On 31 May 2021, China’s Supreme People’s Court (SPC) held a press conference to release ten Typical Cases involving the Internet, covering a wide range of disputes, including those over IP rights infringement, unfair competition, contracts, and crimes of infringing copyright.
Among them, the case of Hangzhou Huatai Media Culture Media Co., Ltd. v. Shenzhen Daotong Technology Development Co., Ltd. concerning the dispute over the infringement on the right of communication of information on networks (杭州華泰一媒文化傳媒有限公司訴深圳市道同科技發展有限公司侵害作品信息網絡傳播權案) ((2018) Zhe 0192 Min Chu No. 81) heard by Hangzhou Internet Court was China's first case where blockchain technology was used for evidence deposition. After examining the qualification of depository platforms, the credibility of forensics technology used for the infringing webpage, and the integrity of electronic evidence deposition through blockchain technology, the court clarified the determination of the validity of blockchain, taking it as a new type of electronic evidence. The court also summarized the basic rules for determining the validity of such electronic evidence in accordance with the provisions of the Electronic Signature Law.
Cover Photo by Jie Mi (https://unsplash.com/@jimmymi) on Unsplash
Contributors: CJO Staff Contributors Team