One can find out here about the integrity information of all lawyers in China.
Recently, China’s National Platform for Lawyers’ Integrity Information (NPLII) has been in online operation.
The public can log on to the website of NLII ( to inquire about information of full-time and part-time lawyers and firms nationwide including basic facts, annual assessment, awards, and penalties.
This platform was jointly developed by China’s Ministry of Justice (MOJ), the regulatory authority of lawyers, and the All China Lawyers Association (ACLA), the self-regulatory organization of Chinese lawyers.
The “Opinions on Deepening the Reform of the Lawyer System” (關于深化律師制度改革的意見) in 2016 has already required the establishment of a sound system for recording and publicizing information on the integrity of the lawyers.
The development of the NPLII started in 2019. In the mid-Nov. 2021, the platform launched a public test run and now has been in operation officially.
Cover Photo by Barry Zhou on Unsplash
Contributors: CJO Staff Contributors Team