Ministry of Justice 司法部

English: http://en.moj.gov.cn/ 

Chinese: http://www.moj.gov.cn/ 

II. Official Government Resources in Chinese

7. Supreme People's Procuratorate 最高人民檢察院


8. Ministry of Public Security 公安部


9. National Migration Authority 國家移民管理局


10. All China Lawyers Association 中華全國律師協會


11. China Law Society 中國法學會


III. Judicial Services Online in Chinese

12. Supreme People's Court Litigation Service Online最高人民法院訴訟服務網


13. China Judicial Process Information online 中國審判流程信息網


14. China Civil Litigation Enforcement Information Disclosure Online 中國執行信息公開網


15. China Court Trial Live Broadcast Online 中國庭審公開網


16. China Judgments Online 中國裁判文書網


17. National Enterprise Bankruptcy Information Disclosure Platform 全國企業破產重組案件信息網


18. People's Court Mediation Platform 人民法院調解平臺


19. People's Court Judicial Sale online 人民法院訴訟資產網


20. People’s Court Announcement Online 人民法院公告網 


21. China Foreign-related Commercial and Maritime Trial 中國涉外商事海事審判網


22. China Prosecution Service Online 中國檢察網 


IV. Local Courts Websites in both English and Chinese

23. Beijing Internet Court 北京互聯網法院

English: https://english.bjinternetcourt.gov.cn/   

Chinese: https://www.bjinternetcourt.gov.cn/ 

24. Shanghai High People's Court上海高級人民法院

English: http://www.hshfy.sh.cn/shfy/English/  

Chinese: http://www.hshfy.sh.cn/shfy/gweb2017/index.html 

25. Shanghai No.2 Intermediate People’s Court上海市第二中級人民法院

English: http://www.shezfy.com/english/index.html  

Chinese: http://www.shezfy.com/index.html 

26. Shanghai Financial Court 上海金融法院

English: http://shjrfy.hshfy.sh.cn/jrfy/English/index.jsp  

Chinese: http://shjrfy.hshfy.sh.cn/jrfy/gweb/index.jsp 

27. Shanghai Intellectual Property Court 上海知識產權法院

English: http://www.shzcfy.gov.cn/en/index.jhtml  

Chinese: http://www.shzcfy.gov.cn/en/index.jhtml 

28. Hangzhou Internet Court杭州互聯網法院

English: https://www.netcourt.gov.cn/?lang=En  

Chinese: https://www.netcourt.gov.cn/ 

29. Shanghai Maritime Court上海海事法院

English: https://shhsfy.gov.cn/hsfyywwx/hsfyywwx/index.html?d=1595344771396 

Chinese: https://shhsfy.gov.cn/hsfyytwx/hsfyytwx/ 

30. Xiamen Maritime Court廈門海事法院

English: http://www.xmhsfy.gov.cn/pub/hsfyywb/index.htm

Chinese: http://www.xmhsfy.gov.cn/index.aspx 

31. Qingdao Maritime Court青島海事法院

English: http://qdhsfy.sdcourt.gov.cn/eportal/ui?pageId=4967663  

Chinese: http://qdhsfy.sdcourt.gov.cn/ 

32. Ningbo Maritime Court寧波海事法院

English: https://via.nbhsfy.cn/engweb/index.html 

Chinese: https://www.nbhsfy.cn/court/index.aspx 

33. Dalian Maritime Court大連海事法院

English: http://www.dlhsfy.gov.cn/en/index.php  

Chinese: http://www.dlhsfy.gov.cn/court/ 

34. Tianjin Maritime Court 天津海事法院

English: http://entjhsfy.chinacourt.gov.cn/index.shtml  

Chinese: http://tjhsfy.chinacourt.gov.cn/index.shtml 

35. China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone Court上海浦東區人民法院自貿區法庭

English: http://www.ftzcourt.gov.cn/zmqweb/en/indexEN.jsp  
 Chinese: http://www.ftzcourt.gov.cn/zmqweb/index.jsp 

36. China (Fujian) Free Trade Zone Xiamen Huli District Court中國福建自貿區廈門湖里法庭)

English: http://www.hlcourt.gov.cn/hlft/ywb/  

Chinese: http://www.hlcourt.gov.cn/hlft/index.htm 

37. Chongqing Liangjiang New Area People’s Court (Chongqing Pilot Free Trade Zone People’s Court)重慶兩江新區人民法院(重慶自由貿易試驗區人民法院)

English: http://enljxqfy.chinacourt.gov.cn/index.shtml  

Chinese: http://ljxqfy.chinacourt.gov.cn/index.shtml 

38. Zhuhai Hengqin New District People's Court珠海橫琴新區人民法院

English: http://www.hqcourt.gov.cn/en-us/ 

Chinese: http://www.hqcourt.gov.cn/ 

39. Shenzhen Qianhai Cooperation Zone People's Court深圳前海合作區人民法院

English: http://en.szqhcourt.gov.cn/  

Chinese: http://www.szqhcourt.gov.cn/ 

V. Online Databases and Legal News in Chinese

40. Database of Chinese Laws and Regulations - Ministry of Justice 司法部中國法律法規數據庫


41. State Council Policy Documents Database 國務院政策文件數據庫


42. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Treaty Collection 外交部條約數據庫(List of treaties to which China is a party)


43. Legal Daily 法制網 (Comprehensive legal news in China)


44. People's Court Daily 人民法院網 (China’s court-themed news)


45. China Prosecutor Daily正義網 (China’s prosecutor-themed news)


46. China Police Daily 中國警察網 (China’s police-themed news)


Cover Photo by Clement Souchet (https://unsplash.com/@windclems) on Unsplash


Contributors: Guodong Du 杜國棟

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