On 23 Sept. 2021, the General Office of the State Council issued the “14th Five-year Plan for Universal Medical Security” (hereinafter referred to as the “Plan”, “十四五”全民醫療保障規劃), which is the first five-year plan in the field of medical security in China.
The Plan sets the objectives that by 2025, the medical security system will be more mature and finalized, and reform tasks in important mechanisms such as payment from the medical insurance fund, and supervision of funds as well as in key fields such as the supply of medical services and management of medical insurance will have been basically completed.
Previously, China's National Healthcare Security Administration and other seven authorities released in September the “Pilot Plan for Deepening Medical Service Pricing Reform” (hereinafter referred to as the “Pilot Plan”, 深化醫療服務價格改革試點方案), and designated five cities for the pilot reform.
The Pilot Plan clarifies to explore ways to improve the control of total volume, the price classification, dynamic price adjustment, etc. Under the pricing classification mechanism, the prices of general items generally carried out by hospitals will be controlled by the government; the prices of complex items with big difficulties and with major differences will be led by the government in cooperation with multiple parties, and the prices of public hospital services will be formed within the given total volume and rules.
Cover Photo by James Wheeler on Unsplash
Contributors: CJO Staff Contributors Team