On 29 Sept. 2021, the 13th Standing Committee of Zhejiang Provincial People’s Congress passed the “Decision of the Standing Committee of the Zhejiang Provincial People's Congress on the Tackling of Online False Information” (hereinafter referred to as the “Decision”, 浙江省人民代表大會常務委員會關于網絡虛假信息治理的決定).
The Decision defines false information, requires the establishment of a mechanism for combating online false information, guides the related promotion and education, and sets forth targeted provisions against internet frauds as well.
As online false information involves various fields and industries, the Decision strengthens the mechanism for combating online false information from three aspects:
(1) Governments at all levels shall establish a mechanism for combating online false information, and incorporate it into the law-based network governance system at the same level;
(2) All competent departments should fulfill their specific duties for combating online false information; and
(3) Authorities in charge of cyberspace should work with relevant departments to establish and improve cross-departmental and cross-regional law enforcement cooperation mechanisms.
Cover Photo by Art Chen (https://unsplash.com/@otakism) on Unsplash
Contributors: CJO Staff Contributors Team