On 27 Feb. 2024, China’s national legislature, the National People’s Congress, passed the newly revised “Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Protection of State Secrets” (中華人民共和國保守國家秘密法, hereinafter the “PSS Law”), which came into force on 1 May 2024. This is the second revision since the Law was enacted in 1988.
The revised PSS Law further improves the system of information classification and declassification, emphasizes secrecy in technological innovation and protection, and strengthens the precise protection of state secrets.
The highlights of the Law are as follows.
- The scope of classified matters shall be determined under the principle of necessity and reasonableness through scientific evaluation and shall be promptly adjusted to changing conditions.
- Organs and entities shall review the state secrets they have identified on an annual basis. A state secret shall be automatically declassified if the specified period of classification expires.
- The state shall promote and support the research and application of secrecy science and technology, enhance the capability for independent innovation, and protect intellectual property rights in the secrecy field according to the law.
Photo by Rafik Wahba on Unsplash
Contributors: CJO Staff Contributors Team