On 23 June 2021, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the proposed “Notice on Strengthening the Cybersecurity of Telematics (Intelligent Networked Vehicles) (Draft for Public Comment) (關于加強車聯網(智能網聯汽車)網絡安全工作的通知(征求意見稿)) to gather public opinions until 2 July 2021.
The Notice aims to strengthen the cybersecurity management of telematics (intelligent connected vehicles), enhance the ability to safeguard cybersecurity, and promote the standardized and healthy development of the industry of intelligent connected vehicles.
The Notice regulates the development, utilization, and sharing of data, and emphasizes that data resources shall be developed and used reasonably to prevent infringements on users' right to privacy and right to know when automatic decision-making technology is applied to process data.
To implement the requirements of the Cybersecurity Law of the People's Republic of China, the Notice requires strengthening the security management of data transmitted abroad. Personal information and important data that are collected and generated within the territory of the People's Republic of China shall be stored within the territory in accordance with the law. Where it is necessary to transmit data abroad due to business needs, the relevant companies shall pass security assessment for data to be transmitted abroad and report to the competent authorities of telecommunications, industry, and information technology at the provincial level for the record. The provincial telecommunications authorities shall work with the industry and information technology authorities for the record filing, security assessment, supervision, and inspection of data to be transmitted abroad.
Cover Photo by Harrison Qi (https://unsplash.com/@harix) on Unsplash
Contributors: CJO Staff Contributors Team