On 16 Mar. 2023, the Information Office of China’s State Council released a white paper on “China’s Law-Based Cyberspace Governance in the New Era” (hereinafter the “White Paper”,新時代的中國網絡法治建設).
The White Paper introduces China’s cyber legislation, law enforcement, and administration of justice in cyberspace.
In the second part after the preface, “Consolidating the Legal System for Cyberspace Governance” introduces China’s cyber legislation. China has promulgated more than 140 laws on cyberspace, covering online content construction and management, cybersecurity, and information technology.
The third part, “Keeping Order in a Rule-Based Cyberspace” covers China’s cyber law enforcement, such as personal information protection, intellectual property protection, regulation of online markets, cybersecurity, and information dissemination.
The fourth part, “Defending Fairness and Justice in Cyberspace” involves China’s cyber justice, such as the substantive law rules concerning cyber matters, the procedural rules of E-Justice, the punishment of cyber crimes and other matters.
Cover Photo by Wilfredo Wesly on Unsplash
Contributors: CJO Staff Contributors Team